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Chapter 29

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

"So," Kaspar started even as he bounced the basketball while the other three surrounded him. "Let's go over what we know now."

Justin's shoulders sagged as he gave the redhead an annoyed look. "During our game, though?"

"I'm not waiting on this, man. We gotta talk about it at some point."

"How about, I don't know, after a few rounds?"

"How about," Finn swooped in and snatched the ball from a scowling Kaspar and aimed his shot, "every time one of us makes a basket, you make speculation off of what we already know."

West nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Of course, they wouldn't be discussing such a topic in the middle of Bradvons Park, which usually filled up whenever the Jiving Four came to play. Luckily, there were a few uninterested joggers and a couple of toddlers near the swing sets.

The boys played, each one of them on their own team. For the first three or four minutes, there was a whole lot of interference and ball stealing before Justin tried for a layup. His height allowed for him to only cover a short distance, and the ball bounced on the backboard before going straight in.

The other three looked at the brunette expectantly, who just sighed and scratched at his head. "Um, so Javier Rabellino? He's a certified creep, a pimp, and a possible drug dealer. I mean, the guy saw me drinking and offered me some real good stuff."

Kaspar nodded, satisfied, signaling the start of the next round. This time, the redhead made it in with a three-pointer. "Also, Javier's been hanging around our school for some time now. Maybe even before we started high school. Remember Neil and the blond guy's conversation? They had a job to do. I have a feeling that job just might be the same as Javier's."

West blinked. "You mean, they might be wanting to… sell drugs and… pimp out…" he couldn't even finish that question.

There was no way Neil would do something like that. He wouldn't need to with the amount of views they were getting online due to their band. However, if they were doing all that, it sounded like they were being forced to.

His cousin shrugged. "More hands make for lighter work, dude."

This time, West put a bit more effort, seizing the ball out of the air from a shot from Kaspar and tossing it backward. It didn't even hit the rim as it sunk right in.

"Oh, so now you care," the redhead muttered.

"I think they're being forced," West said. "We know for a fact that they don't want to be doing all… that. We need to find a way to help them."

The blond winced internally. He sounded like a defensive mother protecting her troublemaking child from the accusations made by the public. Kaspar caught onto it, too, lifted a brow at his wary cousin.

"Which is, uh, what you said before," West swallowed, resting his hands on his hips uncomfortably. "We should help."

"Right, and we're going to. No backing out now."

The game went on, and eventually, Finn made the next basket. "Last week, we found out that the Kessler twins' new hubbies are a part of the T.S.S gang. They had tattoos of that purple diamond thing on their hands. Is it too much of a stretch to think that grooms of the other marriages had that tattoo as well?"

Justin suddenly froze, his face paling. "Even…"

"Even Cynthia's husband," Kaspar finished grimly.

West felt his stomach sink to his toes. "The wedding dates were all near each other."

"Which must mean that they're spreading out like a wildfire," Finn added. "Trying to gain more territory."

Worrisome wasn't the right word for how they all felt for the newly-wedded women. They were downright fearful of what they will go through in the next coming days, weeks, and months. How long will it be before their husbands gave up the act and put their wives in harm's way?

"It's more than that," continued Kaspar. "Remember the secret surveillance? The best hiding spot is being out in plain sight. People will welcome the new addition to their families, giving the gang member free rein and control over multiple households."

Despite it being only a couple of hours after noon, the weather seemed quite dismal with its gray skies and smoky clouds. It was practically the perfect weather for the depressing atmosphere that just entered the court. West almost didn't want to play anymore.

"Christ, this is fucked up," Justin groaned. "I need a drink."

You and me both, buddy, West thought.

In the next round, West scored another point with a bank shot.

"The AMBER alerts. One every two months. But there was two last month."

Kaspar hummed in thought. "That means a child goes missing. Two kids went missing last month and nobody's spoken up about it."

"It couldn't be one of the kids at Tuct-In, right? Theresa would have made a fuss about it."

"But she does let her creep of a fiancé hang around the place even when she doesn't know about it. You said he almost took Jack. He must be some kind of child predator."

West recalled Neil demanding him to stay away from his older brother. The two siblings were similar in temper, but there was something darker about Bran Morterero that even Neil appeared to fear. And that was something the elder male hid well. It didn't sound right to place blame on Theresa when even someone as kind and compassionate as her was fooled by her future husband's mask.

Justin let out a snort of disgust. "Why the fuck would they need to take kids? Don't tell me they're-"

Kaspar cut him off before he finished the statement, quickly shaking his head as he bounced the basketball harder. "I don't even want to think about it," then his eyes went wide in surprise, ceasing his dribbling. "Wait a second! My little brother said that some of his classmates were from Wildwood throwing up gang signs and shit like that. Almost outed the name of the gang, too."

Finn shook his head, looking more hopeless as the conversation went on. "They're turning to children.? Initiating young kids into their gang?"

"They take kids and fuck them all up until they turn into Neil and his gang," Justin grunted angrily, walking over to a nearby bench to drink from a bottle of water.

"Exactly what I was thinking," Kaspar said. "In the near future, if nothing is done, they'll overtake this entire town."

"Or maybe they already have and are just keeping the numbers stable. Fresh blood and all that."

"I'm pretty positive I'll be making student president in October. When I do, we'll start something to get more students involved with Tuct-In. I also see if I can include the new foster care over on the west side. Those guys in the gang jackets we saw weren't there for no reason."

For the first time since they've pledged to help, a spark of hope flickered in West's chest. They couldn't do too much, but what little they could do just might have huge impacts.

"We need to do this subtly, guys," West chimed in. "If whoever's out there finds out that we know more than we should, I don't want your houses to be used as a painting canvas."

"Why don't we use cameras? Counter-surveillance their asses?" Justin suggested.

"My house and Kaspar's are covered. We'll set you guys up, too."

That, and they needed to be careful on not being seen putting up cameras. West and Kaspar's situations and solutions were made public, which was inevitable with how well-known their families were. However, they had an opportunity with Justin and Finn, especially the latter's house, which was a cottage isolated from the rest of the community. It was more likely something would occur where they were located than anywhere else.

"Also, Justin?" the redhead turned to the brunette, tossing the ball over to him. "Next week, go to church with your parents. And the weeks after that."

Justin, as expected, gawked in disbelief. "What!? Why!?"

"I don't see a reason why your folks wouldn't start going to Cynthia's husband's church in Idaho City. Why would an alleged gang member own a church? If it's anything like Javier, then it's probably his den of drugs and hookers."

"Just another way to gain money," Finn muttered disapprovingly.

"That's right."

Justin slumped again, throwing the ball away, and stalked over to the bench once again. "So fucked up."

Kaspar caught the ball and looked each of his friends in the eye. "We'll talk more later. Let's just get in a real game now."

West agreed. Just that brief discussion was enough to sap most of his energy, the bleak details of what might be a bit much for his naïve brain. He was afraid if they were to continue on into darker depths, find more what they bargained for, it just might kill him.