A Scuffle At Arriving

"This is the place, huh." Louis exhaled at the sight of the giant house. It was fancy as it was painted white and had a nice fountain, along with a balcony.

Sadly, they couldn't just walk up and knock on the door as the house was surrounded by a pretty large gate.

"There should be a speaker. Just hold the button down and someone should answer." said Stella.

"Sounds simple."

Louis walked up to the gate and pressed a little grey button on a speaker. Rather than getting an answer, there was only white-noise and distortion.

'Maybe something's wrong with it.' Louis thought to himself.


He jumped back as a blade missed his face, slashing the speaker instead.

"What the hell?"

It was a man dressed in a balck suit, and seemed to be very hostile.

The man slashed once more.Louis evaded with eases and knocked the man unconscious with a firm strike to the face.


"Are you okay?" Stella asked, just as surprised as Louis.

"I'm fine. Is this someone you know?"

Stella shook her head, "I don't know him, But by his dresswear, he's one of Jess's bodyguards. Maybe we looked threatening somehow."

"Whatever the reason, I nearly had my face sliced."

The dirt was trampled by many footsteps until they were both surrounded by more henchmen, all wielding blades while a few were aggressively aiming rifles.

"Are you sure Jess is your friend? Looks like he wants you pretty dead." said Louis.

"Yes. I'm sure. It's just a misunderstanding. I'll talk to them and clear it out."

Stella opened her mouth to speak to the hostile henchmen, but she wasn't given time to. Louis pulled Stella back by her collar, narrowly evaded a sword strike.


"Yeah, I don't think they plan on talking. Just get down when I tell you to." said Louis.

"But we shouldn't."

"But we have to. These guys are already set on fighting so it's the only way. Now, drop."

Stella dived to the floor, Louis snatched a sword from one of the henchmen.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Shots rang out from the rifles but all bullets missed, instead striking other henchmen. Louis dashed forward, using the sword's handle to strike down three of the men. Quickly, he spun around as more came from behind.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

He parried each sword that swung at him, while more gunshots came towards him. Again, each shot swayed off track, killing the other henchmen.

Bam! Bam! Bam!


"Here! Let me drop this so I don't accidentally kill you."

Louis tossed his sword on the dirt, abandoning it. Jumping into the air, he slammed his elbow down on the back of an enemy, before turning and kicking at another's throat.

Thump! Thump!

"Now, for it's your guys's turn." Louis pointed at the four men holding riffle's.

Each made an effort to quickly reload their weapons, but their trembling hand caused them to keep dropping their bullets.

Louis watched the pathetic display on loading firearms. These men were obviously not trained and were complete 'Noobs'

"Do..you guys need a moment? I'll wait." Louis scratched the back of his head.

Dropping their bullet a couple more times, each of the rifle wielder's finished and aimed their weapon.

Before any of them could pull a trigger, Louis held out his hand and looked away.

"For goodness sake, pull up your pants. Nobody want to see you underwear."

The riflemen all looked down, seeing that their pants had been dropped below their ankles. Utterly shocked on confused, the leaned down to pull them back up.

"And this is my time to strike!" Louis shouted.

He leaped forward and knocked each of them out in seconds.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Dusting his hands off, Louis sighed, "Alright, you can get up now."

Still slightly covering her head, Stella rose back on her feet and noticed the scene of a battle. Motionless bodies laid on the floor.

"You killed them? Now what are we supposed to tell Jess? Good luck getting your information now!"

"Relax. I didn't kill any of them. I used non-lethal force."

"Then why are some of them laying in puddles of their own blood?" Stella asked.

"Well, that's...not really my fault. They kept missing their shots and hit their friends instead. If anything, they killed each other."

Stella waved her hands around, "But they're still dead."

"You're forgetting they just tried to kill us."

A powerful stomp came from behind the trees, catching their attention as a man came out.

"I was just patrolling the area around and I came back to this. What is the meaning? Who are you folk? Explain yourselves and your actions."

Louis was surprised that the man actually was willing to hear them out instead of attacking. So, he shoved Stella forward and said, "Go on, tell him."

Stella cleared her throat and explained.

"I am Stella. A good friend of Jess. Right when we arrived here, we were rudely attacked by the henchmen. We didn't kill any of them but, some of them did accidentally kill each other."

Both Stella and Louis bit their lips. They knew how stupid their story sounded, een if it was all true. How do people of the same team accidentally kill off most of their own force?

The man nodded, stroking his chin as his eyes observed the body's.

"Hmm. That does seem to be the case."

He believed them, but why? Even if they were telling the truth, the story shouldn't be of anything worth believing. Stella even went on to point that out.

"Wait, you're just going to believe us?!"

"Why not?" The man asked.

"Because out story just sound dumb."

The man chuckled, "Don't worry. It's one of my abilities to view events that took place. From what I saw, you guy's did attempt to explain before being attacked."

The man changed his sight over to Louis and complimented him.

"You. From what I saw, your skill in combat is pretty impressive. It's strange how you can fight in such a situation and still be careful not to be fatal. Who are you?"

Not wanting to accurately answer, Louis onl replied "I'm a friend of Stella. More importantly, who are you?"

Louis's voice did sound on guard or hostile, but the man shrugged it off . Afterall, he would be the same if he was just attacked.

"My name is Joel. I'm just an S-rank bodyguard, serving Jess. You guys came to see him, right? I can show you the way."

Stella stopped up and smiled, accepting the offer as Joel's kindness and understanding was unexpected.

"That would be lovely."

Louis wanted to be positive as things did seem to turn out rather well, but he couldn't shake a feelling, a hunch that he would have to fight against Joel.

Louis couldn't exactly guess why, but his hunches are rarely wrong, she even while venturing inside, he stayed vigilant.