They Couldn't persuade Jon, Jon Was Confident!

Hearing Jon's confident tone, everyone knew that he was insisted in the prison break drill.

Gal Gadot and Will Smith were very clear, once Jon decided on something. it would be difficult to change his mind.

Moreover, Jon was saying this in front of the camera and in front of more than 100 million viewers.

It was impossible to go back on his words.

After all, there were so many witnesses.

At this moment, Will Smith and the other three were worried about Jon.

As police officers, they knew what a prison was like.

A prison break drill and a bank drill were two completely different things.

This was because a bank drill wasn't too dangerous, it was just a duel between the bank robbers and the police. At worst case scenario, one of the parties would be lightly injured.

But a prison was different.

In a prison, there were all kinds of bad people. There were serious criminals and even death row criminals.