Andrew was pissed. He woke up minutes after the Family left, and to his fury instantly realised what happened. Luckily, those kids hadn't thought to put the taser at a higher level, otherwise Andrew would have been out for a lot longer. His first thoughts while discussing a plan with other officers, however, wasn't the safety of the Family. They had proved time and time again that they were more than able to hold their own. He just hoped they wouldn't cause trouble as he got into his police car, turned on the engine and drove away. He had a single destination in mind, and he prayed they would be there. The two bastards he knew lived there. He had given warnings to them, but nothing had changed. Now, it was time to make good on his threat. He was going to teach them a lesson.


Andrew pulled up outside the house and was out the car in seconds, striding purposefully toward the house. He headed up the steps and knocked firmly on the door thrice. A voice came from inside, followed by a scrambling sound as the door unlocked and opened. Livia stood in the doorway, her eyes wide as she recognised Andrew, and Andrew struck forward, backhanding Livia across the face. Livia staggered to the sound, and Andrew stepped in, gently closing the door behind him. Livia turned to run away, presumably back to where her father was, but Andrew was faster. He hooked his arm around her neck and gently dragged her to the ground. Livia struggled, and Andrew clasped a hand over her mouth. She could scream, only silently choking and gasping until, with a shudder, she fell still. Andrew released her and watched her slump forward.

She was knocked out, which was more than she deserved. Andrew snuck forward, leaving Livia unconscious in the hallway as he approached the sound of voices. "Who was it?" asked Marcus loudly, and Andrew stepped out the shadows to reveal himself. "Me," he said simply, and Marcus growled. Another man was with him, not Philip. Marcus rose from his seat, but Andrew focused his attention on the man. It took a few moments, but then he recognised him. "Edward, what are you doing here?" Andrew groaned, and Marcus chuckled as he patted Edward on the arm. "He's exactly where he belongs…just like you," Marcus said, his voice slow and steady. Andrew clenched his fist as Marcus continued, "You think I sent Livia after your daughter for no reason? No, this new threat, this killer, he will be our salvation…you should join us and be spared."

Andrew laughed in disbelief, "We would be unstoppable. The three of us. Just like old times!" Marcus insisted, and Andrew grew quiet. He was considering the offer. It was tempting, and the killer may even spare Rachael. He couldn't let anything happen to Rachael, after all. "I've offered many times. This is the last chance. Are you in, or are you out?" asked Edward, his eyes trained on Andrew as Andrew stepped toward Marcus. "Listen to your friend, he's right," Marcus whispered, and that was what sealed the deal for Andrew. He took another small step forward, and then spun, kicking out hard as he did. It struck Marcus in the side, and Marcus stumbled back in surprise. Edward leapt to his feet, but before he could fully rise Andrew pivoted toward him and launched his left foot forward, smashing into Edward's chest. Edward toppled backward and fell over the chair, hitting the ground as Andrew turned back to Marcus, fists raised.

"You're making a mistake!" Marcus hissed, and Andrew glared at him. "My only mistake is you," he whispered, and then dove forward. Marcus was unprepared, and Andrew's first blow struck him across the face. Marcus stumbled back, and Andrew snapped his arm forward, gripping Marcus tightly by the neck before lifting him into the air and slamming him down atop the breakfast bar. Marcus groaned, his head and shoulders over the edge of the breakfast bar as he moaned in pain. Andrew raised his elbow high, and then cracked it down into Marcus' face, watching as he slipped back and crashed onto the hard wooden floor. Edward was back to his feet, looking slightly dazed as Andrew grabbed a glass, turned and threw it, watching it arch through the air spectacularly before smashing into Edward's shoulder. Edward shouted out in pain, and Andrew grinned. He was enjoying himself.

Marcus scrambled to his feet, turned and jabbed his fist forward, catching a surprised Andrew in the chest. Andrew fell back and hit a wall, quickly moving aside as Marcus leapt forth and kicked where he had been just seconds before. Andrew moved back as he ducked another punch, telling himself to keep moving as Marcus threw yet another blow. Andrew dodged aside, spun and smashed his foot against Marcus' stomach, watching as Marcus stumbled back. From the side, Edward charged and rammed into Andrew. Andrew collided with the wall behind as Edward repeatedly smashed his fists against Andrew's sides. Andrew groaned in pain as he struggled and then a fist collided with the side of his head. Stars burst in front of Andrew's eyes as he stumbled aside, his vision blurring slightly. Another punch to the face sent him toppling to the ground, blood pouring from his bloodied nose.

