Wedding Day


Laura and I have just finished breakfast and are now seated in the lounge area of our room with our hairdresser and make up artist, wrapped in our enormous white waffle dressing gowns, hair in tangles, still with creases in our faces from sleep.

The plan is that we shower, then Laura will have make up done while I have my hair done, then we will switch.

Our hairdresser and make up artist are twin brothers, Matteo and Luca, both very beautiful Spanish young men with glossy dark hair, caramel coloured skin and amber eyes. The four of us are chatting like we've been buddies forever, and the topic of conversation quickly turns to my relationship with Yanni.

Matteo confesses to having a huge crush on Yanni, Luca teasing him mercilessly about that. Jokes fly, suggestive remarks are made and we laugh. It's lovely. I can see myself having friendships with these two guys.

I've been persuaded to tell some stories, and am currently telling them about the flashing incident soon after arriving in Australia.

"So, let me get this right..... you're trapped inside a dress, tits out, all oiled up in tiny panties, in front of a cinema screen sized window... with all of 5:EX watching you, and you're telling us that was an accident?!? I call bullshit!" Matteo says, heavily emphasising the final word of his sentence then immediately chuckling, sending a wink my way whilst rising to begin unpacking his equipment.

"Honest to God! I was mortified, I thought they would all think I'd done it deliberately in an attempt to seduce one or all of them. I mean, given the reason I was there in the first place, for basically writing porn starring myself and one or, fuck, this is so embarrassing..... all of them!! I felt sure they'd think I was out to ensnare one of them, and seemingly not fussy about which of them it was! Stop laughing, it's not that funny!" I cringe, taking a sip of the Mimosa to my left. My second so far, and it's only 7am!

Laura is quiet I notice, usually she'd be giving me hell too.

Luca has gone to help Matteo unpack and set up and they are having a discussion, no, argument is a better way to describe it, about how to organise their work stations.

I take this opportunity to ask Laura if she is ok?

"Yes babe, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You're so quiet this morning. It's not like you. Anything you want to talk about?! You know I will always listen" I console

"Hey Luca, how long do we have before we have to start getting ready? I think I need to stretch my legs. I'd like to go and have a wander around, just check on things. That ok?" she asks

"Plenty of time sweetie. Go. It's going to take me at least another 20 minutes to set up anyway" Luca replies softly.

Laura tells me she won't be long, she's just popping downstairs to see that everything is still under control and refuses my company when I offer it, popping on a pair of the provided white fluffy sliders and leaving the room with a tiny wave.

I turn and quietly watch Matteo and Luca ready their respective areas, Matteo far more precise in the organisation of his make up stations layout than Luca is with his Hairdressing equipment. I know something is up with Laura but I'm not sure what.

Around 5 minutes after Laura leaves I decide to also go for a wander to try and find her. I consider throwing some clothes on but decide against it. I really can't be bothered seeing as I need to shower and dress for the wedding soon anyway, but I'd like to go and see whats happening downstairs. I let the guys know I'm going to stretch my legs too. Two plus hours sitting still while having hair and make up applied is going to be so difficult.

I scuttle down the corridor from our room to the lift and find Jimmie just getting off, newspaper in hand. He wishes me a good morning and gives me a huge hug, asking how I feel this morning.

"I'm good, really excited for the day. Why do you ask?"

"Have you seen the paper today? I think you should read it Syd" he mutters, handing it to me.

I scan the headline and read the first few lines of the story. Story is the right word! There is so little fact here that whoever wrote it deserves to be fired! I have an idea of how the guys felt reading my fanfics now.

'...... superstar wedding, reportedly being held at The Parkstone hotel...... attended by..... Previously married.... colourful past... sexually promiscuous....'

I hand him back the paper and shake my head with a shrug.

"That's the nature of the beast Jimmie, you know that. Five percent fact, 95% crap. I'm not bothered by what's written about me at all, I've got nothing to be ashamed of. Once the interview I gave airs everyone will know who I am, and all about the life I have lead with Harry. Maybe then they might understand why he needs to stay in prison forever. Some people will find it strange that I am glad he didn't die after his attack in prison. Surely if he had done the things I am accusing him of I'd want him dead right? The thing is Jimmie, knowing that he will live the rest of his natural life looking over his shoulder, wondering if another attempt on his life will be made, and because of his throat damage he can't raise the alarm.... pure terror! He deserves to be punished. Who knows, maybe suffering on Earth will save his soul and allow him to finally rest when he does eventually die? No-one knows, but that's not what I choose to believe. I hope he suffers every day of his hopefully very long life. Never knowing if or when an attack may occur. Suspicion, fear and paranoia will consume him, and he won't have a Dr Daisy to help him through it like I have. He has no love, I do. He has no friends. Mine are the best! Then one day he will just cease to exist, gone! Not missed by anyone!" I shrug, pulling him into a hug.

