WebNovelTuct Side91.30%

Chapter 31

Content Warning: Underage Drug Use (Minor) | Sexual Content (Explicit)

Friday, October 5th, 2012

Two weeks.

Two weeks later and the only bit of evidence they had was Bran's license plate. They were sure he had been kidnapping children and was trying to nab some from the group home, but other than that, proof of other wrongdoings was being pretty elusive. West hated sitting on it, wanting to the image straight to the police, but Kaspar was somehow able to convince him:

"Hold onto it. We need to play our cards right. If we do, we can nip this in the bud in one fell swoop."

He was right. Suspicion was one thing they wanted to avoid. Crucial since they were dealing with an actual gang. Though it didn't stop West from feeling like the longer they waited, the more those women and children in the gang's clutches would be hurt. The need for change was beginning to make him feel anxious.

Hence the party they were currently at, hosted by the senior twins Nathan and Vinny Cassell. They had won another football game, this was sending them into playoffs. However, while his teammates showed up to relax and consummate on their win, West and his boys came for a whole other purpose. West, Justin, and Finn sat on a couch in the corner of the wide living room while Kaspar stood tall before them like a drill sergeant, the fun and ruckus going crazy behind him.

"Remember, we're here for other reasons than partying," he sent a pointed look to his tall, brunette friend. "That means you, too, Jay. Don't get too wasted because Javier might show up."

Justin, who had a bottle in hand, groaned in disappointment and leaned back on the couch. "Christ…"

"You know, I've asked around about them," Finn spoke up. "About Bran and Javier? Hawkeye and Bull? Got a lot of responses from the western side. Nobody's heard of them."

West didn't expect that from him. The ebony-haired boy had always been timid and reserved around others that weren't the Jiving Four. Maybe the blond should have taken note when his friend showed a lot more courage when faced with Neil and his former Wildwood classmates.

"They only know Hangman?" West questioned.

"Yup. Bran and Javier were on the team, but they were more like benchwarmers than anything. Barely any playtime."

"Yeah," Kaspar confirmed. "I got my brother to ask around and he says that they've never heard of the names either."

West felt sort of sick hearing that. Why would they lie about something like that? To draw attention and bring people in for their dealings? Not only were they both the scum of the earth, but they were fake as well. And Jorge? God, he didn't know whether Jorge was a part of this or not. Honestly, West didn't know what to think of the basketball player he looked up to for some time.

"If he – Javier – shows up, one of us needs to be by with a phone," Kaspar stared each of them in the eyes, wanting immediate compliance. "We can't afford to miss any more opportunities on gaining evidence."

He faced Justin again, who was drinking down the booze at a slow pace. "You and your family went to the guy's church the last two weeks, right? Any anomalies?"

"Anomo-what?" the brunette swallowed on a perplexed blink. "You mean like weird shit? Nah, it was just your regular, ol' sing-and-praise church."

"What about after?"

"After? I dunno. I didn't like staying there. I got outta dodge 'cause it gave me the creeps."

The redhead closed his eyes and pursed his lips, holding in his frustration. "Next time, find an excuse to stay there longer. See if any shady shit goes down."

"Can't we just leave it alone?" Justin whined, sloshing the remaining contents of his bottle, nearly spilling a few drops on West's leg.

Kaspar's brown eyes turned to stone, cold rage brimming beneath their surfaces. West leaned forward to calm his cousin down but was stunned still when he spoke up in a steady voice, an icy edge in his tone.

"Sure. Leave all those women and children in the hands of a sadistic, abusive drug dealer and an incestuous pedophile. The faster we figure this out, the sooner you can get on with drinking yourself to death! Or maybe liver cancer will take you out before that!"

The longer Kaspar went on, the madder he got. Before he could explode, he spun around and stomped into the crowd, leaving with a dark, angry cloud over his head.

Justin sagged in his seat, despondency making him wilt. "I… I didn't mean-"

"He knows that," Finn comforted the brunette's back with a back rub. "We all do."

