WebNovelTuct Side80.43%

Chapter 27

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

West never had to sneak out before.

One would think that being the son of a famous foreign basketball player, he would be locked away in his bedroom with five three-hundred-pound bodyguards around his door, never hoping to see the light of day again. That might have crossed his mother's mind once or twice, especially recently, but thank whatever god was out there that his father had the attitude that he did. Friedrich was a strong, proud man, and he believed that showing the enemy that you weren't afraid was the best way to beating them.

And this meant that West could just walk out the front door at seven-thirty in the evening with a simple text to his parents that he was going out. He was in the clear when they messaged him back to not stay out too late. After the vandalism incident, life was quickly returning to normal.

Although, this was a bit off course from the blond's usual routine. His folks probably thought he was on his way to get Kaspar so they could hang out with the rest of the gang. He'll let the illusion remain for now. Where he was going, not even his short-tempered cousin could know because that would spell disaster.

Finding out West was getting intimate with a boy was one thing. Finding out that that that boy was Neil Morterero was a whole Pandora's box that needed to stay closed for the foreseeable future. As he headed toward his car, his camera around his neck and phone out to search up the directions to the Ugly Mug on his phone, he got the text from said tetchy redhead –

Kaspar: U busy or wut?

West anticipated this, already having the perfect response in mind. He waited to get inside his car and start it up before responding.

West: Nah but im a bit tired. Need 2 get + sleep after football

Kaspar: Yeah ok. 'morrow?

West: Totally. Ball @ Bradvons?

Kaspar: U want ur ass beat that much?

West: Said the non-captain

West hoped to the heavens that Kaspar was somewhere in his room, where he couldn't hear the roar of the engine as he whipped down the street. Luckily, his destination didn't need him to pass by the Dedekind's household, driving toward the western half of Tuct Side as if the devil was on his ass. Kaspar would keep Justin and Finn busy, and possibly the rest of their friends, too. Nobody would know that their basketball captain was on his way to fraternize with the enemy.

Their moans were synced as they climaxed together, and through it all, their hands oscillated faster than ever…

West scratched at his hair, grabbing a ballcap from the floor of the passenger's seat and putting it on when he reached a red light.

Focus on the damn road, Flower Boy.

Woah. Had Neil replaced his own internal voice, or had the noirette's pull finally gotten to him? Maybe it was the same for his rival.

It took twenty minutes to get where he needed to be, arriving in a bustling urban area not too far off from Tuct Side. West had crossed the town of Cauville before, a rather quiet place even when they visited for sports matches, but judging from the amount of cars in the parking lot of the cabin log-like building, one would think a celebrity was in town. And maybe they were at this point.

He was just relieved that his ex-Wildwood rival hadn't led him to a dingy, abandoned dumpster of an alley.

Finding space at the very back of the lot, West parked and climbed out, pressing his hat further down his head and adjusting his gray hoodie. It was Untold's time to shine, so he hoped nobody recognized him in there. He entered in with a small group of others who appeared to be in their early twenties, none of them sparing him a glance as he trudged inside behind them. The Ugly Mug was a live venue, and quite an expansive one, too.

West's vision was filled with mahogany under bright lights. Communal restaurant tables made up the majority of the room, the long counter on the left and a stage at the very back. And on that stage sat who he was there for. The blond knew he was punctual, arriving at eight on the dot, but he suddenly wished he got here a lot earlier, hoping to catch a word or two with Neil beforehand.

Maybe more than a word.

West hurried over to an empty stool at the end of the counter and sat, keeping his eyes on the noirette, who was fiddling the strings of his guitar. His face was lowered, but the team captain could see that the paleness had returned, his bruises all but nearly gone. Shaun and Poly were there setting up their equipment, the former winking at someone in the front row. West followed the dyed blond's line of sight to surprisingly find Nora beaming, blowing a kiss back at him. Around her were Enzo and his twin sister Via, along with several other kids in their clique. The sight made West instinctively reach over and push his ballcap down despite it already being secure on his head. If they knew he was here, there really wasn't anything he could do from stopping them from revealing this secret at school.

"Would you like anything, sir?"

West jumped in his seat, spinning around to find the bartender, a young, tall guy in glasses, gazing at him expectantly.

"Oh, um, water would be just fine," the boy squirmed in his stool. "Thanks."

"No problem, man," the guy smiled before turning to go fetch his drink.

Christ, West dragged his hand over his mouth. Am I that jumpy?

He needed to calm down. Being this anxious, he's bound to draw attention and expose himself. But he just couldn't get rid of the energy spiking in his body. It was a mixture of uneasiness and excitement for the things to come. The bartender came back with his water, and luckily West saw him coming this time.

