Chapter 2

A click of a finger on her face awakens her from remembering what had happened back then. She remembered it all. That's why she is in this situation right now.

"what! Are you just going to stare at me? Speak up Dianne !!" the stranger yielded at her irritatingly. Her head also heated up. In all her life she had never been scolded. And she didn't like the charisma of the man in front of her. She regrets why did she praise him earlier.

"Who are you !!! ?? and why did you call me Dianne? !!!" She shouted back at him. He stared at her and slowly approach her.

"Don't you know me? Or you're just pretending ?." His gaze dropped to hers, she suddenly felt nervous. What will he do? Lord, is this my dead end? She thinks he is even dangerous than the armed men who chased her last night.

"Don't ever try to run away Dianne, you'll get to have a taste punishment from me once you do that. Enough of your rebellion." softly but with heaviness to every word he spoke.

"Are you crazy? I'm not Dianne, I'm Lie Who are you by the way? If you don't believe me, where is my knapsack bag and my IDs are there!!!." She bravely cut off what he had to say. Only If her body is not feeling weak, she would have beaten this Gorilla to the core.

"I don't have time for your excuses. Take a break and prepare yourself for your daughter's arrival." Arrogantly, he turned around and left the room.

Blah blah blah 'Grrr !!!!. She didn't listen to the last thing he said, she just wants to land her flying kick to his and beat him leaving him breathless. 'Get ready you monkey, wait until my strength back. You can taste your blood from my beatings.' She is better just go to sleep first, later she'll think about how to get out and escape here. 'Where am I ?. Am I still in Manila?' she uttered. She closed her eyes to just open it again. She is not used to just lay down, she cannot sleep. Living like this bore her to death, she understands the feeling of the patients at the hospital who were sick. She and Lynne knew that. Often because of pain, patients are grumpy, showing tantrums most of the time. Especially the elderly, they usually cannot sleep peacefully. And so is she, she's one of them. She sighs, she remembered her friend. How is she?, did she know what happened to her?... 'What is happening to me?' She closed her eyes again.' Lord, did I commit a great sin in my past life? Why am I being pursued by the armed in the present life?' She talked to herself as if she was going crazy forever. 'No, I'm brave, I can do it, just sleep Lie, sleep.'


She was surprised when the door suddenly opened and a little girl showed up. So cute .... She called me wwwhaaaatt !!!? ... mommy? ... she was more surprised when she hugged her.

"Mommy !!!, thank you and you came back, I promise, Shine will behave," she said sobbing which gives her a pang on her chess. "Every day, I prayed to the Lord to bring you back to me," she said crying. 'Shine? So, this is what the monkey Shine is referring to?


"Huh?" she stared at her unknowingly what to say. She's not yet fully recovered from the surprise she just had. But truly, she is a very beautiful child. But why am I being called mommy by her? She saw the joy in her eyes, a child longing for a mother's love. What happened to her mother? Where is she now? Why did she leave such an innocent child?

"Mommy, don't you remember me ?, I'm Shine Lienne Wesley, ... I miss you, Mommy, don't leave, Shine will be sad when you leave again. I love you Mommy" she hugged her again. She is so graceful and bright child. What is her story by the way? she is so young to experience all these. She couldn't help but hug her back and carry her to her lap. Who can refuse an angel like her?

"Ahm, Shine?"

"Yes, Mommy?"

"What is your Mommy's name?"

"Rianne Dianne Wesley, and it's you, Mommy, no one else" she replied kissing her on the cheek. She smiled. What a very sweet child.

She was puzzled why she was mistaken for Dianne? First, it was that monkey who didn't even bother to introduce himself. The second was Shine, who was so sure that she is her mother, not even a doubt.

"How old are you Shine?" she asked.

"I'm three years old Mommy," she replied showing her three fingers indicating she's three. If she happens to have a child like her, she will gladly accept her wholeheartedly, it's not bad to be a single mother anyway. Men are not women's loss, they're all asholles. 'Your bitterness is back Lie' said her conscience. She frowned. 'I don't care.'

"M-mommy !!! ...." she was surprised when she looked at the child.

"W-why .., why are you crying?" She felt pity for the child. She hugged her and caressed her back.

"Because, you don't recognize me, what happened to you Mommy?, and why are you in bed ?, did bad guys hit you? ... I hate them, they're bad, Someday I will be a Policewoman so that I can defend you from bad guys Mommy," she said then hugged her tightly, still sobbing.

"Shoes, hush now baby," she said.

How can she explain to this child that she is not her mother?. What she hates most of all is to sew a lie. She hates liars. She doesn't tell lies. She stands steadfastly with her principal. She is not going to lie to this child, she will explain herself and maybe she will understand despite her age. She's a bright, lovely, and sweet child. She knows she will understand.

"It's good that you two now have met." she was awakened from her deep thinking when she heard the voice of the monkey. Oh yeah, she remembered her naming him Gorilla. Perfect.


"Hey Gorilla !!!" she shockingly replied.

"Who's Gorilla?" His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her.

"You, Oh no, you're a monkey.No.'s n-nothing, are you a mushroom that appears unknowingly? you scare the hell out of me!!!" she shouted stammering.

"Daddy !!!" Shine let go of her hug and went to the newcomer.

She was stunned again by the revelation. Shine called him Daddy. She patched up the situation. That means his wife is Dianne. Wow! .. just wow!, I suddenly became a mommy and a wife which made Gorilla her husband in an instant. Wow really, wow!

"Daddy, Mommy is sick !!" Shine said sadly.

"I know baby,... I know" he said looking at her. His expression was soft, unlike before when they first met. She couldn't get what does his stares meant. Was it because she slipped her tongue calling him Gorilla? Oh, he liked it? Good.

But she still hates this gorilla.

"Why is Mommy doesn't know me, Daddy?"

"We will find out baby, will ask her doctor for it, don't be sad okay?" he explained

"Yes Daddy,!" she answered gracefully.

"Very good, now it's time for you to eat and sleep. Let's go to the dining"

"Will Mommy join us?" Shine askes innocently.

"No baby, Mommy's body is still aching and she will have her dinner in bed," he answered.

"Okay!, bye Mommy, get well soon, I want to sleep with you the soonest."

"You can sleep with me tonight baby if you want," she said.

She felt sorry for the child. She likes it when she called her mommy. She feels something special in it. The touch of her small hands, her small arms wrapping around her body. The warmth within, she feels it. Is this what a mother feels towards her child?

" Oh, really Mommy?"

He nodded smiling at her here in response.

"Yehey!!, can Daddy sleep with us too?"

'What???!, No way' she instantly declines silently.

Confused, she was confused as to what to answer to the child. She looked at Gorilla, a smile covering his aura. She glared at him.

"I'm so sorry baby, but daddy can't."

"But why? "and there they go with the chained questions from this child. She has to keep it in her head, to never go to war unprepared with this child. Unending questions, you'll surely encounter.

"Baby, Let's go." Gorilla caught the child's attention.

He bends slightly to her, meeting her gaze. And there she is again with the unfamiliar feeling. She felt nervous all of the sudden, she feels her stomach scrambling again and she felt like defecating.

"Let's talk later after I am done with Shine" that's all he said and went out.

She took a sigh of relief. She felt that the room was too crowded when the Gorilla is around. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. 7:00 pm. Did she sleep that long? She has to prepare for the conversation she and Gorilla would have.