The Duel For A Title

"Before we start. How old are you?" Louis asked.

"I'm seven-teen and I'm going to take that title of Royal Knight from you." said Ansel.

The title of Royal Knight was usually obtained from doing remarkable tasks in the kingdom. But, if you beat a Royal Knight in an all-out duel, you will replace them. Louis saw Ansel's plan, and he knew it was foolish. The title wasn't something a young and ignorant kid should possess. It wasn't something Ansel could handle.

"You're seven-teen huh. That's around the same time I became a Royal Knight. "

Which was something he regretted becoming. Louis witnessed many deaths at such a young age and even took lives for the sake of the kingdom. But the hardest part was that his lack in experience caused the deaths of both allies and innocent people.

"Stop spacing out. Are you ready or not."

Before we get to fighting, I'm going to let you know something. there's no way I'm losing that title to you. I won't give you so much as a chance." said Louis.

"Then. Let's begin!"

Ansel drew his wooden sword and lunged forward.

A firm blow hit his leg, throwing him back as another strike hit his chest.

Ansel tried to get up, but Louis tossed him into the air, kicking him against a tree.

Toss. Smash!

'What?...There's no way he outclasses me in hand to hand. I practiced every day for years. Why don't I stand a chance?' Ansel held his side in pain, nearly collapsing.

He knew what he had to do. It was time to switch to magic.

Ansel aimed his finger as a gun and chanted, "Bullet of Wind!"

A ripple shot for Louis's knee, but missed and pierced the floor.

'How did I miss?!!?'

There was no way Ansel was supposed to miss. His active ability guarantees that his target will be hit. So, what was going on?

Louis slammed his fist into Ansel's face before repeatedly kicking him around.

Bmp! Bmp! Bmp! Bmp! BMP!

Ansel's face was badly bruised and bleeding from multiple cuts.

Louis saw this and stopped for a moment, letting Ansel get up.

'He's even letting me get up? WHY?! Is he mocking me! Yeah...he is. Oh...I'll show him. I'll use that spell I learned. A spell for demolishing anyone in it's way.'

Ansel began chanting, as a great magic circle surrounded him.

"Nature Hear My call and Cast: Traveling Frost!!" When he knelt and touched the ground, a wave of cold swept forward, freezing everything in its way. Everything except for Louis's body that had a warm haze to it.

"Grey Magic. I'd say you planned to freeze me and kill me. You lack understanding when to cast a spell, you just start tossing them out. You're predictability, that's what makes you on the level of a noob. Now let me demonstrate a simple but expert spell."

Louis pointed his finger at Ansel and started chanting a fierce spell.

"Bullet of Unexpected Sleep."

A green defense barrier appears in front of Ansel as a blue orb shot at him.

At first, it is like nothing had happened, he stood, successfully blocking the attack.

"Was that your expert magic?" he asked.

As Ansel lifted his hand to cast a counter spell, a heaviness weighed on his back, traveling to his shoulders and knees as well. It wasn't the weight of someone else, but rather, his own weight. It took all of his concentrated effort to keep his eyes open, but it became too much to bear. Ansel closed his eyes to refresh them and fell forward.


On the back of his shirt, was the burn mark from a magic blast.

"What happened?" Indigo asked.

Leo stood, observant before answering, "It was a pre-casted spell. A spell that transports a blast to an opposite side. The blast looked like it was coming from the front, but the second it vanished, that was when it showed up from behind. Basically a type of teleportation."

Indigo thought to herself, 'Did he really need to use such an advanced spell? It wasn't necicaryy. What a way to crush a young kid's dream.'