Arrival in Tortus

As the pillar of light died down I opened my eyes.

The moment I did so I saw a mural in front of me.

It depicted that fucker Ehit as a human with long golden-hair and a soft smile on his face.

The reason that bastard is smiling is probably because he's cumming in his pants at people killing themselves because of his machinations.

Disgusting fucker.

He's on my shit list just like Daisuke, and when the time is right that thing will meet its end as well.

But that's for later.

Moving my head I looked at my other classmates and made sure all of them were alright.

Well, the ones I cared about at least.

Once I did that I moved my eyes to Eri and then moved to her.

Lending her a hand I pulled her to her feet.

"Thank you Hajime." She told me.

"No need to thank me." I told her.

The two of us then embraced each other.

While also taking in our surroundings.

Considering we are surrounded by 30 figures dressed in white robes and chanting. If I didn't know any better I would say we are face-to-face with a cult.

Wait, actually we are.

Moving on.

One of the men stepped forward, dressed in more intricate-looking robes than the others. The moment he did so he tapped his staff on the floor and the hooded figures stopped chanting or praying, or whatever the fuck they were doing.

The moment this happened the man in front of us started talking.

"Greetings hero-dono and his companions. I welcome you to Tortus. I am the pope of the Holy Church. You may call me Ishtar Lombard." The old sycophant told us.

He then showed us a kind grandfatherly small like a certain smoking money and old wizard.

But since I knew all about him I simply looked at Ishtar with a blank expression on my face.

After he introduced himself he ignored anyone's questions and asked us to follow him.

Which he did since we really didn't have any other choice.

Once we began following Ishtar it didn't take us more than ten minutes to reach a dining hall. Then the moment all of us sat down, perfectly times beautiful and real-life maids came through doors pushing carts of food.

As soon as they did so all of the boys in class turned into simps.

Ignoring the cold glares the girls were giving them.

As for me I am keeping my expression neutral.

Since at the moment Eri is glaring daggers at me.

And I would rather not piss her off, considering I am going to tell her about my harem plan later on.

"Fu, real life maids. So cute." Suzu said.

Since she is seated next to Eri and I.

With a lustful gaze Suzu observed the maids as they placed food in front of all of us.

Seeing this I got a bit shocked.

I never though Suzu swung both ways, but to each their own I guess.

Maybe that's why she's always touching Eri and the other girls in class?

I thought on this for a moment until I felt Eri tap my shoulder. When she did I turned to her.

"We're going to be ok right?" Eri whispered to me.

I took her hand under the table. "Yes, we are." I whispered to her.

That, you can bet on.

Once all the food was placed out the maids left the dining hall and the boys stopped simping so hard.

Raising a glass pope Ishtar spoke.

"Feast my young friends." He said. "And while doing so I will tell you the reason you are here." He said.

So listening to Ishtar we started eating.

Then as we did so he told us his story.

This world we are in is known as Tortus. A world inhabited primarily by three races. Humans, demons, and demi-humans.

The north is ruled by humans.

The south is ruled by demons.

While demi-humans live on the eastern-side of the continent. Generally keeping to themselves.

Ishtar told us of the long centuries war between demons and humans. He then told us recently that the tied had taken a drastic turn since demons managed to learn a way to tame monsters.

Creatures created from normal animals when they absorb too much mana from the air itself.

How demons accomplished the taming of so many monsters is unknown to the humans, but in response to this Ishtar told us that Ehit summoned us to aid the humans of this world.

Just as the pope finished Aiko slammed her hand down on the table and stood up.

"Don't joke around!" She shouted. "You want these children to fight in a war. I will not allow it! They are my responsibility after all!" Aiko proudly proclaimed.

When she did so a lot of the class looked at her with serene smiles on their faces.

"Look at Ai-chan standing up for us."

"Thank you Ai-chan."

"Yes, thanks."

The students commented on Aiko's defense of us.

Well I kept my mouth shut, since I already know how this is going to go.

"Enough children!" Aiko said. She then looked at pope Ishtar once more. "Anyway, send us back right now. These children have families who are worried about them!"

"I understand what you are saying, but I cannot send you back." Ishtar told us.

The moment he did so a lot of the students got angry and dead looks in their eyes.

"Don't mess with us!"

"Send us back. I want to go home!"

"This is not a funny joke, not funny at all!"

The students complained and threw insults at pope Ishtar, but to his credit the man kept a poker face and didn't respond to any provocations. He just let the students go on until finally they stopped.

"Again I understand your frustration, but it was Ehit who summoned you all. Not us of the church, and because of this I cannot send you back." Ishtar explained to us.

The moment Ishtar explained this to us a lot of the students truly fell into despair.

But before things could get too bad Kouki slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

Acting like a fucking shounen protagonist.

Which he shouldn't be doing, since Kouki can't be compared to any shounen protagonist in my book.

Not a fucking on.

"Everyone!" Kouki shouted. "I understand your frustration. But as you just heard from pope Ishtar there is nothing he can do to send us home. That's why instead falling into despair let's fight. I want to fight. The humans of this world are in peril, and after hearing about their blight I cannot in good conscience leave them to their fates. Besides, if we defeat the demons there is a chance we can return home, right pope Ishtar?"

Ishtar nodded. "Yes. If you fulfill your duties then Ehit will surely answer your prayers and may return you to your own world." He explained.

Lying through his fucking teeth like a pro.

"You see." Kouki said. "If we do our duty we might be able to return home. That's why I will fight. Also, ever since we arrived in this I have felt this mysterious power swelling up inside of me. This power must have been granted to me by Ehit so that I can fight. And I think the same is true for all of you as well."

"Yes." Ishtar said. "All of you should have the power of several humans within your bodies as well as other skills." He explained to us.

"See." Kouki said. "We have the power, so I think we should use it. Now then, who is with me?"

"Dammit. Ok Kouki I am with you." Ryutarou spoke up.

"I as well. I cannot let Kouki do this alone." Shizuku spoke up.

"Eh, if Shizuku is going then so will I." Kaori said.

"Ryutarou, Shizuku, Kaori, thank you all." Kouki said. A happy smile on his face as he did so.

Once those four expressed their willingness to fight, the other students followed like lambs to the slaughter.

I don't think any of them realize that this world isn't a game.

They will be killing real and living creatures.

Not something that should be taken lightly.

Yet Ishtar is just sitting on his throne with a look of self-satisfaction in his eyes, his gaze focused on Kouki.

Since he definitely knew this would happen.

Again, I did as well but if I said anything I would probably either be jailed or ignored. So instead I am keeping my mouth shut.

Because right now I no power whatsoever.

However once I get some Ehit's ass and all his followers asses are grass.

Those fuckers will put their worthless lives to good use and become fertilizer for plants.

"This, we're really going to war." Suzu said.

"Yeah, looks like it." I said.

"This is crazy." Eri said.

I couldn't have said it better myself.