episode 2

(The episode opens with Rose and Kaji talking)

Rose: I'm sorry.

Kaji: Why are you apologizing?

Rose: Because I'm supposed to be your big sister and I wasn't there to protect you, plus you might not be able to go to school.

Kaji: It's okay, I already heard what you said when we were at the hospital, I'm sorry if I worried you and the fact I knew this would happen and I couldn't tell you.

(Kaji looked like she was about to cry)

Rose (looks at Kaji) (looking confused): Wait, why are you about to cry? Or why is your image showing you crying?

Kaji: Because I know how much you are hurting, I can feel your heart through my brain.

Rose: Wait, how much can you feel?

Kaji (looking stressed): I can feel all kinds of things from all kinds of people from all around, it's kind of overwhelming.

(Rose looks seriously at Kaji for a moment)

Rose (smiles): Let's go to the amusement park, there's one next to us.

(Kaji looked surprised)

(Rose, Jake, and Gerry are talking amongst each other)

(The screen switches to Rose, Jake, Kaji, and Gerry in front of the family)

(Dr. Mar gives Rose a high tech phone)

(Rose puts the phone in her purse)

Dr. Mar: It's for only emergencies, emergencies only

(Dr. Mar gives Jake a necklace)

Dr. Mar: It's a charger

(Rose, Jake, Gerry, and Kaji heads to the living room)

Kaji (looks at Rose): Get ready? You want me to change my image?

Rose: Yes, we are going to an amusement park, pick something different.

(Kaji changes her image into a green shirt, brown skirt, and black shoes)

Kaji (smiles): Crazy and fun, what do you think?" Kaji smiles.

Jake: Make a white bead necklace appear around your neck.

(Gerry and Rose looked surprised at Jake)

Jake: I thought it would be nice.

Kaji (smiles): So, who's ready to go to the amusement park?

(Gerry, Rose, and Jake smiles)

(The screen switches to Rose, Gerry, Jake, and Kaji arriving at the amusement park)

Rose (got out of the car): Well, we're here.

Jake: This place looks great.

Kaji (scanning) (looking around): It seems exactly like the picture.

Rose: Are you scanning the area?

Kaji: Only the amusement park, and I figured out the best places to go to.

Gerry (takes Kaji's hand): Then, let's go.

Kaji (Smiles): Come on, everybody.

(Jake and Rose follow Kaji and Gerry)

(They head to the ferris wheel, where there is a line)

Gerry (Smiles): Who's ready to have fun?

Kaji: I am.

Jake: All of us are and if you pick this place, we will give it a try.

Kaji: But, aren't you afraid of heights?

Jake: I am, but that doesn't matter.

(The line is shown getting shorter)

(Rose and Kaji gets on seats on the rollercoaster)

(Jake and Gerry get on the seats)

(The ferris wheel starts)

(Kaji smiles as the ferris wheel spins along with her siblings)

(The screen shows Kaji and Rose are on revolving teacups, while Jake and Gerry are filming them)

(Kaji and Rose get off the teacups, Rose is dizzy and Kaji is giggling at her)

Rose (eyes are spinning): That's so not funny, you are lucky that you are mostly a cyborg.

Kaji (looks at Rose): I am lucky (looking concerned) are you about to faint?

Rose: Yes (faints in Kaji's arms)

Kaji (looks at Rose): So, where are we going now?

Rose: How about we go somewhere to rest?

Gerry: Awww, I want to have some more fun.

Rose: Alright, I saw a hall of Mirrors, let's go there.

Kaji: Yeah, let's go.

(The screen switches to Jake, Gerry, Rose, and Kaji enter the hall of mirrors)

Rose: Now, remember this place can be confusing.

Jake: So, stick together.

Kaji: Of course.

Gerry: I bet I will be the first person out of here.

Rose: You wish.

Jake: I will get out of here.

Kaji: I don't really care, just don't leave me alone.

Rose: Of course, we wouldn't

Jake and Gerry: Yeah.

(Jake, Rose, Gerry, and Kaji carefully go through the mirror maze)

(Rose accidentally hit a mirror)

(Kaji pointed to the right)

(Rose follows Kaji's lead)

Jake: Seems your robotic eyes are helping.

Gerry: You are right

(Jake, Rose, Gerry, and Kaji goes to the right)

(Rose points to the left)

(All of them goes to the left)

(They exit the mirror maze)

Jake: You are super awesome

Kaji: I am

(Jake, Rose, and Gerry nodded)

(Kaji smiles)

(The episode ends with them looking around the amusement park)