Chapter 1: HELLZONE project step 1 (introduction and stat screen)






What was project 'HELLZONE' that the system told me about whatever it is it doesn't sound very friendly to me. it said my main objective is to 'graduate as the top weapon' so perhaps this is some sort of military school. Quite honestly that would be the best option considering the quest.

[project HELLZONE: this project gathered children at the age of 4 with high magic talent from poor families. There goal is to create a human weapon to surpass all other human weapons. You were one of these children given the label 066.

Each child is subjected to different experiments. You were selected because of your magic mutation a small pair of white horns on your head and rapid regenerative properties.

Are you ready to be deploying?

Yes / No]

'Well as gramps always said no time like the present and the more you delay it the more problems await!' I hit the confirmation button and saw my once dull vision have colour return to it.


In a white room 3 men dressed in white robes sat surrounding a medical table. On this table a young girl could be seen she had long flowing purple hair that If one looked close enough you could almost see stars in her hair. Her eyes open yet showing no consciousness her eyes were wine red

Doctor 1: this specimen is truly unique her physiology does not even require for her to eat food yet she still grows. Any theories on this gentleman.

Doctor 2: if I were to make as assumption perhaps her excess of of 'Mana' is making up for lack of nutrients and helping her grow like a STEM cell perhaps?

Doctor 1: I agree with you the STEM cells theory may also help explain her quite frankly absurd regeneration speed. At one point we accidentally scratched her heart with a scalpel whilst trying to open her up but it healed instantaneously from an injury that would easily kill any normal human.

Doctor 3: truly a masterpiece do you think we could keep her? Even with her innate advantages her odds of survival or still almost inexistent when she is a vegetable. She is like the holy grail for medicine.

Doctor 1: not likely though the boss well... he's rather obsessed with the project honestly.

doctor 3: well time for our coffee break. So 2 how's your wife doing these days heard your expecting a child congratulations!


In the same room not long after the 3 'doctors' had left the girls eyes began showing signs of intelligence.



'Ugh what happened why does my body feel like I just got crushed by a crate again.' What I saw shocked me both my wrists and ankles were clamped to what I could only presume was a metal table of some sorts.

The only thing in my vision was the ceiling and some strands of purple hair. 'Damn so it wasn't a dream I really was reincarnated! If I wasn't currently stuck in this situation I'd be cheering with joy and glee'

Looking around me i saw the room was pure white with various tubes and strange machines with needles in almost every corner of the room. 'If the equipment is anything to guess by I'm assuming this place is either a hospital or some psychotic Bastards experimentation lab'

Well I knew that if I didn't get strong and fast I'd realised that Armageddon difficulty was Called that for a reason. As I thought of a way to escape my golden finger appeared before me my system.

[name: 066

Gender: female

Class: ???

Race: demon/progenitor vampire




[Geass (level max)]: your geass allows you to implant memories aswell as alter and remove the memories of those you make eye contact with. (066: this is highly useful perhaps I can alter the Bastards who locked me here to set me free? No the objective was to 'graduate' as the top weapon so that's not an option)

[mid regeneration (level 6/10)]: as Someone with vampire blood you can regenerate at a rapid pace. And as long as you have the severed limb it can be reattached to you. This regeneration is significantly reduced against magic attacks and when under direct sunlight. (066: damn so that's probably why I survived so long in this shit hole)

[demon/vampire physique (passive)]: as a vampire turned demon you will stop aging at your peak age. You shall not die of age, hunger or dehydration. Your body is naturally clean and flawless

[Demon sword Asuramaru]: you have your old body and can summon it at Will to fight for you has all its abilities that you can use: Sword skills: [locked]

[innate insanity (passive)]: you are already insane mental corruption, brainwashing and manipulation does not work on you. You are the depths of Insanity all mental barriers like morales have been removed nothing can bind you.

[devils tongue (passive)]: as a demon your words can tempt even the most religious of people into doing the most depraved acts. Your charisma is multiplied by 10


STR: 5

AGI: 5

DEX: 6

INT: 16

WIS: 11

CHA: 15 (150)


You do not level up you must train hard diligently to up your status and complete quests for more rewards. Some system funct are locked and will be unlocked after the tutorial has ended]

'Wow some of my abilities are exploitable as hell but now I know how to play my cards I have high charisma and can manipulate memories... hehehe as my favourite movie characters said 'may the luck be ever in my favour' and 'let's play a game'! Heheh


Sorry for the short chap I have an appointment with my doctor today about me busted leg.

Anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask I feel I may have left a few gaps so any questions are welcome.

anyway have a nice day and keep out of trouble. 'Do as I say not as I do'