He stands up astonished and says: "But, what? how do you know that?
Mr. Watson was a tall man of 1.75 with deep brown eyes and brown hair, his skin was white as snow, when I saw him I noticed the great resemblance with his daughter and while I smiled I said: "Your daughter looks just like you, only female".
Me: your daughter looks just like you, only female - then I paused and said - if you want to know how I know, meet me in the living room.
And before going downstairs I said: by the way, excellent novel, I read it on the way -while I showed it to her and went downstairs-.
As I had thought my words gave him more curiosity than anger and more about how I knew that, of course when he saw Manuel he understood a little of what I was referring to, he said that his family had not filed a complaint, no posters, or anything so before a big anger I decided to interrupt and ask
Me: Mr. Watson, I want to know what happened to Zafiro Casanova's family.
He looks up at me and asks: Why do you want to know?
Until Clara says something that makes him think about it.
Clara: Looking at her, she has a resemblance with that girl.
He gets a little uncomfortable while he says: it's impossible, if she were alive she would be 48 years old and not 30 something.
Clara wanted to insist but preferred to keep quiet and see what was going on while she served us a delicious cinnamon tea, I waited a little and said
Me: please, tell me, since this is important for me.
He looked at me and said: answer my question and I will tell you.
While looking at the window I said: I am Sapphire and I need to know what happened while Manuel and I were pawns, and then we were sold as slaves in Egypt.
She laughed a little and said: of course and I already believed you, now you will tell me that there are mermaids and all that.
I did not hesitate to tell him that it was correct and that they did exist but in a parallel plane to ours.
He continued to insist until he asked me for proof and I told him
Me: I asked for personal things, that are not in web pages or easy searches.
He looked at me astonished and got up from the couch looking for a box with the dead files of our case and while he was coming back I asked: How old was Sapphire when she disappeared.
I stare at him and say: you know well that's on a web page, but if that's the way you want to start very well -while there was a cold breeze in the street I told him- I disappeared a few weeks before my 8th birthday, my brothers wanted to go out with me to the square where there was a beautiful fountain, I thought it was strange that they invited me but I accepted.
I describe the dress and the fountain and after a pause I say: I was introduced to Amanda, our aunt, who our mother never mentioned or talked about, I know she sent gifts to mom for her birthday, if I remember correctly she was 36, the same age I am now.