Jacob waited anxiously, fiddling his thumbs as he waited by the golden arches by the front gates. "You good?" asked Leila, observing Jacob as he bounced around. "Just leave him. I think he's a little too excited," Luke responded, chuckling as he watched Jacob jump around in nervousness. "What if they can't all come? What if some are still alive?" Jacob began muttering, stumbling over his words. "Look. We've come here everyday for the past seventy years. You've been the only one able to leave and watch them after our deaths. Surely you realise that they are all gone?" Luke asked, and Jacob nodded, yet was unable to shake the feeling of nervousness and excitement from himself. "What if they're not allowed through?" Leila whispered, and Luke threw his hands into the air exasperatedly. "They're coming, trust me," he muttered after a few moments, watching as Jacob let out high-pitched sounds.

Ahead of them, golden shapes appeared just several metres away, and they slowly materialised into the figures Jacob had been silently watching and protecting for the past seventy years. Darcy, Vivian, Vironica, Rachael, Chloe, Nicola, Amy, Mikayla and finally Sienna. Not waiting for Luke or Leila, Jacob bound forward, quickly gave the rest of the Family quick hugs and kind words, and then he spotted Sienna bringing up the rear of the group. He lifted her up into his arms and spun her around, giggling as Sienna yelped in surprise. All of them looked just like they did right before Chloe's father went insane and began his killing spree. "So this is them?" came a voice, and Jacob turned to find Danny watching them, Ellie and the other children just behind him. Jacob nodded, smiling, and Danny returned the smile before jogging forward with he children and greeting the Family.

"How on Earth did you manage to get us in here?" Chloe asked, laughing with tears of happiness forming in her eyes, and Jacob shrugged before indicating to the Golden City in the distance. "I pulled a few strings," he said in explanation, and Chloe nodded before turning to embrace Nicola tightly. "When we died we didn't come here. We waited in the Waiting Room for decades for everyone to come in, and then we came straight here. I think Sienna was the last one to arrive," Darcy said as he walked up to Jacob, and the two firmly grasped hands and shook hard. "Thanks, man. For everything," Darcy murmured, and Jacob nodded, chucking as he did so. Finally, after years and years of waiting, he had everything that he had lost. He had his Family back, and this time they were joined together forever. Inseparable. Perfect. Jacob turned to Sienna, grinning, and Sienna grinned back.

They brought their heads together and finally, after decades of waiting, they kissed at the same time as Rachael kissed Amy and Chloe kissed Nicola. Finally they were all together once again. Rachael, laughing, hugged Jacob tightly and then hugged Sienna. Jacob hugged Nicola and then Chloe, feeling grateful to be able to embrace them once again. It had been too long. "Thanks, by the way," Sienna whispered, and Jacob turned to her, arching an eyebrow in confusion. "For saving me," she hurried on, and Jacob laughed before nodding quickly. "I will always look after you, babe," Jacob said, holding Sienna's hand tightly. "Well, what do we do now?" asked Mikayla after hugging Luke, and Jacob turned to the rest of the Family, all of whom were laughing and smiling. "We live," he said simply, then indicated with his hand to the distant Golden City of Heaven. They all turned, and began their approach, arm in arm, soul in soul, together at last.


It had happened several weeks after the memorial. Mike had explained that he was the one who had led the military against the killer's soldiers, which explained how Andrew managed to finally win the battle, but it wasn't enough for Sienna that her father was here now. He was back at the mansion, helping the Family rebuild it as she walked along the graves, completely alone. Slowly, she stopped beside the tall statue, staring up at the smooth figures that she missed so dearly. "I'm sorry…I just can't anymore," she whispered as she stared up at Jacob's statue, the tears falling down her face as she withdrew the small pocketknife from her pocket. She needed to be with him again. Life was never the same without him. "You know suicides can't get into heaven, right?" asked a voice from behind, and Sienna whirled around in shock as her eyes fell upon Jacob, standing with his hands in his pockets and a sad look in his eyes.

"J-Jacob?" Sienna stuttered, still gripping the knife tightly but letting her hands fall down by her sides. "Babe…I know your upset," Jacob said softly, gently walking up to her and standing just inches in front of her, gazing into the beautiful brown eyes he missed. "I just can't live without you anymore. It isn't the same without you, Luke or Leila!" Sienna sobbed, wiping her eyes hurriedly, and Jacob slowly reached out uncertainly before touching her shoulder. Sienna gasped. His hand gripped onto her shoulder tightly, and Sienna stared in amazement, her jaw dropping in surprise. "How are you…" she began, her voice trailing off as Jacob laughed and hugged her tightly. "I learnt a few tricks…but I can't stay for long," he murmured, and Sienna looked up at him, confusion on her face. "I came to let you know I'm watching over you. I'm your guardian angel, darling, and I'll always protect you. Don't do this."

Sienna looked down, tears dripping from her eyelashes as Jacob leaned forwards and pecked her gently on the forehead. "Even when you can't see me, I'm right by your side. I'll never stop loving you, and I will enjoy watching you live and grow old, and when you die I'll be waiting up in the stars." Sienna wiped her tears again and gripped Jacob's hand tightly. "Just let go," Jacob whispered, and Sienna nodded. Slowly, she relaxed her fingers, and the knife fell, falling softly onto the grass in front of the monument, the blade sticking into the soil sharply. Sienna felt the grip leave her hand, and she looked up, wanting to say more, do more…but he was gone. Sienna took in a deep, shuddering breath and turned back to the monument, her eyes red and puffy as she whispered, "Soon babe…soon we will finally be together. Just you and me…at peace."