Bow Down? Hell No!

"-jime. Hajime wake up." I heard in my ear.

But I ignored it and pulled the covers tighter over my head.


"Five more minutes." I said.

"Fu. If you don't get up right now I will get a bucket of ice water and pour it all over you." The voice sweetly said.

As soon as they did so I threw off my covers and sat up.

Since I know the person talking to me will do what they say.

They have done it before after all.

And I would rather not experience an ice bucket bed shower ever again. So yeah, I am now up.

Even though I don't want to be.

Yawning I turned to look at the person who just woke me up.

Who is none other than Eri Nakamura.

It's been eight years since I've reincarnated as Hajime Nagumo.

I am not thirteen years old.

During these past eight years quite a few things have happened.

First and foremost of which is me meeting Eri and changing her life for the better.

It was five years after I reincarnated into this world.

I was ten-years old and playing at the local park with a few others kids.

As I was getting ready to go home I heard some crying coming from the nearby trees.

Moving to investigate it I found a little girl my age crying her eyes out. Seeing this I immediately asked her what was wrong.

But she didn't tell me.

All she told me was her name.


Instantly I knew who she was.

I also knew what she was going through.

That's why I decided to change her fate right then and there.

It took a while but I convinced her to come home with me. I then immediately introduced her to my parents Shuu and Sumire.

Who I think of as my real parents by the way.

Ever since I came Hajime Nagumo during my reincarnation I have thought of them as such and will never change my mind in that regard.

Moving on.

Once my parents met Eri, they got her cleaned up.

As they did so they realized just how messed up her situation was. Since every time my mother tried to touch her she flinched, or said "I'm sorry, please stop." and curled up into a ball. Using her arms to shield her head as she did so.

Classic signs of someone who has been abused.

Seeing this my parents got angry, and so did I. Since even though I knew what to expect it was much worse actually seeing Eri's trauma in person.

That's why I vowed right then to make her happy and protect her.

Since I had already marked her as a member of my harem.

But getting back to the point, that night Eri stayed with me and my parents.

Then the next day they immediately contacted the police, and Eri's bitch of a mother was tracked down and thrown in a jail cell without any hope of getting out.

Not with what Eri told my family and the police about how her mother treated her.

Once that bitch who called herself a mother went to prison my parents adopted Eri as their own.

But she keeps her last name.

Not for her mother's sake, but for her father who sacrificed himself to allow her to live. A sentiment my parents and I respected.

It has now been three years since Eri began living with me and my family. In that time thanks to therapy, and my parents love and my support she has begun healing. Becoming a normal girl.

She hasn't even cut her black hair into a bob-cut and has instead kept it long and flowing. Combined with her glasses she is definitely my type.

But I have not a move on her yet.

She needs just a bit more time to heal.

But once she finishes healing properly I will ravage her body without remorse or shame.

Since that's just the kind of guy I am.

Now wide awake I dragged my ass out of bed, giving Eri a dirty look as I did so.

But she just smiled at me like usual.

"Fu, don't make that face Hajime. If I didn't wake you up you would've missed a day of school." Eri said.

"And?" I questioned her. "Missing one day of school won't kill me."

"Right. But if I have to go then you do as well. See you downstairs for breakfast." Eri told me.

She then scurried out of my room lightly laughing as she did so.

Hearing this my brow twitched.

Eri has become quite cheeky.

I'll let her enjoy herself for now. But when it comes times for me to taste her body I won't let her rest. We'll see how cheeky she is then.

Yes, we certainly will.

Once Eri was out of my room I closed the door and then got dressed. Sniffing myself to make sure I didn't smell.

Since I didn't take a shower last night.

I was busy.

With what you ask?

Writing the next novel in my series of course.

Last year I became a light novel writer.

Using my mother and father's connection I got in touch with a reputable publishing company and submitted three works which are selling like hot-cakes.

Their names are Sword Art Online, One Piece, and finally Highschool DxD.

Since I checked and none of those light novel series, or most of the manga or anime I know from my previous life exist in this world.

That's why I decided to plagiarize and make money off the ideas since no one else was using them.

The power of copy and paste is mighty.

Enough said.

So yeah, I am making money.

I have even started a new novel series recently.


Which I know will sell well.

After making sure I didn't smell I left my room and headed downstairs.

Where Eri and my parents were already at the table, eating breakfast.

My father is a man named Shuu Nagumo who is a game creator. While my mother is named Sumire Nagumo who is a well known mangaka, specializing in shoujo series.

Basically my parents are what I like to refer to as real world Otaku.

They take their otaku hobbies and use them to make money in the real world to live off of. Which I do as well now since I right light novels.

Eri even helps my mother with her manga at times.

So basically our entire household is real world Otaku.

Screw anyone who says anime and its related content can't lead to you having a productive life.

Because it most certainly can.

I moved to take my seat at the table.

"Ah, thanks for joining us Hajime." My father said. "Another all-nighter I presume?"

"Yeah tou-san." I said. Stifling a yawn as I answered my father. "My deadline was approaching fast and since I only had two chapters left for the new volume of Sword Art Online I decided to go ahead and finish them." I explained.

"Understood." Dad said.

"Hajime. You really need to stop doing that." My mom spoke up. "Growing boys need their rest."

"Say that to me the next time I don't catch you down here in the middle of the night rushing because your own deadline for your next volume is fast approaching kaa-san." I retorted. A smirk on my face as I did so.

"Fu, Shuu dear when did our boy become so cheeky?" My mom asked my dad.

"No idea. But it suits him." My father retorted. "Right Eri-chan?"

"Yes. oji-san." Eri answered my father.

She calls my parents aunt and uncle, since they aren't her real parents. Still she loves them all the same.

"Looks like you are outvoted mom." I said.

When I did so she sighed.

Allowing me to let out a light laugh.

Having a family like this really is the best.


Headphones in my ears I surfed the web on my phone on my way home from school.

As I did so out of the corner of my eye I spotted a certain situation.

A punk delinquent is bullying a grandmother and a child.

Seeing this I realized this is the moment when original Hajime who go over there and lick the delinquent's feet in order to get him to stop what he is doing.

Getting him the attention of Kaori, and the ire and hatred of his classmates for years to come until they got sucked into Tortus.

So you're probably wondering, am I going to bow down to that guy like the original Hajime.

The answer is a big fat hell no!

I ain't bowing to his punk ass. I have more pride than that.

But that doesn't mean I will do nothing.

Since seeing someone bullying a grandmother and kid really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Placing my phone in my pocket I quickly walked up behind the delinquent and then delivered a kick straight between his legs.


He squealed out.

But I cared not.

Taking my foot down I delivered another swift kick to his nether regions. My second strike to his nuts making the bully pass out.

Once he was I looked at the grandmother and child. "No need to thank you. I just hated seeing that." I told them. "Bye." I said.

I then walked off before they could say anything.


(3rd Person: POV)

Just as our reincarnator who is now Hajime Nagumo left the scene after kicking the delinquent in the nuts, and made it harm for him to have children in the future due to the force of the two kicks he delivered, Kaori Shirasaki walked up.

But since Hajime Nagumo was already gone, and didn't bow down to the delinquent like in the original series Kaori just kept on moving.

Never becoming interested in Hajime Nagumo as a love interest in the slightest.

Yet another big change our reincarnator has made to the Arifureta world since arriving.

A few more still to come.