A Genuine Worry

Stella's sleeping body, tossed and turned. She panted heavily and broke into a cold sweat. In her dreams, she was forced to live through her disastrous childhood again, hearing the cries and screams of people being slaughtered. She was going to meet the same fate, until a Royal Knight jumped in and saved her from the blade of an enemy soldier.

Stella's body jerked awake and she sat up.

Laying in a soft bed with white sheets, this isn't a place she recognized.

She was confused for a couple moments until she was able to recall Louis getting ready to face the bodyguards. She wasn't conscious to witness anything after that point. Many things were going through her mind right now, but above all, she was hoping Louis was alright.

She climbed out of bed and left the room and traveled down the hall. Once she reached a long pair of stairs, she walked down until someone noticed.

A man's voice spoke, "Hah. Looks like you're awake. Kind of got concerned when you stayed asleep for that long."

The man was kind of tall and had long red hair, along with gleaming yellow eyes. The heavy sword on his back was threatening, but he didn't seem like he was going to use it. Actually, his expression looked really welcoming.

"Where am I? Also, who are you? If you don't mind me asking." Stella asked.

"Riiight. I forgot introductions. My name is Leo, I'm a part of Slandian Special forces. Right now, you're in the mansion belonging to Antares Vangray. I am sure you've heard of him."

Antares was a big shot known across kingdoms. Mainly, he was known for being the new holder of the Forbidden Documents, containing spells and rituals so powerful that they need to be locked away.

"Huhh??! How did I get here?" Stella asked.

Out of all the places to end up, this was not expected.

"Because of certain circumstances, Louis has been staying here. He brought you back when you were unconscious."

"He did? Where is he right now?"

"Oh, Louis is over in the yard, teaching the young master some combat. The two are going at it pretty hard."

Stella and Leo looked out the window, where Louis and Ansel were sparing, wielding wooden swords. Ansel was using every ounce of strength and speed to swing the sword rapidly, but it wasn't much as Louis simply stood and deflected each strike.

"Gah...how are you so good?" Ansel panted.

"It takes practice. Just put your mind to it and you'll get good in time. Remember to observe your opponents patterns."

He went on to explain that it was important to see whether your opponent is focusing on evading or dodging, rather than actually attacking. Simple things like that will tell you alot.

"Yeah, but what will all that tell me?"Ansel asked, swinging the sword as Louis gracefully stepped aside.

"Well, depending on their patterns, you can decide which move is better. That's just common sense. But an advanced thing to learn is how to controll your oponent's movment. Force them into a position that beneits you."

"How do I do that?"

Louis lifted his sword above Ansel's head, who also lifted his sword to block. In that moment, Louis didn't bring the sword downward, instead, he delivered a kick into Ansel's chest.

"Like that. See, by making you think I was going to strike from above, I created an opening from the front.. But don't worry if you can't do it well at first. Once you get better, this thing only becomes common sense and is pretty easy. But the hard part is knowing when to do it and how to be believable. Because in fights, not all opponents are guilabe. Some are able to spot a bluff pretty easily."

Recovering from the impact of the kick, Ansel was already sweating and breathing harshly.

"I'll keep that in mind. Can...we call it a day?"

"You're already at your limit? Sheesh. Wait till I have you study advanced techniques. Then that will be a different kind of tiring. But sure, we'll call it a day for now."

Ansel limply walked his way inside the mansion. Watching him walk away, Louis used a cloth to wipe sweat away.

'That kid. It's hard to say if he has what it takes, considering this is my first lesson to him. But, if I do my best, I should be able to make him a decent sword handler.'


Heading inside as well, Louis noticed Stella and Leo sitting at the table, conversing over some tea. It was unclear what they were talk about, but they were surely getting along as Stella's lips twisted into a genuine smile.

Approaching her side, Louis patted her shoulder.

"Good to see that you're awake and well. You slept pretty long."

"Yes. I did. I feel refreshed. But I am a bit worried."

"About what?" Louis asked.

After taking a second to think, Stella ended up replying, "N-nevermind. It's really nothing."

Stella's face tried hard to stay happy but it couldn't fool Louis. Stella did appear to bear some worry. But, it looked like she didn't want to bring it up in front of any of the other's.

"Let's go talk somewhere private. If you want." said Louis.

"Thanks. I'd like that." Stella replied.

Leo was curious about the matter, but he didn't want to stick his nose where it didn't belong. So, he only wished Stella the best.

"Hope you feel better." said Leo.

"Thank You. I'll try to."


In a room, away from everyone else, Louis and Stella had privacy.

"So, what's bothering you?"

"I didn't want to bring it up because I am an adult but I'm kind of scared." Stella claimed.

Seeing how she was fine up until they met with Jess, it had to be something related to that.

Louis sat down, lending a caring ear.

"I'm listening. Go on, don't leave anything else out."

Stella slowly unfolded her worry, "...It's Jess. He was a good friend but, now he thinks I'm an assassin because of our bad timing. We did manage to escape but he's a dangerous man. In time, I'm sure someone will be sent to kill me. Jess sees me as an enemy now, so I know he won't stop until I'm dead."

It was a genuine worry. Even if she was a member of the guild of knowledge, that didn't mean she was safe if someone like Jess wanted her dead. Honestly, Louis did understand. Despite being a good fighter, Stella wasn't good at handling stress or her emotions. In that department, she was a soft person.

Louis gently patted her head.

"Don't worry. It's already taken care of. He won't send anyone after you."

"Don't tell me. You killed him?"

"No. I just managed to get to him and explain things. I'm actually surprised he understood. Jess apologized for trying to have us killed."

"He did?"

Part of it didn't seem believable, but Stella found herself believing it anyway, trusting his word.

Louis gave a warm smile, "He did. There's no need to worry. Nobody's going to try and assassinate you."

"That's a relief. If it's alright, I'll head back downstairs and finish talking with that Leo guy."

"Sure. go for it. I'll just be here."

Stella left the room and all her worry had been washed away.

But, Louis did feel bad for deceiving her. His story of explaining things to Jess wasn't accurate at all. Louis's had made an effort to head back there after making sure Stella was given a place to rest. Knowing how someone of Jess's power would send someone to finish the job, Louis went back that night and shoved a blade through his chest. After that, henchmen did come charging in but Louis dealt with them too.

Though killing wasn't something Louis was new too, he couldn't help but ponder as he looked at the bright sky.

'There's so much blood on my hands.'

When Louis had put an end to Jess, it wasn't a pretty scene, but it had to be done.

It was a clear memory in Louis's head. When he lifted that sword Jess begged.

"No..wait...Please! We can work something out, just let me live."

"I already know how people like you work. You'd only send assassins after us. And let me tell you, I'd rather take no chances of Stella being hurt."

Stab! Shnk! Gush!

One firm shove, the sword entered Jess's chest and blood quickly flooded out.