First Lessons

Jhaesun rode him out past the Carter Ranch to the south trail it was a different trail that would take them out to the cliffs Yonghwa had seen arriving at the base these cliffs continued all the way to the capital called the Esperian great ridge

"We are here," Jhaesun said

stopping when the trail through the woods led them to a clearing that was wide open grassland pasture it was perfect for learning how to use their suits

"wow you know all the dopest places," Yonghwa said

"of course this is my world Yonghwa youre welcome to it, let's have some fun," Jhaesun said

they parked the bike at a tree at the edge of the clearing and stripped out of the sweatsuits they went into storage compartments in the suit that closed the clothing neatly sealed inside the two boys couldn't stop marveling at what the suits could do

"Okay let see how it feels power on coms on," Jhaesun said, "can you hear me?"

"Yea loud and clear," Yonghwa said his coms in his headset were working he and Jhaesun could talk to each other in their suits

"oh it has a tutorial for using everything awesome," he said to Yonghwa

"so first to use the movement capabilities of the suit the Spider Legs and Wings the controls are adapted from the body movements

spider legs controlled by the legs lower body movements for walking or running the wings upper body movements back shoulders and arms for flight,

the suit can also be used indoors to help officers answer to emergencies carrying out their duties with hindering them the wings and spider legs will adapt to the spaces," Jhaesun said

"let's try the spider legs and there are tether cables to use like webbing from the wrist compartment to assist with climbing," Yonghwa said

they activated the spider legs and they came out of the gear pack on their backs mechanical legs on the back and they could extend and retract

making them stand on them they could let them become really tall like a daddy longlegs spider and when they retracted they looked similar to a tarantula spider each leg had claws on the end for grabbing or digging into surfaces to let them climb up easily

let's see how we make them walk Jhaesun said took a stride forward and then another the legs began to move one at a time

"oh I see," Yonghwa said "just walk like normal Jhaesun it will follow you automatically you don't have to control them they have some kind of system that reads the muscles movement in your legs that lets the legs know how you want to move that's what it means that it adapts to body movements"

the pair began to practice walking around the spider legs easily moved as Yonghwa said without weight it was really amazing they didn't have to control them they could just go about their way as normal and the legs would operate as extra limbs

Yonghwa laughed and bean to run the legs lifted him off the ground and the spider legs did the work then

Jhaesun took notes and soon the two were running around quite easily

"haha! let's try the jumping now" Yonghwa cried he jumped and the legs shot him into the air pretty high

"yoou!" Jhaesun cried as he landed on the ground safely

"woow!" Yonghwa cried "the legs it's like they have springs"

"it's like a real spider!" Jhaesun said "watch I bet I can do some cool stuff"

he ran and jumped executing a somersault and the legs tucked against his body as he was in the air he was able to do three rotations in his somersault before coming down and the spider legs made the landing perfectly so there was no chance of falling

Yonghwa cheered and chased after him doing a somersault and landing next to him perfectly

Jhaesun laughed slapped high fives with him "this is so freaking awesome" he cried excitedly

"let's try the tethers cables now," Jhaesun said "I'm going to use you Yonghwa"

he shot them out of his wrist compartment and the cables were thin black cables with tiny claws on the end they grabbed Yonghwa by his suit retracted and pulled him off his feet into Jhaesun's waiting arms

Jhaesun laughed Yonghwa hugged unto him "heads up I'm going to throw you do a somersault in the air and land" he instructed

"got ya" Yonghwa replied with a laugh as Jhaesun's tethers that had him off his feet swung him around his body easily as if a rope was tied to him

and he was thrown lightly into the air letting him go he did a flip and the legs landed him safely

"super cool do it again!" he cried running towards Jhaesun on his spider legs fully prepared now

Jhaesun snagged him mid-run retracting swing and then throwing him he somersaulted while doing the rotation he used his own tethers to snag onto a tree swinging himself back around in slingshot he pulled off more acrobatic flips before landing again

"yas Yonghwa that's my boy!!" Jhaesun cried elated running towards him high fives

"that was killer fun," Yonghwa said

they could both pull off amazing jumps and acrobatic moves using tethers to catch themselves on trees retracting to let them land stuck to trees they swung from the high branches to let themselves down again they could jump over each other easily in a leaping spiders game they made up

"OK we got the hang of the legs," Jhaesun said "let's try the wings next"

"flight is hovering to get used to taking off let's try that"

the wings activated from the back of the suit black bat-like wings came out and hardened into what felt like a metal sheet

but was a cape-like fabric that began to flap at their backs like wings the metal sheet would ripple like it was a flexible fabric but at the same time it had a skeleton inside the wings that controlled its flapping wings movements

their feet left the ground lightly as they hovered just above the ground

"oh my gosh" Yonghwa gasped he reached out and grabbed Jhaesun's hand they had to get used to the rhythm of the wings

