Fanfic #55 May I Live Once in Peace by Two Halfs One Whole(YougJusticeXNaruto)

This fanfic follows Itachi in the world of Young Justice. Some people might have problems with the fic because of the characterization of Itachi, but I think it was okay in this story. Just give it a try. There's also a sequel that picks up the story five years later.

Synopsis: "You don't have to forgive me, but no matter what you decide to do from now on...know that I will always love you."- Itachi Uchiha Though he lived a strenuous life he was able to tell his younger brother Sasuke how he truly felt. But now he has been brought back once more and placed in a new world with more problems than he ever thought possible. Adopted from Anime hotty lover.18

Rated: T

words: 417k

Here's the first chapter:

I have always watched from a distance, the people of my home, Konohagakure. The safety of the residents of the Hidden Leaf Village, both ninja and civilian alike, have been my goal since childhood. I wanted to make sure another Great Ninja War would never happen again. My first step was dealing with my family. The Uchiha clan was not only a powerful group, but a hurt one too and that was always a dangerous combination. They could have torn my village apart from the inside. The massacre of my clan had to happen; there was no way around it.

I once lived and breathed the morals of my family and clan, but as time passed I developed my own nindo, my own ninja way. I refused to follow in my clan's deadly path any longer. Even though they were my family, I did what was necessary of me and saved my village. On that fateful night, I killed every member of my clan, thus stopping the civil war before it even began. Only my younger brother, Sasuke, survived. I left him alone, surrounded by the corpses of our parents and clan and let him grow in it. I wanted his hatred to fester and grow like a child just like I told him to do and when he was ready; he'd deliver me the justice I deserved. I left that day feeling hollowed out but I knew it had to be done. I had no regrets…until now. Over the time of my journey through life I started to realize that the lies and deceits would come back to haunt me.

It was predetermined by me, my death was so close I could see and touch it. I knew I was dying from the inside, over time I contracted a terminal illness that would soon take me from this world, but in order for my plan to work it had to be my brother who does it. Sasuke will come to our clan's secret hideout to face and kill me. And then after our battle, as I stood face to face with Sasuke I got to deliver my final words, "Forgive me Sasuke, but this is it…"

After that I died and felt peace. I accepted death by my brother's hand and felt joy at being able to apologize to him, but something felt wrong. I think I had more to say, but I guess it's too late.

It seemed like that was the last time, our last meeting, but later on Kabuto would absorb the powers of Orochimaru and cast the reanimation jutsu. It not only brought me back, but it disturbed the rest of many of the world's fallen shinobi.

I thought that being killed by Sasuke would put me at ease, but after seeing him again, seeing how hurt and confused he was just reopened those old wounds I thought I had closed. I had a second chance to tell him not just what he needed, but what I needed as well and in my final moments, I left him with these parting words.

"I have told you the whole truth. I won't have to ever again...I always lied to you and asked you to forgive me. Deliberately keeping you at a distance by my own hand. All because I didn't want you to get caught up in any of this. But now, I believe that perhaps you could have changed father, mother and the rest of the Uchiha.

If I had been open with you from the start and looked you straight in the eyes and told you the truth then, I wouldn't have had to stand before you, from above, as a failure, telling you all of this. So this time, I want to impart the truth to you.

You don't ever have to forgive me and no matter what you do from here on out, know this...I will always love you."

I finally thought that I could rest in peace knowing I revealed my true feelings to my brother Sasuke and that I could see Shisui, my mother, and my father. But as fate would have it, it seems like there is more for me to do.

After saying my goodbye to Sasuke, the next thing I saw was the Sage of Six Paths, the God of the shinobi world. I kneeled before him, but he told me to rise back up to my feet.

"I have a mission for you Itachi, only you can complete it." Itachi wanted to groan at the thought of another mission but, out of respect and reverence, he heard him out.

"What mission do you need me to complete?" The sage then started to cry. "I am sorry, Itachi. You have lived a hard life, a long one and you deserve to rest, but the world needs you to do one more thing for it."

Itachi wanted to refuse, but the thought of Sasuke being in danger made him accept. He has already proven that he would kill and die for his brother. "What more does the world need of me? I have murdered my entire clan, been marked as a terrorist, and killed by my own brother. I did all of it willingly and still died smiling, but still I can't be in peace. So what more does the world need?"

The sage pointed his staff at Itachi and immediately Itachi felt a surge of power flowing through him, "My child, it is true that you have sacrificed much for this world to remain at peace. Death should be the ultimate release, but I require more of you."

"What more can I do for this world past dying for it." He asked now curious and frustrated about his mission.

"You have already died for the good of the world, but now your mission is to live for the good of the world." The sage then performed a jutsu and soon Itachi felt a great flash before feeling nothing.

"Good luck child, I hope you very well may succeed." The sage then turned towards the Great War happening and continued to observe it.