Fabricated (Part 1)

It had been whole week since Louis arrived back in town. He's been lazing around the shack, but he had a restless feeling in his body. It was a craving for something to do, but nothing came to mind.

'Maybe I should read something. Never really been a fan of it, but maybe it will help pass the time.'

Louis went over to a box of random stuff he had been collecting and pulled out an old book, titled 'My Dying Wish.'

"I hope this can help me pass the time."

The second he opened the book, he was already done with the first page.

His fingertips started flipping through the pages with incredible speed.

His eyes instantly read each page and he finished the book in seconds.

Thanks to one of his abilities, no book can keep him seated for more than 30 seconds.

'I wish I could just slowly enjoy a book.'

In time, nightfall covered the sky along with thick rainclouds. Heavy water droplets tapped on the roof of the shed.

Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.

The rapid rain was loud but calming. With each droplet, Louis found himself drifting into a dream. Before he could be considered asleep, a sudden gut feeling shook him. Louis's eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet.

'Something doesn't feel right.'

It didn't feel like he, himself was in any danger, but he could feel that someone nearby was. Spooked by the feeling, he didn't want to just sit down anxiously.

Louis put on his coat and stepped outside. The wind was incredibly strong as they shook his clothes.

'It feels like winter out here.'

The cold was already making him want to go back inside.

If he didn't know it was summer, he would've been sure that snow was on the way.

As Louis walked down the road and looked for anything suspicious, he was warming his hand with his breath.

It was a dead night. There had only been a couple people that Louis passed. Nothing here looked out of the ordinary.

Eventually, he lost track of where he was going. A whole hour passed and he hadn't seen anything strange.

'Maybe I was too paranoid for no reason. Even my hunches can be wrong sometimes, I guess.'

Louis froze and realized a major detail. He was in an area which he had never seen before. Each house and structure looked abandoned by life. Only an eerie silence was present.

Louis's posture remained calm, but his eyes were warry and observing every detail around. This was not an area of this town at all. It was a fabricated reality, a result of a spell.

'A barrier?'

Who could've trapped him? And what was their motive?

His eyes scanned and scanned, but no suspects had revealed themselves.

'If someone decided to trap me in a barrier, they definitely decided on revealing themselves. Why haven't they?'

Another gut feeling came to Louis's side.

'Not, that's not it. I'm not the one being targeted.'

As he could hear some sort of commotion happening nearby, he realized something.

'Someone else is the target. I'm just someone who happened to be caught in the barrier by accident.'