The cunning Fu Heng

At dinner time, Fu Jing Mei told the maid to cook some plain foods.

Ling Xu couldn't help, but wish these three days could end fast.

After dinner, Fu Jing Mei got a phone about work and she went up to her room. Ling Xu sat in the big living room by herself, and wondered what she could do. She can't paint or draw since her hand is injured.

"Miss.Ling, if you're bored you can go up to the young master's office. He said that you can grab a book to read or use his laptop." The old maid saids, and then walks back to the kitchen to close the fire.

It's been so long since Ling Xu came here, but she can still remember where his office is.

She walks up to the second floor, and opens the first door she sees.

Ling Xu walks in, and everything looks the same since the last time she was here. She opened the light, and didn't close the door.

Ling Xu isn't much of a reader, so she doesn't understand why Fu Heng would tell her to read.

She decides to take a little tour of his room, and besides the book, the only other she sees is small figures.

She slightly bent over to take a closer look at it. Ling Xu knows that Fu Heng cares a lot about these figures. So, she doesn't want to break it or anything.

Suddenly, a loud crack from downstairs made her jump and her hand accidentally slides the helicopter figure on the floor.

Ling Xu stood there stunned, and she saw the pieces scattered on the floor. All she can think right now is Fu Heng's angry face. She knows because she did that when she was younger too. Ling Xu remembers that she accidentally broke his robot figure, and Fu Heng didn't talk to her for a week.

The first thing she did was to close the door. Then she took three deep breaths, and went to pick up the pieces.

She checks the time, and it's 9pm. 'He won't come home that early right?' as she asks herself.

She placed the pieces down on the table, and sat down on the chair. Ling Xu looks down at the broken helicopter, and scratches her head. "Where should I begin?" as she mumbles to herself.

Ling Xu finally picks up the piece and sees where she should begin.

After thirty minute, Ling Xu looks at the broken helicopter again. She has made no progress on fixing it, and grabs the sticky note on the side.

[Sorry, I didn't mean to break it.] But after she ripped it, and dumped it on the side.

Ling Xu doesn't know how many sticky notes she has thrown out, she decides to give this another try.

But because of her injured left hand, Ling Xu's pace was quite slow. She found a video showing how to build these figures. Even though she couldn't find an exact one, Ling Xu watched the video carefully.

Two hours pass, and Ling Xu is not even close to being done and she starts to yawn already. It's 11pm, and usually she would go to sleep at 10.

She takes another yawn, and her eyes are back to focusing.

It's 12:03am, and Fu Heng came back.

It was already past midnight, and Fu Heng thought Ling Xu had slept already.

Fu Heng walked upstairs, and saw light through the door. He remembered telling Li Yi that if Ling Xu has nothing to do, she could go to his office.

'She didn't sleep yet?'

The door wasn't closed shut, so he slowly pushed the door.

Ling Xu doesn't remember how she fell asleep, but right now she's fast asleep. Fu Heng walks up to her, and realizes what happened.

He saw his broken helicopter, and numerous crumpled sticky notes.

He unraveled each one,

[Fu Heng, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?....]

[I didn't mean it…..]

[Fu Heng, I'm sorry. Can you not be mad?]

Fu Heng couldn't help but give a warm smile as he read each one. The last crumpled sticky note has an emoji with two hands together saying "please don't be mad."

Ling Xu gives a little shiver as she's sleeping. Even though the heat is open, Ling Xu only wore a thin pj.

Fu Heng slowly picks up Ling Xu, and brings her back to her room.

He put the blanket over her, and saw Ling Xu still fast asleep. Fu Heng decides that he must train this little girl over here. She doesn't even have any alertness. If there's a bad guy, she won't even know.

At this time, Ling Xu who's still sleeping doesn't even know about Fu Heng's training plan.

Morning came, and Ling Xu slowly opened her eyes. The last thing she remembered was in the office fixing the figure. When did she come back?

She quickly gets off the bed, and sees if Fu Heng is back.

Ling Xu opens the door, and at the same time Fu Heng comes out from his room.

"Good morning." He saids.

"G-good morning," she saids and got nervous. "When did you come back?" as she asks him.

Fu Heng didn't answer, and saw her bare feet on the floor.

"Where's your shoes?" as he saids with his brows furrowed.

Ling Xu looked down, and realized she forgot her slippers. "I came out in a rush, and forgot to wear it."

"Go back and wear your slippers." Fu Heng saids, and watches her walk back to the room.

At the dining table, as they are eating their breakfast, Ling Xu couldn't help but look at him. She doesn't know if he knows.

"I know I'm handsome. But no need to keep looking at me like that," as Fu Heng saids and took a look at her.

Fu Jing Mei almost choked on the congee. She doesn't know his son would say those things.

Ling Xu's face turns red, and quickly adverts her eyes away from him.

Ling Xu decides to tell him, and who cares if he gets mad.

"Fu Heng." She saids with her lips slightly shaking.

But before she can finish what she said, Fu Heng knows what she wants to say.

"I will give you three days to fix it," he saids.

Ling Xu looks at him dumbfounded. 'He's not mad?' as she wonders.

"I will fix it, but the thing is I don't know how too. I've been staring at that thing for three hours yesterday and I'm not sure how to." Ling Xu is telling the truth, and even watching the video didn't help her much.

"I'll give you a manual."

Ling Xu looks at him, and thinks maybe he'll say she doesn't have to fix it. Can't believe he said he'll give her a manual.

Doesn't he know that she's bad at building anything?

Of course he knows, and what's a better excuse to make her stay longer, as Fu Heng thought and quietly eats his food.