"What the heck" I exclaimed.
I almost bumped my head into the front of the window.
"Why did you do that?" I angrily said.
I almost curse when she suddenly stopped the car harshly. I couldn't believe her.
"Someone is following us." She said calmly.
Someone is following us? And she haven't any idea what is it and how bad is it?
"If someone is following us why did you stop?" I ask.
She shake her head.
"I'm not yet sure about it." She reply.
How great twin!
I keep silent while looking outside of the window. We supposed to go to my ex group.
Yeah it's ex because I already left them.
We waited a few minutes and were tied in that position. I took a deep breath before looking at my twin sister who was now sleeping calmly in the driver seat. How did she manage to be calm?
I shake her shoulder softly and I heard her groan.
She's also a sleepyhead person like me.
"Let's go Lhea, time is running." I said calmly.
She just nodded. She open the engine and start driving the car. Our travel went smooth. There's no traffic because it's Sunday and I'm thankful for that.
I felt nervous yesterday and I still feel it now. I really hate it. I admit that I became weak after that accident. My dark side is slowly change into good one. And I think it's because of my sister. I don't want to know what is the meaning of this. And I don't want to take a risk. But here I am! Taking back my real place, my real hobby, and my real personality which is my DARK SIDE.
I want to erase on my mind those past
that I scared too much. I want to admire what I have right now which is a good life and I change a lot. My change is like a long thin rope where it's easy to cut in just once cut of blade.
It's really wired. It feels like I already seen this situation before. I'm not really sure about it. It's either in my dreams? Or it's really happened?
A feeling of having already experienced the present situation.
dé·jà vu? If I'm not mistaken I already read it in the internet.
I think I'm just spacing out too much. Maybe I shouldn't take it seriously because it's just a theory and I never encountered it in my entire whole life.
Forget it Loren.
"We're here." I almost jump in surprise when someone's whisper in my ear.
I look at her surprisingly.
"Why did you do that you almost scared me Lhea." I tantrum.
It's so creepy.
She just laugh and rolled her eyes at me. I curse her before going out to the car.
From afar, I already see the gigantic gate which is made by bronze. I took a deep breath after decided to walk towards of the gate. It's still the same, nothings change.
I immediately stop walking when someone grab my hand. It's Lhea.
I give her a what-do-you-need-look. And she just give me a stay-by-my-side-look that's why I nodded.
She just keep holding my shoulder while we're walking.
I suddenly push the gate to give us a way. I hold Lhea's hand tightly before glancing the place. Like before there was still a lot of wood and sacks scattered around and I don't like this place anymore.
I sigh deeply and glanced the main door of the mansion. I mean the territory of my ex GANG GROUP.
"I know your just watching me right now." I said trying to calm myself.
And here they are. They slowly walk towards me. I give them a signal to stop walking and they follow my command.
Funny right. I'm no longer their Queen but until now they're just look like a dog following my command.
Some of them bowed a bit while others keep standing straight.
I give them my most creepy smile that I always did when I met those jerk that I've known.
"Long time no see." I said while smirking like a devil in front of him.
I'm shaking inside but I'm actually acting like devil one. I don't want to see them that I'm already afraid at this moment. I want to act like me before.
The past Loren Mauren Veronilla who can kill a person.
"Miss me?" I playfully ask him again.
I feel Lhea's hand holding my shoulder tightly.
"Hold on sis." I whisper to her.
"I thought you didn't want to be back here again?" His husky voice.
I chuckled.
He's still the same.
"Oh come on! I missed this place and seems like you asking my help, right?" I smirk at him.
His cold eyes meet mine. I admit that I'm still inlove of this man but I wouldn't because his heartless and bizarre. His a devil. He has an angelic face but an opposite of his personality. His a devil without mask.
"Aren't you miss me then?" He ask and a small smile curve on his face.
Keep calm Loren. He just wanted to play my feelings just like what he did before. And I fell sorry for him because I already wake up from his illusions.
"To be honest I didn't. And your wondering why?" I said trying to be thrilled like hell.
"Because I already grave you together with my past." I continue then smirk mockingly.
I didn't want to act like this but I can't help it.
"Forgive me sis." I whisper to my twin.
"Let's end this freaking chitchat." I exclaimed.
And he just nodded. How great!
"What do you want me to do?" I said then straighten my body.
"DDS is no longer to call that na—"
"DDS?" I cut him.
What the hell is the meaning of that?
"Are you stupid? DDS means DARK DEVIL SIDE it's the name of our corporation group. And did you forgot that you named that our group before." He explain.
Me? I want to point my own self but I choose to keep silent.
"Whatever DDS it is." I said then rolled my eyes to him.
Stupid name! Did I named that our group before? Maybe I am.
"Proceed." I said.
He just shake his head in disbelief. Don't worry I also don't understand myself too.
"We changed and named it PDS now."He said.
"PDS means POWERFUL DARK SIDE." He continue.
I rise my one eyebrow to him.
I'm not asking tsk.
"And we need and want you as our Queen Loren. Deal?" He said while playfully smirking.
Just kill me now! This is what I am talking about. And I can't do anything about it. I need to accept those freaking invitation. I need to end this freaking game of mine because I started it first.
"Deal." I shortly answer.