He looks taken aback at my words, himself being firmly in the 'he deserves to die for what he did' camp. He is pouting, those perfectly shaped plump lips drawing my attention, envy sweeping through me. Lucky bugger!

"You know Syd, I've never thought about it that way before, but you're right. Dying is the easy way out, living with the anxiety and fear is more of a punishment." He smiles thoughtfully.

"I am concerned that they've suggested when and where the wedding is though. I'll go and speak to the security team, I think we may need some more bodies to keep everyone safe. Thanks Jimmie. I'll see you in a few hours!" I say as I step into the lift and press the button for the lobby.

After speaking to the head of security and doubling the detail I head back to our room and find Laura still hasn't returned. I pour myself another drink, this time Champagne and head off to the shower where I spend time shaving, exfoliating and plucking, before brushing my teeth and heading back to the lounge to Matteo and Luca where I find Laura seated, drink in hand, regaling the guys with the story of how I shot Vinnie in the face with the cork when he and Yanni came to London. There are peals of laughter and I'm pleased to see that Laura looks like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Everything downstairs must be in hand, and it seems that she hasn't seen the news yet. I hope it stays that way. Laura is like a pitbull when she or someone she cares for are threatened. I don't need her losing her cool today!

"You look less stressed now sweetie. Everything ok downstairs?" I question.

"Downstairs?" She asks, her features twisted in puzzlement.

"Yes, downstairs. The preparations for the wedding!"

Something is off. She's a terrible liar, probably because everything she stands for as a police officer is about honesty and justice. She didn't go downstairs! I know it.

So where did she go?

"Right, yes, everything is perfect. I'm off to the shower. See you guys soon" and with that she heads off towards the bathroom while I take my seat in front of Luca who sets about styling my hair.

We chat about the ceremony, to which both men are invited, and I tell them that there are a number of single and eligible men and women attending. Luca is especially excited by this prospect when I mention the name of a very famous female singer who is known to have a penchant for dark haired and tanned Mediterranean men. I promise to introduce him at the reception later, which earns me an excited squeal and a wet kiss on the right cheek.

Matteo huffs and complains that the best looking man in the world is unavailable and pouts, which makes Luca and I giggle like children.

As Luca begins putting heated rollers in my hair I decide to ask them what they'd been talking with Laura about when I returned to the room.

"So, what was it that Laura said that was so funny? When I got back from my wandering you were all sniggering like schoolgirls".

They swap furtive glances which I don't miss, but choose to ignore for now. Matteo tops up my drink and mutters something about flower arrangements and missing chair covers, but I know it's a fabrication. Like Laura, my B.S radar is very well developed due to my work as a journalist. I also know that people often tell you what you want to know with what they DON'T say if you're patient enough.

"Can I ask you a question Sydney? Tell me to mind my own business if you like, I am after all a nosey bitch, but Laura mentioned that the stories in the news about Harry Hartwell wife are..... well..... that you are..."

I cut him off. Poor man is floundering. He wants to know about my life with Harry, but doesn't know how to ask. I decide that I may as well tell them. After all, the interview is due to air tomorrow anyway, then anyone who is interested will know everything, with some of the harder to acknowledge details omitted!

"You want to know about what he did to me? It's ok. I'm dealing with it. Actually I gave an interview to my networks TV news crew so everyone will know soon enough, but I'll tell you now"

I begin on the night I met Harry, telling them how wonderful he was. Right up until we were married that is. They listen with rapt attention. You could hear a pin drop, they are so invested in the story they are silent. Luca continuing his work on my hair, Matteo seated directly in front of me on the edge of the coffee table, head resting on his hands, which in turn are balanced on his knees at the elbows. There are tears in his eyes when I reach the part where Harry stabbed Yanni and he reaches for my hand , squeezing my fingers in sympathy.

"Babe, I had no idea! I'm so sorry. Forgive me for asking, please?!" he pleads forlornly.

Laura returns to the room, fresh as a daisy now and knows immediately what we've been talking about from the looks of horror and pity on the boys faces, and the blank expressionless mask that is mine. I tell him it's ok, I feel as though I'm telling someone else's story now. I feel detached from it. It no longer hurts me. That part of my life no longer affecting me, or my life with Yanni. I really do feel as though Harry no longer exists until someone mentions him, and even then I feel nothing.

I truly am free of him.

"That's how I know that I am ready to marry Yanni now.

The role play has done the job. I need to tell Yanni.

I only need him.

I only want him.

I can't wait to be his wife!"