Up ahead, the band had finally gotten things together, and murmurs of anticipation reverberated lowly through the audience as Neil brought his mic closer. Judging by the expression on his face, he looked annoyed, his blue eyes scanning the crowd and looking more exasperated by the second.

Could he be…?

West leaned forward a bit, and as if sensing that little movement, Neil's orbs of lightning struck green grass almost immediately. The blond froze in his seat as his rival stared back at him intensely, his emotions indetectable.

"How the fuck…" he practically growled into the microphone, "is everyone doing tonight?"

When the crowd cheered, West released a huge breath of air, not realizing he even stopped inhaling in the first place. For a second, he thought he was going to get called out. Though, it doesn't look like anybody noticed their brief but rattling connection. How was this lightning-eyed, ruggedly handsome enigma able to knock him senseless from such a distance? West almost wanted to go on his knees in worship.

"Not gonna waste any more time," Neil continued. "We're Untold. Let's just get right into it. This one's called Misery Business."

And they played, Neil starting with light twiddling of the guitar before the whole band exploded into a crescendo of hard percussions and guitar and electric rock. West went for his camera, taking as many pictures and videos as he could, savoring their performance for himself. He thought one of the employees or whoever managed the music gigs would have introduced them, but it seemed that Untold didn't need help with that. And the people didn't mind that one bit.

Whoa, I never meant to brag

But I got him where I want him now

Whoa, it was never my intention to brag

To steal it all away from you now

It was the highest he's ever heard Neil's voice go, and it still sounded so deep and husky. West had to lower his camera every once in a while just to simply bask in the rough tones.

But God, does it feel so good

'Cause I got him where I want him now

And if you could, then you know you would

'Cause God it just feels so

It just feels so good

Man, those lyrics could not be any more relatable at this moment than they are now. The occurrence in the college locker room during Isaak's birthday party. The kiss in the school's restroom when West found his crush's face all mashed up. Although, who was Neil singing those words to? Who was the supposed jealous party? Or was he speaking to the whole world? Singing it from the rooftops and all that? West knew it was big-headed of him to think that, but he couldn't help it. Not when the noirette's eyes occasionally flickered back to where his rival was seated, eyes flashing with scorching heat.

The night went on like that, the adversaries' bond never truly breaking as Neil sang his heart out and West immortalized him with a click of his finger.


Your sex is on fire


With what's just transpired

Truer words have never been spoken. The current tightness in his jeans could not be explained any other way. West shifted in his seat, trying to make his jeans look baggier than they were to hide the bulge that would no doubt outline his pants if he sat still.

Off in the night while you live it up,

I'm off to sleep

Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat

I hope it's gonna make you notice

I hope it's gonna make you notice

Someone like me

That made West pause. Something pulled at his chest. Regardless of the special treatment at school and being cousins with formerly well-known basketball players, he knew Neil didn't have the best home life. Based on the day his ratchet mother came screeching at their school and the injuries he saw on the boy's face much later, his rival really was in a struggle of his own. Add in whoever is forcing him and his friends to attend Patriot High.

Neil's eyes met West's once more. Lightning down on grass, leaving charred earth but this one a sign.

The blond nodded. He remembered what he, Kaspar, Justin, and Finn promised amongst each other. That they would do something.

I notice.


An hour later, West was lost. Not in the bar but on what to do next.

The band had closed out about a minute ago, and as some of the crowd cleared, he was left a sitting duck with his water, which went untouched until now. He kept checking his phone for a text or a signal, but nothing came. Feeling awkward, the blond got up and went in search of the bathroom, making sure to keep watch of Nora, Enzo, and the others. They had disappeared as soon as Untold finished their set, but West had a feeling they were still around somewhere. Either that or he just had to be cautious.

Going through a short corridor, he found the men's restroom right at the end, but the moment he placed a hand on the door, that haunting, gruff voice came from behind him, making him shiver.

"Where ya goin', Flower Boy."

West spun around, his heart rate skyrocketing as he came face to face with his rival. "Oh! A-Are your friends-"

"Went with Shaun an' Poly. It's just you and me this time," Neil looked him over, his lips curling upward in amusement. "This your disguise or something?"

The blond flushed but couldn't help but grin back. "I mean, I didn't know your friends would be here. I got a little too excited, so I just put on whatever."

"Excited, eh? Well, I don't wanna disappoint," those blue eyes flashed with forbidden pleasures as he walked past West and into the bathroom. "Follow."

Yes, sir. West had to push his lips into his mouth to keep from spilling that out.