"You really thought you could come here…and take us both on?" panted Marcus as he took a swing with his foot, which smashed into Andrew's side and sent him rolling away. "You have nothing. Scott will be the one the set this city free. He's the hope we've been looking for!" Edward shouted triumphantly, and then he froze as Marcus shot him a powerful glare. "You fucking prick," Marcus growled as Andrew's eyes widened. "Scott…that's his name?" Andrew whispered, and Marcus turned back to him, eyes glowing with rage. "Well, looks like we really can't let you leave," Marcus whispered, and then he was upon Andrew, straddling him and wrapping his long fingers around Andrew's neck. Andrew struggled and kicked, choking as Marcus grinned widely. "You should have joined us…that way you wouldn't be waiting for your daughter at the gates of Hell," Eddie said simply, watching as Andrew was slowly killed.

Then, a chair flew through the air and crashed into Eddie, sending him flying back and against the hard wall as a pair of hands grabbed Marcus by the shoulders, hauled him to his feet and tossed him aside easily. Andrew looked up, eyes focusing on Philip, who grinned back at him and gently outstretched a hand. Andrew took it, and Philip lifted him to his feet. "What are you doing here?" Andrew asked, holding his side as Philip chuckled. "I heard about the attack on the mansion. I couldn't keep on his side when he directed the assault, and I also assumed you would do something stupid like this." Andrew nodded and turned his attention back to Marcus and Edward, who were both rising to their feet side-by-side. "You ready?" whispered Philip, and Andrew nodded, grinning a little. "Just like the old day. High school," he whispered in reply, and Philip chuckled. "Like high school."

Edward charged toward Andrew, but Philip got there quicker, tackling Edward around the middle and smashing him against a wall as Marcus and Andrew approached one another. "Come on then!" Marcus shouted as he threw his left arm forward. A mistake. Andrew grappled the arm and, at the same time, stabbed his leg out behind Marcus' knees. Marcus tripped over the leg and crashed onto the floor, yet Andrew was atop him in mere seconds. Marcus struggled, and Andrew raised his right fist before striking down. It smashed into Marcus' face, and Andrew went again, punching again and again, fist after fist. Right, left, right, left. Each blow was shattering. Blood spat from Marcus' mouth, and then someone grabbed Andrew from the side and dragged him away before tossing him back. Andrew staggered and looked up, finding himself face-to-face with Livia.

"You don't understand…you can't trust him!" Andrew shouted, indicating at Marcus as he spoke, and Livia shook her head. "And you think you or your daughter and her pathetic friends are any better than him?" she shot back. Andrew was shocked. Was this girl really defending her father and the awful things he's made her do? "Livia, please listen to me," Andrew said gently, realising anger and hate will get nowhere with Livia, although it seemed she was beyond the point of listening to reason. "No, you listen. Get out of here, right now, or I will make sure Rachael never finds your body!" she shouted. Andrew sighed, thought for several quick seconds, then shook his head. "No," he said simply, and Livia's eyes narrowed with pure, blind rage. She ran forward and threw her fists wildly, which Andrew easily blocked and dodged. "Kid, stop!" Andrew shouted desperately.

Livia ignored him and went again, spinning on the spot and throwing her foot out, catching Andrew in the side of the head. Andrew stepped back quickly, shaking his head to clear the blurring as Livia ran forward yet again, screaming out her anger as she did. Andrew dodged back, being careful as Livia fought. She spun and kicked out behind her, catching Andrew in the stomach and making him stumble backward yet again. His back hit something hard and wooden, and upon turning around he discovered a large grandfather clock, being stood up higher only by a small tower of books at its base. Andrew turned back to Livia and found her diving to the ground and spinning with a leg outstretched, aiming for Andrew's feet. Instinctively, Andrew leapt out the way, and Livia swept her leg straight into he stack of loose books.

The books toppled away, and the grandfather rocked violently before slowly tipping toward where Livia stretched on the ground. Her eyes widened, and then the grandfather clock smashed into her with a horrific CRASH. The clock didn't splinter, but remained one large, rectangular wooden box. Under it lay Livia, motionless as Andrew hurriedly heaved at the large grandfather clock, pushing as hard as he could. Finally it fell away, and Andrew grabbed at Livia. Her eyes were wide and lifeless, staring up at the ceiling with blood pooling from both a gash at the top of her head and the corner of her mouth. Andrew put a hand over his mouth, waiting for the feeling of sickness and throwing up to pass before kneeling down and gently using his palm to shut Livia's eyelids. Now, she looked like she was sleeping, except for the blood of course.

