Fanfic # 67 Silent Humanity by ShadowedAuthor(HPXNaruto)

This fanfic is a crossover between naruto and Harry Potter with Gaara in the world of Harry Potter. This is a complete complete fic with an incomplete sequel, but this story ends in a satisfying place. It's more of a fun read with a emotional moments, I really like it because it's one of the few stories with Gaara as the mc.

Synopsis: After a surprise attack, Sabaku no Gaara is sent to a strange new world, injured and alone. Read as Gaara tries to survive whilst keeping his 'inner demons' at bay and endeavors to find a way home. No pairings.

Rated: T

words: 329k

Here's the first chapte(I only posted the first part of this chapter because it's too long)::

Sabaku no Gaara had been having a bad day. That in and of itself was not an unusual occurrence, but it had been quite some time since he'd had a day quite as troublesome as this one.

It had been a few months since his fight with the Shitenshonin from the Takumi Village, and Konoha's blond knucklehead had left for his training mission with one of the legendary Sannin. Ever since his fateful encounter with Seimei, Shukaku had been almost completely dormant inside of him except for the occasional headache on a full moon. He hadn't even killed any of his fellow Suna citizens in a while. He had also been sleeping more often, which was a big plus. Overall, things had been going fairly well.

Things had been going well, until his past came back to bite him.

His past, in this instance, was in the form of a low-ranking Jounin from his own village, or to be more precise, that particular ninja's son. Several years prior to the Chunin exam and subsequent war, Gaara had been tormented by his 'inner demons' one night and had struck out at the first person he saw. That person just so happened to be the Gennin son of the man currently attacking him.

As soon as Gaara had seen the Genin boy, he had called his deadly sand and crushed him without hesitation. To this day Gaara regretted taking that boy's life, along with every other victim he had mercilessly and needlessly slaughtered, but that did not mean that when a kunai appeared to fly out of nowhere he didn't block it with his sand. Nor did he allow the exploding tag on the end of the kunai to burn him.

Gaara hated what he had done, but a certain blonde Jinchūriki had taught him to become a better person so that he could protect those precious to him. With that in mind, the tormented red-head parried another kunai strike from the unknown assailant, who appeared to be, from the look of his uniform, from Gaara's very own village.

The sand-user jumped back to put some distance between him and the masked Suna shinobi to plan his next move. He had been under the impression that his village had stopped trying to kill him; then again, this assassin didn't come as much of a surprise given his blood splattered past and the high rate of vendettas placed against him.

"What are you doing?" Gaara demanded in his usual straight-to-the-point way, silently planning his route of escape or plan of attack. Both would have been easier if they weren't currently in a valley, several miles from any possible back-up.

"Avenging my son! I'm gonna kill you... you monster!" This time, the infuriated ninja formed several hand-seals before several loose pebbles and rocks rose into the air in front of him and flew straight for Gaara at bullet-like speeds.

Unconsciously, Gaara's sand protected him just in time, but whilst the wall of sand obscured his view, the Jounin in front of him dove to the side to the valley's wall and jumped off of it, throwing a weapon at the person he had sworn vengeance upon. If it had been anyone weaker than a Jounin, the shuriken that had flown out the man's hand would not have not come within a foot of Gaara, but the multi-bladed weapon came so close to him that he had to use most of his sand as a precaution to stop the blade from reaching his neck.

Unfortunately for the current defender, that was only a distraction for the assailant to finish setting up his seal. Gaara's attention was drawn to the circular array at his feet that he had been lured into standing on when the symbols seemingly carved into the ground started to glow brightly.

"You demon! You took my son from me, now it's payback time!" The hysterical shinobi screamed as he jumped over the top of Gaara's sand and landed in front of the wary teen who was now gathering the sand at his feet to deal with the rogue ninja. "I'm gonna send you straight to hell!" He roared before he slapped his hand on the base of the circular seal, took his kunai, raised it above his flattened hand and with one final scream, plunged the dark steel straight through the waiting appendage.

The Ichibi host was baffled by this show of self harm, to the point of raising one of his invisible eyebrows, but refused to let whatever plan the crazed ninja had concocted happen. The insomniac gathered the rest of his sand and formed a spear in his hand, ready to kill the nuisance in his way; though, he wanted to note, it was out of self-defence and not enjoyment this time.

The former-psychopath was about to throw the lance at the pinned man kneeling only a few feet away from him, but as his arm drew back he actually dropped the sand javelin and his body convulsed with pain unlike any he had felt before as blue bolts of electricity sizzled through the doubled-over teen's body.

"Kin-jutsu: Demon world transport!" The bleeding man on the ground yelled as he used his un-impaled hand, now free of the kunai, to form a single hand sign in front of his face. After he had announced the name of his jutsu he began to laugh maniacally.

The pained teenager could do nothing to stop the forbidden-technique as it was completed and the man, who had tears streaming down his face, howled with laughter, appearing to melt into the glowing circular seal.

The man continued his uproarious cachinnation even as his face started to turn into a flesh coloured liquid and poured into the seal that was still paralyzing the immobilised host, who was now on all fours as the glowing of the markings intensified.

The light was blinding at this point for Gaara, who could hear others approaching over the crackling of the electricity. The helpless warrior could only hope that those shinobi were friendly.

As it turned out, they were about as friendly as he could have hoped for: his siblings.

The pair ran forwards, through the narrow valley, towards their crippled little brother who was struggling to stay conscious in the electrically charged field that was still subduing him.

Temari and Kankuro had both been performing their usual patrols around the village outskirts when they felt an immense burst of chakra coming from the mountains several miles away.

Without so much as requesting assistance they sped there as quickly as their feet would carry them. In any other case the pair probably wouldn't have rushed so desperately to the source of the potentially dangerous disturbance, but they could only think of one source for that magnitude of chakra and their little red-haired brother had gone out on a mission a few hours before in that general direction.

When they arrived, they were shocked to see their supposedly demonic younger brother being electrocuted by blue lightning bolts whilst writhing in a pile of his own sand inside some sort of shining array that neither of them recognised.

Gaara tried to look up at his older siblings but lost consciousness soon after they arrived, from the pain, the seal still holding him down, dragging him into darkness.

Temari gasped as Gaara's head dropped to the ground and was about to approach him to help in any way she could, but she was held back by Kankuro who quickly shouted, "Don't! You'll get caught in whatever that thing is as well!"

As soon as the black-rimmed eyes had shut the glowing of the array had intensified, unnoticed by Kankuro and Temari, until the light was bright enough for them to have to avert their gazes.

Suddenly, in the midst of the crackling of the electricity and the blowing of the wind in the valley, a boom sounded off like nothing either of the two conscious teens had ever heard before. The explosion may have been in sound only, but as soon as it had been sounded, the entire chasm they were standing in went completely silent, except for the soft echoing of the explosion.

Both of the remaining sand siblings looked back up for their teammate and family to see nothing, not even the symbols that had been carved into the rock were there anymore. The entire scene had been wiped clean. Gaara, his sand and any residual chakra was gone.

Temari looked at the scene and then after finally registering that he was gone, searched the surrounding area for any trace of her little brother's or the one-tailed beast's chakra, but found nothing. At this revelation, Temari broke down into fits of hysterical tears at the sudden apparent death of their younger brother. No matter what he had done, they had still loved him, and now he was gone.