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Audio Recording #1

The following is an phone conversation between subjects Nigel 'Neil' Morterero and a recipient currently dubbed "AoM" for legal and safety reasons. The audio has been recorded by the recipient in order to dissolve any claims and charges of suspicious activity in court.

Date Recorded: Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 | 4:50 P.M.

Neil: You there?

AoM: I'm here.

Neil: We can't keep doin' this, man. When are you comin' over?

AoM: Sorry, I know. I'm still trying to work around the security details surrounding the town. For a bunch of gangsters, they sure know how to utilize surveillance.

Neil: But you can get through, right?

AoM: Don't worry. Alonso's cooking up a plan as we speak. Be heavy on the lookout in the next week, okay?

Neil: Yeah. Got it, man. Christ, I can't believe I haven't been caught out!

AoM: I told you, my friend. They're getting lax. Too much power like that can make you lazy after a while. Though, that doesn't mean we can. Make sure to burn this phone to ash after.

Neil: I know the deal. Um, how's, uh, things?

AoM: I was just about to ask you that. Everything's fine on my end, Nigel. Oh, Lacia wanted me to tell you that you're going to be having a new cousin on the way.

Neil: For real?

AoM: Yep. Make sure to give her a list of names. We don't know the gender yet, though, so many of both would be much preferred.

Neil: Fuck it. Just name 'im "Neil" and be done with it.

AoM: Ha! I had a feeling you'd say that. How's Gia? Is she doing alright?

Neil: Yeah. Keepin' her under wraps. But H is gettin' slicker every time. Honest t' God, I think he's tryin' to catch one of us alone.

AoM: Are you and her making friends at whatever new schools you're at. I know that's a part of their plan, but you could spend more time with them to keep him off your back.

Neil: Nah. I already got one on my ass and they won't leave me alone. Tricked me into givin' my phone number through Gia and shit…

AoM: How so? Is he a part of…?

Neil: Hell, no. Far from it, man. I had my doubts in the beginning but I'm startin' to believe they're innocent through and through.

AoM: This sounds a lot like infatuation, Nigel. Who's the girl?

Neil: I wouldn't have minded it so much if it was.

AoM: Oh. Guy, then? Which boy's heart did you steal?

Neil: I ain't steal shit. I show up for one day and he's droolin' and panting like a dog all over me.

AoM: I bet you like him, too.

Neil: And what makes you say that?

AoM: Well, you wouldn't have gone into even that much detail, knowing you. And you didn't lie when I asked if it was a girl or voiced any threats to beat him up if he didn't leave you alone.

Neil: You trippin' talkin' all that bullshit. Boy's like a bee after a dying flower.

AoM: You're a good man, Nigel. I know you didn't believe that the first few hundred times I've told you that and you don't believe it now, but it is true regardless.

Neil: Fuck off. I'm really not, man.

AoM: Then, at least you're nothing like them.

Neil: I'm runnin' out of time, man. When are we talkin' next?

AoM: A month. Again, no need to get lazy.

Neil: A'ight. Tell Aunt Lacia I said congrats.

AoM: Will do. Stay safe and alert, Nigel. You and Gia.