West squeezed Justin's shoulder in sympathy. "He's been more stressed than all of us about the whole situation."

"Future FBI agent, remember?"

That got a little amused scoff out of brunette. Though, West couldn't ignore the truth of his own statement. Just at the beginning of the week, Kaspar had been voted into class presidency, and now he had a lot more on his table. Even so, the issues concerning Tuct Side didn't lessen in priority despite the fact that it was starting to take a toll on his moods. West's cousin had always been short-tempered, but nowadays, he seemed even more so.

And Justin? Smoking and drinking were becoming more of an occurrence, and West could only scold himself for dragging his feet on it. He looked over to his friend, who was unhappily nursing his half-drunken bottle.


"Yeah, dude?"

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" the brunette sniffed before forcing a cocky smirk on his face. "Of course, I'm okay. I've never felt more okay than I do now."

West wasn't falling for it. "You sure? You've been smoking… and drinking a lot lately. I honestly don't know how you sneak it past your folks."

"You'd think the twins would have tattled on you for smelling weird or something," Finn added, looking just as concerned.

Justin grinned shyly, returning his eye to his drink. "You're killin' my buzz, man."

"Sorry," the blond smiled. "Just know that we're here for you, okay, buddy? Even Kas when he's pissed with you Sometimes talking helps."

"Gonna need a few drinks to do that."

The three laughed, bringing back the pleasant atmosphere. West promised himself to dig later, but for now, putting Justin back in an agreeable mood was good enough.

"Thanks, guys," the brunette muttered.

He might've not wanted to be heard over the music, but West caught it anyway.


At some point during the party, West strayed away from watch duty in the living room to go use the bathroom. An hour and a half later, there hadn't been any reports of a man in black so far. The one day when they were actively seeking him out, Javier decided not to show up.

After relieving himself, West traversed back down the upstairs hallway, passing by rooms occupied by the sounds of it. The Cassells had a pretty large house, their family a part of the middle high class.

Although there was a room right before the stairs he didn't notice the first time, cracked open an inch. It was pitch black, and West was about to close it when he heard a deep cough. The smell of cigarette smoke reached him., but that was not what had the alarms in his head go off.

And those alarms were the tingles that raced up his back.

Hearing a couple of voices approaching him from downstairs, the blond hurried inside the room and shut the door behind him. He found the light switch a few seconds later and illuminated the room to find the guy that has been on his mind since the day after football practice more than a week ago. Even during football practices and games, he could only get an eyeful of the noirette before he was swarmed by his ex-Wildwood clique, the chance to approach him never appearing. But now, he was all alone in a party for one.

West's face heated as his eyes roamed a shirtless Neil smoking a blunt at the foot of a queen-sized bed, his huge, muscular body on display, dark, ripped jeans unzipped, and black hair in disarray. It wasn't hard to guess what he had been up to since the party started.

Something ugly, something he had no right to feel, stirred in West's stomach alongside the arousal, but he quickly tampered it down before it could manifest in his voice. But before he could speak, Neil's growly voice filled the room, talking without even turning to look.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, Flower Boy."

West forced himself to breathe in the smoky air, hoping it would boost his courage before speaking his mind.

"Nah. I don't think I will."

The air stilled as the muscles in Neil's back froze. That time, he did spin around to face his rival, a storm in those fiery blue eyes. "Excuse me?"

West tried to hide his swallow as much as he could. His sights briefly went to his chest, noticing the tattoo just above his abdomen.


Tuct Side Saturn.

He compelled his mind to stay focused. "I thought about what you said, and I refuse. So, no. I won't leave you alone."

He swallowed again, no longer bothering to hide this one. Even though he was a little proud of himself for not stuttering so much, it was still obvious he was becoming a nervous wreck.

"I can't."

Neil stared at the blond before turning back to face the wall, scoffing under his breath. "You're just trippin' like always."

"I think I have a good idea of what's going on."

"No, you don't," the noirette's tone was sharp. "And you don't need to know."

