Jon In the Prison Van!

The audiences were discussing crazily.

Because Jon was in prison as a criminal.

So, the audiences were curious about what Jon would experience after he was in prison.

After all, for most people, prison was a place they would never go.

It was full of mystery and unknown.

Even though they had seen some prisons through TV dramas, movies and so on, they had been modified to suit for the movie and were not real.

So, they were very curious about what real prison life was like.

And some viewers had already started to send the gifts.

But it the drill had not officially started yet, the number of gifts they was relatively small.

Meanwhile, Gal Gadot was watching the live broadcast through her tablet.

About four to five minutes had passed since the start of the live broadcast.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room had already reached 15 million.