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Chapter 16

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

After school, West and Kaspar stopped by at the Dedekinds' household, where they found the latter's parents with the former's. Leonhard, Kaspar's fourteen-year-old brother, was also present, watching television in the living room next to a sleeping Ophelia, both having been picked up earlier. The four adults were gathered in the dining room, having a discussion over recent events over lunch.

"It's just a shame it happened so close to celebrations," Karlotta spoke, anger clear in her voice. "Who would even think to do something like that?"

Friedrich crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, glaring at his half-eaten salad. "A bunch of fools, that's what."

Elmar, a man of few words, nodded in agreement. "You got that right."

Sofia shook her head and waved dismissively. "Well, it's over and done with. I just want to get our minds off it for a couple of weeks. And I say we do that by planning out some Labor Day activities for the tailgate."

West, who was standing idly by as Kaspar texted Justin and Finn beside him, glanced at his mother. He knew she wasn't over what had happened, seeing the fear in her eyes that she was trying hard as hell to conceal. He knew because he was hiding it, too.

"Ooh! Yes! I was just thinking about going with a sports-type of theme," Kaspar's mom dug into her purse.

At that, West's dad smirked, an expectant look on his face. "I hope that's code for basketball, I hear."

"Cynthia Shoemaker's wedding is coming up as well," Elmar mentioned.

West blinked. He had forgotten about that. Justin rarely spoke about his older sister. He had made a vague statement about her getting married around a month ago, but that was it. Then again, the Shoemaker affairs always were kept under the best of wraps even with a chatterbox son.

"Along with Isaak's birthday party, but I've heard from a little red bird that that's already being taken care of?" Karlotta's eyes went over to her oldest son for confirmation, who nodded without looking up from his phone.


West gazed at his cousin. His bruises have seemed to heal up quite nicely and quickly. His parents weren't able to detect anything awry. The little scabs that remained could be explained away as small gashes from falling.

"Make sure it's not too crazy," said Sofia, but rolled her eyes at her own comment. "Oh, who am I kidding? You're both related to this guy," she tapped her husband's chest, "so the point is moot."

Friedrich laughed heartily, taking his wife's hand and kissing her knuckles. "It's not a party without that extra Kuttner flavor." His eyes found his son's and winked.

What West's mother didn't know was that he and his dad had already greenlighted the appearance of his famous basketball buddies. Now, most of them would be well-known German players, so no one would figure them out at first glance, but with Friedrich's presence, it would have the kids flocking anyhow.

"A party?" Leonhard sauntered toward the two older teens. He looked over at the parents before leaning in and whispering, "Can I help you guys?"

West answered before Kaspar could rebuff. "Sure, bud. We're headed to Malt's if you wanna come."

The bigger redhead shot the blond an annoyed glare before turning back to his phone, not sparing his little brother, who was raised on his toes in excitement, a second glance.

Five minutes later, after Kaspar dropped his bookbag off, the three bade their parents farewell and hopped into West's car, driving toward Malt Chimney to meet with Justin and Finn.

"Find anything new?" Kaspar asked from the passenger's seat.

West hesitated for a moment, knowing his cousin was going to have an aneurism over what he wanted to talk about for the last twenty-four hours. "Well, I had a little run-in with the town rockstar and-"

"What!?" the redhead exclaimed in instant fury. "What the fuck do you mean you had a run-in!? Did he attack you!? I swear to fucking Christ if he touched you-"

"Woah! Woah! Chill out, man! Nothing bad!"


"Who are you guys talking about?" Leonhard questioned from the back seat.

The older teens ignored him.

"Chill, dude," the blond attempted to placate his raging relative with a pat on the shoulder. "We only talked. Nothing else."

"The hell was so important that he needed to find you?"

"Remember his older brother? Bran?"

Kaspar's lips pursed. "It was him who fucked with your house, wasn't it?"

"No, no, no," West shook his head. "I don't think he even brought that up."

That got him a disappointed look.

"Well, why didn't you? Should have forced him to admit it. I guarantee it was either him or one of his empty-headed lackeys."

West just shrugged. "Maybe you're right. It might have been him or his older brother."

"But?" the redhead waited.

"I'm thinking his older brother is the likely culprit. Got to me before practice to warn me off him."

"Why? Didn't you say the guy was being weird around one of the kids? Therrie didn't even know he was there. No mentioning of him while I was talking to her, at least. Maybe they're working together."

He didn't want to think it was credible, but there was still a chance. And West couldn't believe how much he didn't want it to be true.

"But then there's the bathroom conversation," the blond reminded him. "You can't discount that, man."

Kaspar sighed and quieted for a minute before shaking his head. "Doesn't really matter, anyway. We're already forced to deal with one of them. No need to draw in a second."

