Boys Summer Adventure begins

jhaesun and Yonghwa were driving back home with Gregory after visiting the church

Yonghwa in the back seat curled against Jhaesuns side his arm was around him as he rested against his shoulder Jhaesun's other hand rested on his head gently stroking his curls

"shoot! I forgot something at work!" Gregory said thumping his hand on the steering wheel "hold on I have to turn around"

"sure dad" jhaesun said his father soon turned around and soon he was pulling up outside Imperial Command Headquarters where the military administration buildings were

big looking office buildings in a complex area Gregory worked here with most high ranking marine core officers

a large building with steps going up the front of it looked like a police station with a front desk with officers in uniform working there at the lobby reception area

"wait here you two," Gregory said getting out he went inside the building

"are you alright?" jhaesun asked Yonghwa softly

"I'm okay I feel tired now though," Yonghwa said "all my energy is gone like I used it all up to break out of the black box in my head"

Yonghwa replied yawning sleepily, and given he was someone prone to insomnia wanting to sleep was an improvement his head looked like it felt heavy to him he was too tired

"get some rest then," Jhaesun said when you wake up you'll feel much better"

"thank you for today," Yonghwa said sighing his fingers reached for Jhaesun's hand pulling it right around him snuggling his head on Jhaesun's chest

"you have the nicest heartbeat" he sighed softly his eyes falling closed Yonghwa drifted off to sleep

*aww what a sweet thing to say* Jhaesun thought smiling he stroked his hair

Gregory came back to the alterran with Joey Fox and Kami his only three troop members helping him lift out some storage boxes

"Thanks, guys," Gregory said

"you know it's no problem" Joey chuckled "when Jhaesun sees this new gear he's going to flip out I would think he would be out here excited to help you collect it"

"ah he's in the Terran I took them to see Pastor Teagan and arrange Yonghwa's mother's memorial service and pastor Teagan consoled him"

"it's rough on that kid I hope Jhaesun can really do something for him but it seems it's not too late to undo what has been done to him this should be a good sign he will be okay it was amazing though he's really talented so amazing when he plays" he chuckled

"I dont know much about music and performers but I understand why he's famous for what he does now despite his age, it isn't just that his music is good, it is the way he performs it, the music is only part of the show the performer is the show the one you came to see"

Jhaesun opened the window hearing that he was grinning

"so you've become a fan too now dad I caught you!" he teased

"yah! I thought you were sleeping?" Gregory said

Jhaesun chuckled "Yonghwa's taking a nap he says he used up all his energy"

"dont worry ill get you both home soon enough," Gregory said

"Yah! jhaesun youre going to love the new gear," Kami said with a chuckle slapping his hand

"take it to train with you in the morning and try it out, it's way lit"

fox said giving him a fist bump through the window

"dont play with me!" jhaesun replied, "I cant wait to see what you and our tech scientist have come up with!"

"you are going to feel like a superhero" kami whispered playfully quickly through the window

"yah no spoilers" Fox cried grabbing him and pulling him away the guys kidding around

jhaesun laughed

as his dad got the alterran they had finished loading the storage boxes

"see you guys" jhaesun waved joey and the others waved back as the vehicle started up the general put his fist out the window doing his own hand sign as goodbye as they left

when they got home jhaesun lifted yonghwa into his arms and took him up the stairs he was heavily asleep actually much more deeply than a light nap

he wouldn't even wake up when jhaesun moved him he took off his shoes for him and his clothes down to his boxers

his small body was still very skinny and pale he was eating now and looked like he was gaining some skin on his bones

Jhaesun put one of his large t-shirts on him and tucked him in

he went downstairs and helped his dad bring up the storage boxes from the alterran to his room

"remember to wake him for dinner but let him rest his mind has been through a lot today," Gregory said

"I will thank you, dad," Jhaesun said

"I'm going to shower and get some rest before dinner myself," he said it has been a long day for me"

his dad left and jhaesun was faced with two storage boxes his dad had put them next to each other against the wall

jhaesun had seen him smirking seeming to do it intentionally

jhaesun pushed the button on the first box there was a hissing sound and the entire box opened up standing up against the wall

holy crap! the box was an armory when it wasn't being used the four sides would close back up into a box shape

at the moment it was open and there was two bodysuits as well as the associated gear the bodysuits,

were black with a dark blue eagle shape in the center of the chest that looked like a button in the chest of the suit there was a manual

Jhaesun took it out and opened it and began reading