WebNovelTuct Side41.30%

Chapter 14

Content Warning: Violence | Discriminatory Language (Misogyny / Fatphobia) | Prejudiced / Racist Language (Generalization / Anti-Semitism / Hispanophobia)

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Lunch was unusually quiet today.

Most likely due to the sheer absence of not only Kaspar or Justin, but most of the football team that West ate during this particular block. It only added to the stress the blond carried from yesterday's incident into the next day.

Law enforcement was quick to respond, but ended up just as confused by the whole thing. No one who knew famous German basketball player Friedrich Kuttner IV would ever encroach upon his territory like that. Not even the thugs on the western side. They knew they'd lose a lot more than they thought they had if they dared threaten Tuct Side's most well-known family. His mom wanted everyone to stay with the Dedekinds, but his dad, ever the tough, hardheaded man, wouldn't leave, refusing to show weakness.

Judging by the multiple sets of eyes West felt on him, it didn't take long for news to spread. Teachers and students, his teammates especially, muttered their apologies and sympathies. However, each one only served to exhaust the captain further. Someone saw them that night at the abandoned playground, and now they were paying the price for their trespassing.

Or at least, West was.

Weirdly, he was relieved to shoulder it all. He knew Finn and his family didn't need another reason to isolate themselves any further.

As the two sat next to each other and ate at a nearly empty table, Finn was gazing at West's camera display, which revealed the shocking findings of yesterday. "You sure you're okay?"

"I think. I just, uh…" West exhaled. "I never thought…"

"You never thought this would happen? Me neither, dude. It's my fault anyway, so if you want to take out your stress on someone, let it be me."

West turned to his friend, whose eyes were looking back with unmasked guilt. "No, Finn, you-"

"It was my idea," he shrugged, resigned. "I thought it would be a harmless road trip."

"You didn't know it was being watched either. I'm just glad they're not going after any of you guys. Especially your family, Finn. Besides, it was just spray paint. The whole thing was washed away in an hour."

The ebony-haired boy seemed unconvinced, shaking his head with hooded eyes on his half-eaten lunch. "I'm gonna feel real bad if that isn't the end of it."

"We've heard rumors that… we're all being watched."

The blond shivered.

West didn't want to exacerbate his friend's self-condemnation, so he placed a comforting hand on his boy's shoulder and remained silent. It was a quiet, tranquil lunch for five minutes before Nathan and some other senior burst into the cafeteria, darting for West and Finn. Being upperclassmen, they had different schedule blocks, but the closer one got to graduating, the more they could get away with. So, no nearby teacher enforced the rules when the two seniors ran toward the designated football table.

"Uh, guys?" Nathan spoke nervously. "You might wanna come with us."

Both sophomores glanced at each other in confusion before slowly standing up. Behind the upperclassmen, they noticed more students run into the room and gesture wildly at their friends to follow them out. People were abandoning their lunches left and right.

"Why? What's up?" West questioned.

The other senior answered. "It's an all-out brawl out there! The guys heard what happened to your house, West, and they're duking it out with the Wildwood folks."

The blond swallowed. "Are Kaspar and Justin…?"

Nathan nodded grimly. "Yeah. I've never seen your cousin so angry, man. He has a mean-looking right hook."

That got them moving.

Kaspar was short-tempered. Becoming a lot easier to irritate the older he got. However, what kept him in check the most was his position in many school functions. If he were caught throwing punches, he stood to lose his running for class president, national honors society membership, and his playtime in sports.

However, that all didn't seem to matter to the redhead right now, for West and Finn were led out to the school back parking lot to find him and Neil grappling with each other, delivering blind punches to wherever they could reach. Comparing the two, the noirette had the advantage in height and muscle, but Kaspar had the wrath that had been festering for months on his side. Justin was present as well, standing with the other football players in the cheering of their peer and cursing out the opposing side.

Neil planted a hard fist into Kaspar's stomach, causing the latter to cough harshly. Still, he powered on, keeping a tight hold over the bigger boy's neck, which, judging by his opponent's reddening face, only appeared to strengthen.

It was when West spotted Nora, Neil's closest lady friend, inching toward the battling duo he chose to act. His rival had just given his cousin a powerful shove, sending him back into the blond. Luckily, West had already braced himself and stumbled back as he caught the redhead. Nora jumped in front of Neil, standing defiantly before him and daring him to make another move.

"Du wertloses, dummes Stück Scheiße!" Kaspar swore vehemently, struggling in his cousin's grip.

"Shut the fuck up, Nazi-boy!" Via yelled back. "We don't speak Hitler!"

Justin stepped forward, his eyes roving over Enzo's sister with a disgusted sneer while addressing said brother. "You really need to muzzle your bitch, dude. It's barking a bit too loud."

Twice a dozen and then some pairs of narrowed glares focused on the brunette, but it was Enzo who snarled their thoughts aloud. "What the fuck did you just say, kike!?"

An unusual, dangerous smirk stretched upon the tall boy's lips, one of his hazel eyes twitching madly. "Get the burritos out of your ass and you might hear me better, lard-ass!"

Everything went to shit after that.

Knuckles were bloodied, bodies were trampled on, and West could barely make out the flashes of blue and red through the mayhem. When the cop siren sounded, it was like watching a Pavlovian response. The former Wildwood students were quick to bail, a few even sprinting down the lot toward God-knows-where. School security encircled the crowds, making sure nobody else ran off, and guided the remaining students back into the building.