"I'm not leaving you to deal with this, Neil. I can help."

He took a step closer, somehow not faltering when Neil pivoted with a furious scowl.

"Well, I don't need you fuckin' help, puta! You saw me cryin' like a lil' bitch an' now you wanna butt in my business? Fuck no!"

West shrugged. "I'm in too deep anyway. I'm not backing out just because you say so."

"You should, you fuckin' idiot! You have no goddamn idea what you're-"


The world stopped for a second time.

West nearly regretted casually spilling the word out as he watched the lightning-eyed boy's face pale several shades.

But he needed to know that West knew.

"What did you say?"

Low. Deadly.

Still, West, either bravely or stupidly, forged onward, taking a few more steps closer.

"The Tuct Side Saturns. That's what they're called, yeah? The gang trying to make you sell drugs in school?"

"Shut up. Right now."

"Your brother, B-Bran. And Javier. And maybe Jorge. They're a part of-"

"I said shut the fuck up, asshole!" Neil shot from his place on the bed, making it shake as he glowered hatefully at the blond.

Though West could see a minuscule glimmer of fear in the corners of his pupils, and he used that to continue.

"Wait J-Just listen! Me and the boys. You know. Kaspar, Finn, and Justin. Back at my brother's birthday party. Justin was with Javier and saw that girl your cousin brought to the wedding. She-She was bruised up. Beaten."

West had to pause to regather his thoughts, feeling bile rise in his throats from just recounting what Justin had seen. Thankfully, Neil kept quiet.

"It was the last straw for us. A lot of strange things happened before, but that was when we decided to do something about it."

"If you think that givin' your house a shitty paint job was all that was gonna happen, then you're even more of a dumbass than I thought," Neil sneered angrily.

Normally, West brushed off the insults like a smudge of dirt in the shower. However, hearing that snapped something inside the level-headed blond, and, for the first time, he allowed anger to take root.

"For trying to help?" he glared at the noirette, who blinked in surprise. "Then I'll be a dumbass! I'll be proud to wear the badge if I can help at least one person."

"Fuckin' hell," Neil shook his head, sighing as if he was a disapproving father. "What's with you hero types? You wanna be a martyr now, Flower Boy?"

West plodded closer to his rival until he could feel his breath on his face. "If it means putting away fucking sickos like your brother, then yes, Neil! I'll be a goddamned martyr!"

Neil's face darkened. "Don't-"

"Your brother's a sick bastard. And- and it's-"

"You fucking dipshit!" the noirette growled, his pale muscles flexing in rage. "Stop fuckin' talking!"

"I want to help you, man! I want to fucking help you!" West yelled back in his face. "We're trying to figure this out. Trying to gather enough shit on them to take to the feds or someone who'll help us."

Shockingly, Neil tried to take a step back, that sad exhaustion starting to come over his features, but West wouldn't allow that this time, moving with him to maintain the same distance, or lack thereof.

"You don't know what you're gettin' yourself into, man."

"Who's the son of a famous foreign basketball player? If I go missing, the gang shoots itself in the foot. Draw unwanted attention. At least, my death will be good for something."

An array of emotions flickered across Neil's face like a slideshow.

Fear. Rage. Grief.


"Don't talk like that! I don't-" he looked away, his clenched fists nearly severing the blunt in half. "Just don't say that."

"Help me help you, dude. Please," West pleaded.

It was silent, the beat of the music and the dissonance of the party a quiet, muffled noise behind the door. Neil stepped back again. For a second, West thought he lost him again, his stomach dropping to his feet, but then the noirette nodded.

"Monday. Let's leave it for Monday, you feel me? I need to…" he threw the cigarette down to the floor and stomped on it with the heel of his sneaker. "I need to figure out my own shit first."

West watched the action with wide eyes. He hadn't prepared for this part of the script. If Neil had said yes, or that he'll think about it. This was one of the better outcomes, but it had seemed so unlikely before now. Before he could say anything, Neil spoke again, his voice now gruff and commanding.

"Get on the bed."