"move your shoulders Yonghwa like walking again swing your arms" Jhaesun instructed

"Just until you get used to it"

"I get it," he said "like if you have to run it makes your arms move too"

"exactly," Jhaesun said they were slowly able to adjust to the wings now

moves now practicing to glide backward or forwards left or right they tried getting a walking start and that worked much better than starting by just standing up

the wings used their shoulders movements as they walked or ran to make their wings move accordingly

they opened and retracted to turn corners so they were very agile and flexible they were not stiff and mechanical as they appeared they flapped as real wings might

"whats the next level OK here we go" Yonghwa breathed he turned around and walked back toward the trees to the bicycle turning around and walking back to Jhaesun

mimicked him and soon they had steering under control

"it's easy if you think in simple terms," Yonghwa said

"These suits are really responsive to help us learn how to use them in an understandable way I think we think we can go up to the next level now moderate speed flying gliding we can go up above the ground a bit higher," Jhaesun said

Yonghwa grinned and selected level three their wings began to speed up and they rose some feet above the ground

"wow this is so cool" Yonghwa cried

"get the ants you brought them right?" Jhaesun asked

"in our phones in our bags let me fly and get them," Yonghwa said giggling

"take it easy," Jhaesun said Yonghwa flew carefully to the bicycle and got their phones and came back their flying ants were soon in the air with them and they recorded footage of their flight

which really amounted to them playing in the air Jhaesun knew a lot of acrobatic skills naturally because he practiced martial arts Tae-Kwon-Do was a fairly acrobatic technique that required the student to use a lot of flashy looking flying kicks

adding somersaults and various acrobatic moves to it only made it look cooler

Yonghwa could pull off aerial maneuvers spins and dives and rolls everything he saw in the tutorial in the air

Jhaesun was all about soaring like a big hunting bird he could also do drop dives pull-ups right before he hit the ground rolls and spins too but his flight was big sweeping powerful while

Yonghwa was more fast and agile darting like a small quick bird or hummingbird fluttering and hovering in place too

so their flying styles were different because of the size of their bodies too it was quite awesome Jhaesun could fly soaring high, swift, and strong

Yonghwa the smaller under his wings sheltering his flight and they could tether to each other to keep them together so they didn't get separated

"This is awesome," Yonghwa said laughing flying under Jhaesun turning so he rolled right out from under his wings over him and back under his wing on his other side with a laugh

hearing Jhaesun's laughter as he suddenly pulled up flipping so he swooped backward dived and came back up under him

so now Yonghwa was flying above his back he laughed and rolled under Jhaesun's wings again back to his side

Jhaesun laughed he loved this so much flying with Yonghwa it was an amazing feeling the feeling of freedom

"let's test out the poles," Jhaesun said

the long pole was folded into three and then unfolded into a single long pole and hardened solidly in the hands

"how do I use it?" Yonghwa asked

"just try spinning it with the tethers," Jhaesun said

spinning his own staff in his hands he picked up a rhythm and began to spin it about his body the staff making powerful whip sounds in the air

he was spinning it so fast it began to become blurry at the same time he was moving executing a martial art pole technique that was also like a dance as he moved his body about while spinning the staff also doing gorgeous kicks it was beautiful

"you can only learn to do this by using a wushu bow staff hold it takes a certain hand technique in the wrist," Jhaesun said "that's how I learned it but it takes a lot of practice"

"what you did look perfectly choreographed," Yonghwa said it's a great technique your hands' movements are really incredible"

"I will teach you a few moves," Jhaesun said "first of all how to hold it this is the wushu bow staff technique there are others but I find that this one is the most stable if you want to control your staff well"

Jhaesun showed him the correct length collapsing his pole to a shorter length to suit his size for him to work with using the tether cables claws to hold it in the middle so he could spin it

he just did it naturally the tether allowing him to spin and able to repeat his steps accurately and Jhaesun soon had him at beginner sparring level he had learned the first ten steps he taught him some basic sparring forms his ability to memorize was amazing

"let's try it in the air," Jhaesun said chuckling

the two boys took flight and began doing all ten moves as a full set in the air

"good job Yonghwa," Jhaesun said smiling "proud of you bunny"

"That was a great lesson thank you," Yonghwa said

"come on we gotta get to training its almost time"

checking his phone 6:15 training started at 6:30

they laughed they got on their training sweats from their suits and rode the bike to the training field