Alan's Gift

Hayashi Sakura looked at her phone, dumbfounded, as she was re-reading Sushi Roll's last two messages over and over again.

What the heck does he mean by that?

Sakura proceeds to type her query away, but she finds herself hesitating, then continuing, and stops again in the middle of a sentence.

She keeps doing that for at least a minute now until she realizes that it is now getting ridiculous. A few minutes had passed and she still hadn't constructed a sentence.

Darn. What is wrong with her fingers right now? This is Sushi Roll right now, her online friend with whom she could confide almost everything about her for the past few months since her breakup with Yamamoto Ryuuji.

She never felt awkward asking anything to him, and he is like that too. Funny how those two simple sentences have brought an immediate change in the atmosphere between them quite easily.