Made a Call to the Press Conference

It wasn't just New York City anymore, the bank robbery drill was trending on the internet all over the United States.

The happiest part was the media in New York City.

All of their television stations had seen the highest ratings in history.

They were even getting new ratings.

Who would have thought that The Sun and The Washington Post's highest viewership ratings would be one second ago.

The next second, the new viewership ratings set a new record.

Regarding this incident, the online short videos and internet celebrities also expressed their views at this hour.

The talk show media followed the current events, too.

The Fallon Talk Show and Ellen Show quickly ridiculed this hot current event that the entire country was concerned.

"This robbery incident is even more popular than the presidential election."

"This time, the robber warned all the banks in the United States not to put money in the banks. It's not safe."