Running footsteps came, and Philip appeared over Andrew's shoulder, his face pale and eyes wide. "Is she?" he whispered, and Andrew finished his sentence for him. "Dead," he acknowledged as more footsteps came. Marcus appeared at the other end of the hallway, gasping loudly when he saw Livia's body lying next to the fallen grandfather clock. "You bastards…you killed her!" he screamed in pure rage, and Philipp whipped around as Marcus charged and threw a fist directly into Philip's face. Philip stumbled back, and Marcus froze. He stared at Philip, comprehension dawning on his face a Philip sighed. "You know, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't do that," he said as the skin around his mouth began peeling away, and he reached up, gripping his hair tightly before pulling upward. It wasn't Philip. The killer stripped the face mask from around his head and dropping it onto the ground.

"You!" growled Andrew, climbing to his feet and kicking out. The killer turned, gripped his leg and twisted hard, watching as Andrew spun through the air and smashed back onto the ground. Andrew groaned in pain as the killer turned to Marcus, shaking his head as he did. "You know, you've cost me a lot of trouble," he murmured, and before Andrew could respond, the serial killer flicked his arm, a knife falling from the sleeve smoothly into his hand, and he threw it forth. Marcus never had a chance to defend himself. The knife speared into Marcus' chest, and he fell backward, collapsing on the spot with the knife embedded into his chest. Edward turned and began sprinting away, barely making it ten steps before a knife impaled his back and he sprawled onto the floor, eyes wide as blood pooled around his body.

"A shame really, but they had fulfilled their purpose. There was no need to have them swoping around when the work was completed," the killer said, turning back to Andrew and grinning down at him. "Now, what to do with you?" he murmured, crouching down next to Andrew and clicking his tongue impatiently. "You my friend have caused me a lot of grief when you could easily surrender your daughter to me and save so many more lives than just a single one." Andrew's eyes flicked back and forth, judging the killer's movements as the killer chuckled, withdrawing a third knife from his belt. "Scott isn't it?" whispered Andrew, and the killer groaned, "Well clearly my secret is no longer secret. And no, I am the man you trusted remember. I am Philip, or I used to be anyway. Been some time, bro," the killer replied.

Andrew sucked in his breath as he stared up at Philip, clenching his fists furiously as Philip cackled. "Shocked, aren't you? I thought you would be," the killer rasped as he cracked his neck, the sound cruel and somehow deadly. "Philip, why are you doing this?" Andrew murmured, the realisation and fear setting in as the killer shrugged. "Why not?" he responded, laughing yet again when Andrew's expression became confused. "You're doing all of this for the thrill of it!" Andrew shouted accusingly and still laughing, the killer shook his head. "Good God no. where's the fun in that? I'm doing this because, well, who wants to be in a government that controls and lies to its people? No one. No one wants to live like that, like animals. I will be treated as a hero for freeing this city!"

Andrew groaned as he lay on his back, sitting forward slightly to stare Philip straight in the eyes. "So your doing this for heroism?" he asked, and once again the killer shook his head, smiling slightly with his ruined lips. "No. I don't care about being treated as a hero. I don't care about being thought of as a villain either. I prefer to believe that, soon enough, people will begin to realise everything I have done for them!" The killer slowly held the knife higher over Andrew's chest, cackling as he plunged it down. Andrew snapped his hand forward and grabbed the killer's wrist, struggling as the very tip of the knife began slowly sinking lower and lower. Andrew struggled as Philip face's floated before his eyes, grinning madly. "Want to know how I ended up like this?" he murmured as Andrew fought the knife back.

"No," Andrew whispered as the tip began slowly digging into the front of his shirt, and Philip laughed manically, his smile deathly and full of purpose. "Good, because you won't be alive to hear it," the killer murmured back, yet just as he finished speaking Andrew thrust the knife away with all strength and brought his leg up. He kicked the killer in the side, and Philip rolled away, laughing as Andrew struggled to his feet. Sirens roared outside as several police cars screeched to a halt, and Philip's smile fell. "You fucking twat," he spat as Andrew grinned. There would be no way the killer could kill him and escape in time. He had lost. Then the killer spun and smashed his fist against the side of Andrew's head, watching as Andrew crumpled. "Next time," whispered Philip, and he threw something at the ground, disappearing in the smoke.