As West pulled Kaspar along with Finn doing the same to Justin, the blond couldn't help but think about the odd response time of the security. And the cops? From an outsider's perspective, it couldn't have looked that bad.

As the four made their way toward the school, they crossed by with Neil and Shaun, the latter's arm around the former as they trudged the opposite way.

"Let's bounce, man," the dyed blond spoke, his voice hoarse. "Gotta watch those fuckin' hands."

West couldn't move his eyes from the noirette. Aside from a cut lip, a purpling cheek, and a red discoloration on the neck from being choked, he seemed alright. Moody and scowling, which instantly transformed into a sneer when he caught his nemesis' green eyes.

"You're everywhere where you shouldn't be, are you? Always gawkin' at me with big ol' 'fuck me' eyes, right?"

Neil hissed it so only the ears of six individuals could hear it, and it made West freeze in place.

He… he couldn't know, could he?

"Don't listen to that street rat, Westford!" Kaspar spat, now being the one to drag his cousin.

A callous grin plastered on his face, Neil continued. "Careful, Flower Boy. Wouldn't wanna stand out too much."

Kaspar stopped, faced the noirette, and smiled, stating with cold amusement, "He stands out for the right reasons. Unlike you, Cam Boy!"

That wiped the sadistic expression off the other teen's face, his already pale skin blanching further. "How th' fuck-"

Shaun seemed alarmed as well, but he recovered quickly enough to wrench his friend out of his shocked stupor and keep him from further incriminating himself. "Neil!" He pulled said boy along, casting a dirty look at their four enemies. "Y'all better keep quiet about this."

"Keep out of our fucking way then!" Justin spat before twisting around and stomping inside the school. "Goddamn beaners."

It was muttered, but his three companions heard it, their eyes going wide.

"Dude…" Finn began, but the brunette wasn't having any of it.

"They brought in race first!"

Their tall center spun and treaded heavily up the nearest staircase, angrily digging inside the pockets of his shorts.

West looked at Finn. "Make sure he's okay, yeah?"

The ebony-haired boy nodded immediately. "You got it, Cap." He set out to follow Justin, patting Kaspar on his shoulder as he passed and took the stairs two at a time.

West knew Justin didn't really have anything against other races. Or he hoped his friend didn't have such thoughts. Most of the former Wildwood population was comprised of those of Latino and Hispanic descent, but the brunette has never made any telling comments that might suggest a reason for his antagonism toward the former western students could be because of their race. So far, Kaspar's problem chalked up to class, but even that wasn't clear enough.

"Head back into the school!" Principal Murray's amplified voice reached their ears even as they sauntered down the hall. "The school day has not ended yet! Report to your next class or suffer severe consequences."

Kaspar shook his head. "Shifting. Everything's shifting."

West silently agreed.

Kaspar getting into fistfights. Justin's gradual shift in personality. Neil and his uncanny ability to get under the blond's skin. West and his masochistic tendencies for allowing it.

And Tuct Side with its secrets that have yet to be unveiled.

"West! Wait up!"

The cousins turned around to spot Nora hurrying toward them, and Kaspar was livid all over again.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?"

The outburst made Nora flinch, stopping her from progressing and further. West planted a firm hand on the redhead's heaving chest. "Kas! Chill out!" he forced a smile that most likely appeared to be a grimace. "Hey, Nora. What's up?"

Nora sighed sadly. "I heard what happened to your house. I'm so sorry."

"What is this-"

"Bro, please!" The blond cut his relative off, staring him down into compliance. "Get yourself cleaned up, man. I'll be quick."

"It won't take long," Nora reassured.

Kaspar pursed his lips, eyeing the girl with apparent rage and distrust. Eventually, he groaned, palming the side of his bruised face. "Don't believe anything they say, West! Sie sind alle verdammte Lügner!"

When he was out of earshot, West gave Nora an apologetic smile. "Ignore him. And thank you. It's shaken us up, but we're doing alright."

"Good. I just… I just wanted to say that I know that you guys might think Neil and the guys did something to your house, but trust me, they didn't. They wouldn't do that."


West didn't think either Neil or his boys had vandalized his house despite them being likely candidates. Though, Kaspar, considering his abhorrence for all things western Tuct Side, would definitely place the blame on them if it meant destroying any of their plans for taking over Patriot High.

Now, the fight didn't seem so random after all.

"I mean, they would spray paint someone's house for shits and giggles," she went on. "No doubt about it, but I'm positive they didn't have fun with your house. We were…" she looked both ways for any eavesdroppers before leaning in and whispering, "we were at a bar last night."

West stared at her, dumbfounded. "A-A bar?"

Nora nodded, gazing down at the floor bashfully. "I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. Neil has access to all kinds of crazy places and things kids our age shouldn't even be thinking about. He's not the type to get drunk and walk across the tracks and vandalize someone's house. He's usually a sitting grouch."


"Oh. Um, okay. I guess… I believe you. Thank you."

What else was he supposed to say?

Nora reached over and placed West's right hand in between both of hers as she gazed up at him with a pleading expression. "I know we haven't said more than a single word to each other until now, but I still think I should tell you to be careful."

A raised blond eyebrow had the girl backtracking.

"That came out wrong. It's not a threat. It's just that… There are people in this town you don't want to get on the bad side of."

So, he and his boys weren't the only ones to sense something fishy going on in their little town.


Nora shrugged and shook her head, looking a bit frustrated. "I should know, but I'm not too sure myself."