As if he didn't have enough blood surging down below already, the tightness in his pants suddenly became unbearable.


Neil chuckled lowly as West did as he said. "Flower Boy. I think it's time we changed that, don't you think?"

As soon as the blond spun around, heart beating so fast he thought it would explode out of his chest, Neil was on him. Chest to chest and lips to lips. The noirette held his rival by the back of his neck as their mouths moved against each other. The intensifying heat was getting to him, and West had to get rid of his shirt, revealing lean, well-toned muscles. Tiny electric shocks over every pore in his body when their skin made contact caused him to shudder and moan.

"Let's get ya a bit loose, yeah?" Neil said before his hand slowly skimmed down West's back until it reached the curve of his ass.

Those fingers dug inside his shorts and grabbed his cheek tightly right before snatching itself out to smack it. The blond yelped into Neil's mouth, which he could feel the smirk stretching into place.

"Couldn't resist," he chuckled roughly. "Not with this ass."

The lightning-eyed boy's fingers dove back under his shorts to land on the crack, caressing ever closer to the jackpot. West's mind spiraled with excitement, but there was a dash of fear as well. He had never gotten that far with a boy before.

"You ready?" Neil asked, and West, despite his qualms, nodded his consent.

He wanted this. So bad.

The noirette leaned in to suck on the blond's neck as he leisurely pressed his index finger to his anus, then began to push in. West whimpered into his rival's big trap, hugging him tightly. His ass automatically tried to force out the ligament's intrusion.

"Relax, Flo," he whispered, hot breath tickling West's ear. "It'll only hurt for a second, okay?"

West nodded hesitantly before unbuttoning his shorts and pulling them down to his knees, all while trying to calm his body down as much as he could. Neil briefly lapped his tongue around his middle and ring finger before returning to their destination. He couldn't help but cry out as the noirette's two fingers penetrated his virgin hole, panting as they went deep and scissored around.

Neil leaned back to connect their eyes. "Need a break?"

West's response was immediate. "No! K-Keep going."


The lightning-eyed boy maneuvered beside West, his fingers still entrenched and moving rhythmically in West's hole, making the blond's breaths quicken. Pain was gradually giving way to pleasure. The former reached down with his other hand to latch onto the latter's hardened dick, solidifying into steel at the bigger boy's touch.

"H-Holy fuck!" West practically shouted as his cock and hole were manipulated beautifully to create shimmers of ecstasy that raced throughout his entire body.

He rocked between Neil's fingers, which now had a third one in the fray, and his hand. West was settling into a tempo with fucking his rival's hand when both left him, leaving him empty and unsatisfied. Fortunately, before he could embarrass himself with a disappointed whine, Neil swiftly removed his jeans and fell back, dragging West with him. Then, in one motion, the blond was flipped around until he was staring down at Neil's engorged shaft.

"Suck on it while I open you up, man," the noirette spoke against West's balls, causing them to grow taut in response. "I like it rough."

No need to tell him twice. He had his mouth around the long, thick member, eliciting a long groan from the male underneath him. And as he wrapped his tongue around the tip, West felt a pair of lips enclosing around his nuts while fingers shoveled into his ass. The sensation of Neil's tongue stroking his balls coupled with his hole being stretched even wider caused his eyes to roll back and his head to subconsciously sink further down, stuffing his mouth with more dick. The blond held on to Neil's massive thighs for dear life as they both worked on each other.

West's moaning couldn't be contained, the stirring in his balls starting to become too much. He was going to blow all too soon, and he didn't know how to stop it. Something about Neil's double administration to his hole and nutsack while sucking his dick was a lot for him to take.

It was when Neil decided to swallow just a bit of West's cock that he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Ah, fuck!" the blond cursed as he erupted into the noirette's mouth.

For a moment, West's head filled with a bunch of apologies and excuses for the sudden ejaculation but soon came to realize that Neil was drinking him down greedily. And even after cumming so hard, he still felt so unfulfilled, his shaft still standing to attention.

