No Update Today

(Hi, author here. As soon as you read the title, I wanted you to skip this one since I am still not able to finish doing the update with this annoying colds I am dealing with. 

I will post this as soon as I am done with it. I only made this substitute chappie in case I won't make it in time.)


"Li Meilin?"


Zhao Chen and Mi Wei looked at each other after greeting their friend at the door as soon as she heard her ringing it.

Their faces had the same confused expressions plastered all over it.

"You didn't mention bringing in that guy over here," Zhao Chen can't resist pointing out Lim Xian's unexpected presence standing right next to Li Meilin currently.

"What's the Black Prince doing here anyway?" Mi Wei tried to whisper, but Lim Xian could very well hear their voices from.behind.