"Who're you guys talking about?" Leonhard repeated, leaning in between the two seats.

Kaspar slouched in his. "Nothing that concerns you. You're lucky you don't have to deal with who we're putting up with."

"Come on!" the younger Dedekind whined.

West smothered a laugh. Their relationship was the polar opposite of his and Ophelia's – the usual annoying little sibling and the often irritated older one. He knew Kaspar cared for the little guy, but he had a weird way of showing it. Feeling sympathetic, West filled him in.

"You know about Wildwood closing down, right?"

Leonhard blinked, startled at first, but then beamed. "Oh, yeah! Those guys! A few of them are my classmates. They're really weird, though."

"Good," Kaspar nodded, looking grumpier as the discussion went on. "Keep that opinion, little bro. Stay away from them."

"Weird how?" West asked his younger cousin, ignoring the elder one.

"Like, they don't really talk to anybody else. They always stay together, and they act tough. Gus said he heard one of them talk about joining a gang."

Both sets of eyes went wide at that. West nearly slammed his foot all the way down on the gas pedal.


Leonhard's smirk turned a bit smug at having caught them by surprise. "Yeah. They put up these gang signs with their hands and everything. Bunch of weirdos."

A whole sixty seconds went by in silence as the two older boys absorbed the information. Honestly, they should've figured that out by now. In fact, West remembered it being mentioned in passing before being shot down as ridiculous.

Kaspar scowled out the window. "A gang, huh?"

"Seems plausible," West answered. "Maybe Justin was right on the money with that one."

"Meine Güte."

"You happen to catch the name of the gang they were talking about, Leon?"

"Uh, no," the younger redhead slumped, his haughty mood dissolving at not having the answer. "I think one of them almost said the name, but he got shushed real quick. I heard a 'sa-' and that was it."

T S S. The letters carved into one of the trees near the abandoned playground.

Tuct Side Sa-

What was "Sa-?"

That was the million-dollar question now.


"I don't know much about Cynthia," Justin shrugged, speaking around a mouthful of cheeseburger. "Or her new hubby. As I said, it was right out the gate."

"Do you think your parents are in on it?" West asked.

"Nah. Her name's almost like a curse word in the house. Shit, bitch, fuck, hell… Cynthia."

The team captain inspected his surroundings. Being a school night, there weren't too many students present, but the ones who were around occasionally took a glimpse of the Jiving Four's table, hopeful of getting noticed. This was, in all likelihood, Leonhard's first time being here without an adult figure by his side. Despite having to sit in an extra chair at the end of the table, he appeared happy just being seen with the cool crowd.

Kaspar, sitting near the window next to his blond cousin, ate his French fries slowly, which was one of the more effective ways of coming off his aggressive moods. "How are the little ones' taking it?"

Justin's brows furrowed, staring harshly into his burger. "That's what pisses me off about the whole situation the most. Jose and Joc have been jumping up and down and screaming about wanting to see her, but Mom and Dad…" he exhaled roughly, "they don't fucking listen! I'm thinking about sneaking them out to the wedding next week."

The wedding next week.

So were Henry's twin sisters' weddings.

Scott's aunt as well.

Next week was jampacked with nuptials.

"Your parents won't be there?" Finn, beside his tall friend, questioned with a hopeful tone.

Justin shook his head sharply. "Out of sight, out of mind. Your body is a temple for the Lord and blah blah blah!" He stuffed the rest of his burger in his mouth, swallowed after five bites, and belched loudly.

"They'll allow the tailgate, right?" wondered West.

"If not, I'll sneak them out then."

Josephine and Jocelyn Shoemaker, Justin's little twin sisters, were probably the most sheltered kids in Tuct Side. They were friends with Ophelia, which made just the cutest trio the Kuttner has ever seen, but the last time they got together was quite a while ago. West stood alongside Justin in frustration at the latter's mother and father. If his brunette friend needed help getting them out of the house, then consequences be damned.

Kaspar's face went taut, seemingly struggling with what he was about to say. "Also, you… may have been right about there being… a gang involved in this whole… mystery."

Justin only lifted an eyebrow, completely dumbfounded.

"You know. About the group home and stuff," West supplied.

The brunette's eyes went to the ceiling in thought until a wide, complacent grin stretched upon his face. "Seriously-"

"Might've been!" Kaspar briefly cut in, but it only fed the tall teen's self-satisfaction.

"And just how was I proven to be a genius?"

The redhead groaned and rolled his eyes to his little brother. West smiled at Leonhard, who proudly smirked back at Justin. "I overheard some peeps."

Justin nodded gleefully. "You were always my favorite Dedekind brother, Lee. I'm glad I made the right choice."

Kaspar flipped them both off.