Neil licked his lips as a smug grin graced them. "Guess that means you're ready."

Slipping his fingers out, the lightning-eyed boy moved out from under the blond, and kneeled behind him, a calloused hand repeatedly squeezing his butt.

"If you wanna back out now, Flo, now's th' chance," Neil warned, fondling the skin with one hand while the other reached inside his jeans' pocket for something. "I ain't kidding when I say I'm gonna beat this ass in."

"What if that's what I want?" West dared to bold, watching as his rival ripped a condom from its small package and sheathed it over his shaft.

It made the noirette blink before a savage smirk split his face, delivering a surge of delicious danger up West's spine. Neil spun around again to a nearby nightstand, where there just so happened to be a bottle of lubrication. West mentally thanked the Cassells for keeping it out in that open for some reason.

"Fuck! Come here!"

Neil pulled him close until the tip of his dick rested on West's entrance. Many swiped of lube over his hole and his rival's wrapped rod later, he was more than ready. The blond only had a few seconds to gather his bearing before bell-end was shoved its way into him. He gasped, his breaths ceasing as Neil slowly pushed in. Despite the slow pace and the exorbitant amount of lube, it still burned. But there was a small bit of pleasure to be found in the fire, especially when Neil's rough, throaty groan filled the room.

"Shit, Flo! You're fuckin' tight!"

It felt neverending as the bigger boy forced more of his length in, stretching West's asshole to the point where he thought he'd be split in two. But then the need to cum a second time boiled down in his groin and the pain from Neil's slow movements eventually trickled down into spikes of gratifying tremors.

"Fuck…" West keened lowly as he started bucking his hips back, trying to claim the inches that haven't been inside him yet, but Neil held onto his waist tightly.

"Don't wanna hurt yourself."

The blond would have cursed at him, but then the noirette's moves began to pick up speed, transitioning into short, quick jabs that sent droves of pain and pleasure through his stomach and out his throat in the form of an agonized cry.

West never really understood how something could hurt so good until right now. Right now, he could empathize with masochists and how they found delight in their own torture. West's hands flailed to find something to grab on and soon came into contact with Neil's knees. He held on as the lightning-eyed boy's thrusts quickened into a hard, fast fuck. Each slap of skin mixed in with swears, hisses, and shouts for more, and the thought of the entire party hearing them briefly crossed West's mind before Neil went full force on his ass.

Neil's weight landed on his back, his sweat, red, muscular chest pushing down on West's broad back as the two connected balls deep. Still, the noirette was a jackhammer, pounding out all the pent-up rage and lust into the boy who just wouldn't quit.

"Fuck, West! You're gonna make me-"

There was something about those words. Something about ex-Wildwood rival saying the name he went by that short-circuited the blond's brain for a second time. Without warning, West screamed into the bed as his dick exploded once more, shooting out a larger, hotter load that instantly stained the sheets below and his stomach. Neil suddenly got heavier, roaring in the blond's ear as his already huge cock expanded further into a twitchy, throbbing mess. West immediately wished there wasn't a barrier to keep from being flooded.

The high of reaching their peak lasted for a minute or two before they both slumped, exhausted but elated. Neil soon rolled off West, and the two lay beside each other in trying to catch their breaths.

"Shit, Flo," Neil turned to stare into West's green eyes as if attempting to piece together a puzzle he can't quite figure out.

"Woah…" the blond sighed.

"From now on, every time I call you Flower Boy, you'll know I'm full of shit."

West closed his eyes and shook his head, his voice slurred, still drunk off the moments before. "Nah. That was… always the case back then. I knew you wanted to deflower me from the very beginning."

The noirette gaped, then let loose a round of laughter that, for once, did not have the dark or sardonic edge to it. It was light and carefree. Like all his internal problems didn't exist. West's heart soared to new heights at the sound of it.

"Mouthy little shit," Neil laced a hand through the damp blond strands of his rival's hair. "Don't make me fuck that attitude out of you."

West smiled back mischievously and winked. "No promises."