Episode 4

(The episode opens with Kaji talking with Rose)

(Rose is writing on a piece of paper)

Rose: Getting help from little sis, how crazy

Kaji: I agree

(Motorcycle is heard)

Kaji: A motorcycle

That is Rose: Weird nobody we know have a motorcycle

Kaji (looks out the window): It isn't anybody I know

(A gun is heard, the bullet almost hit Rose)

(Kaji grabs the bullet and destroyed it)

(The person on the motorcycle drives off)

Kaji: Come back here

(Kaji jumps out of the window)

Rose: Kaji, where are you going?

Kaji: I will back, but I have to figure out that is

(Kaji's tail turns into a motorcycle and Kaji drives off)

Rose: Kaji, wait (runs downstairs)

Stephanie (reading a book): What's going on?

Rose: There was somebody that shot at the window

(Stephanie drops her book, then looks at Rose)

Stephanie (shocked): What?

Rose: Kaji went after the shooter

Stephanie: start with that (speed dials) excuse me

(The screen shows Kaji catching up to the guy on the motorcycle)

(The guy smiles, then drives faster)

(Kaji moves faster too)

(The guy swerves the corner by the warehouse)

(Kaji swerves the corner as well by the warehouse)

(The guy drives into the warehouse)

(Kaji enters the warehouse)

(Kaji's tail turns back to normal)

(The guy disappeared)

(The screen shows the family in the car following the police)

Stephanie: Rose, there is no need to cry

(Rose has tears)

Rose (tears): I could've stopped her

Gerry: Rose, she is okay, she is a super awesome cyborg

Jake: That is true

Rose (tears): She's only seven, though, she could be facing a biker gang or something

Jake: Relax, the police was able to trace her, so we will be there soon

Rose (tears): Alright, I will be okay

(Jake hugs Rose)

(The screen shows Kaji walking)

(A chandelier comes down)

(Kaji avoids the chandelier by dumping out of the way)

(Two parts of a door closes to Kaji)

(Kaji tries to avoid it)

(A robotic arms wraps Kaji's tail around Kaji)

(The doors connect and traps Kaji)

Kaji: Let me go

(The guy is revealed to a 27-year-old man who has long jet black hair, white skin, wearing a motorcycle outfit and black boots named Sinzotvaud Tukodamze)

Sinzo: No can do

Kaji: What do you want?

Sinzo: Nothing, the boss is who wants you

Kaji: Why?

Sinzo: It's because of that robotic body that Dr. Mar invented

(Kaji struggles)

(The police get out of their car and knocks the door down)

A policeman (holds a gun): Hold it

Sinzo: Easy, officer

Another policeman: Don't even think about it, you are surrounded

(The policemen and women surround Sinzo)

Sinzo: What's a guy to do?

(A blur passes by and Sinzo is taken)

(The police looked shocked)

A policewoman: Where did he go?

Rose (enters the warehouse): Kaji!

Kaji: Rose, I'm sorry, I ran away without thinking. Now please let me out

(Rose tries to pull the doors apart)

Stephanie: Rose, you can't run off like that

Rose: Can you please help me?

Jake: I'll help too

Gerry: Yeah, me too

(Stephanie, Rose, Gerry, and Jake pull the doors apart)

(Kaji is freed)

Kaji (hugs her family): Thank you

Jake: We are glad you are okay

Gerry: Yeah, and don't scare us like that

Stephanie: Gerry is right, you tell us if you are going to do something dangerous like that, after all you are still only seven

Kaji: I promise, I will notify you

A policeman: Excuse me, do you know that man from before?

Kaji: No, he was a complete stranger to me

The policeman: Okay, if you hear from him again (gives a note to Kaji) call the station

Kaji: Alright

The policeman: Have fun

(Kaji, Jake, Gerry, Stephanie, and Rose exit the warehouse and get into the car)

(Stephanie drives off)

(Sinzo and a woman is shown)

Sinzo: The boss isn't going to like this

The woman: I can handle him, besides we know where she lives and her weakness

Sinzo: Good point

(Sinzo and the woman disappears)

(The screen shows Jake, Gerry, Rose, Stephanie, and Kaji entering the house)

(Jake, Gerry, Rose, and Stephanie put their fast food bags down)

Kaji: Too bad, I can't eat

Stephanie: Actually I have a solution

(Stephanie reveals a bag)

(Kaji brings out a burger that is made of metal)

Stephanie: Mar sent it along with other stuff

Kaji: I'll tell him thank you

Stephanie: Well, then let's go eat with the others

(Stephanie and Kaji sit down at the dining table)

(They all start eating foods from their fast food bags)

(Episode ends with them smiling)