Fanfic #129 Proudly Fur Hire by I Am T.E.W!(Yugioh GX)

This fanfic is a self insert into Yugioh GX. I really like this fic because it takes elements from the Yugioh GX universe and really make it interesting with its own storyline and universal rules. I also really like the mc in this fic.

Synopsis: Duel Monsters is a weird game, that for some reason transcends space and time in most any way that matters. So what happens when some random schmuck gets reincarnated into one of the worlds ruled by them? He does the sane thing, and gets a job. Cause money is money, and he's proudly fur hire.

Rated: M

words: 47k

Here's the first chapter:

Reincarnation was a weird thing, in the fact that it was shockingly more common than you would expect, if not in the way most people can understand.

By this, I mean that it's not a static process, or even consistent with the idea that 'this used to be someone else'.

Some people were weirdly talented at things they usually shouldn't be, like math or music, some felt nostalgic towards things or places they've never seen or heard, some were split personality pharaohs and some got split into four different guys at the same time.

What I'm getting at is that souls are hella weird and that reincarnation was too unreliable to be called a science, but not reliable enough to be called magic either. I know this because I was obsessed with the stuff for most of my childhood, because I at least placed somewhere on that scale.

I...don't really know how much of my life I got through before really 'starting fresh' as it were. Or really becoming aware of it as a thing. That was the crazy thing about it all, when you know you were someone else, until you weren't. You were just you, in the end.

Once I pounded that into my head, things got a lot easier, at least in terms of personality. As a bright side to it, it made skipping grades a breeze, and you'd never seen a more confident 12 year old when you'd had 20 years of memories and ideals shoved in your skull.

It also helped that both lives weren't bad at all. The old one was a bit dull all things considered, but the 'you' then had done a pretty good job all things considered, and the new one was looking just as good. It was a bit weird not getting along with the kids around you at first, but you hit your stride, and anyone could be your friend on the internet forums. It also helped that you really had a bigger goal in mind.

Namely, getting rich as fuck, or at least moderately wealthy enough to survive and retire comfortably. Money was freedom after all, one very few ever really got around to attaining.

It was just a shame that most of the rest of the world seemed to be fucking stupid though. Why would I say this, you might ask, no-one in particular I'm explaining this to? Well, frankly, it's because this stupid world runs off a card game. To be more specific, Duel Monsters. When I actually understood this for the first time as something unusual, I....well, I didn't flip out, but it took me a few days of quiet contemplation before I really got my mind around it.

Granted, it wasn't THAT bad, they still did things like elections and everything else, normal people went about their daily lives and progress marched on for the majority, but when you could whip out a deck of cards for the right to avoid being fired or use it as incentive to show you're a good candidate, well, somethings fucked up. It also didn't help my opinion much that I knew from both outsider knowledge and publicly available information that the fate of the world seemed to hinge on said card games every few years or so. Which was...just fantastic.

So I decided to do what any reasonable guy in my situation would. I googled a ritual online and 'bribed' the shit out of some Duel Spirits so I could get some decent deterrents should I need to. well, deck a bitch. Obviously it didn't work, but I kept trying, using all the things my grubby little hands could get with my free time with my family out.

Fruits and stones trying to get Naturia anythings, pieces of armors for Samurai's, Superheavy or regular, even a new tablet for some kind of anything but Machine King. Needless to say, I asked for a lot of weird things for my birthdays, and I may never live down the looks the rest of the family give me to this day. Eventually, desperately, I used the method I should have done from the start.

I threw money at it. Didn't even mean to, I was just super desperate at that point and pretty much throwing a tantrum of anything in reach at the stupid fucking, maybe-real-more-likely-fake-circle, until I got to my wallet filled with walking around cash. I won't lie, I nearly had a heart attack when it got grabbed by a cat the size of me with a flaming sword on his back and dollar signs for eyes. Not even kidding with that last bit either, I saw them shining in his pupils.

From there, I began a beautiful, and more importantly profitable!, relationship with the Fur Hires. Mercenaries after my own heart, they were huggable, beat-stickable and more than willing to make the trek to my new world so long as I had plenty of plunder to share. Oh, it set back nearly everything I had been able to save by that point, at least a good $15,000 or so, but it was a small price to pay to have the spirits themselves show up at Pegasus's house and start vandalizing shit till they got sent to me. Couldn't afford the Big boss of their's though, that would apparently require both retainer AND travel fees, which just got ridiculous when you were crossing dimensions.

Pegasus himself at least got a few good laughs about it, used the randomly appearing graffiti around his house for some other artistic inspiration apparently. This wasn't the first, nor probably the last time some Duel Spirits demanded to be made. Still gave me a warning that if they did it again he'd bill me though, which was fair and something I'd never do ever because jesus the numbers he quoted hypothetically were ludicrous.

So here I was, now a 15 year old pretty much done with highschool thanks to the magic of not-cheating and summer school classes counting as full courses, a deck out for shinies, and a real need for green myself. I decided to do what every desperate kid has to do eventually.

Get a job.

And wouldn't you know it, Granma Dorothy needed another assistant, on the beautiful and mysterious Duel Academy Island. Yep, that's right, THE, Academia Isle. Ordinarily, I'd avoid the place like hell on Earth, but here's the thing....

They paid a LOT to work there. And by that, I mean enough to make up what I've saved in like half a year, to say nothing of the little perks like living in a tropical paradise filled with cute girls, good food, and enough duelists to scam money off of a Hunter would be drooling.

If I didn't go aplundering with such a place in reach, well I'd have a mutiny on deck. Or some other thinly veiled metaphor, I had to make at least one to three a week, it was in the contract I drafted with the Fur Hire Crew.

Yep. That's about the by and large of it. Time to get gainful employment yet again, as Aidan E. Dorathy....

I'll take your wallet if you call me Dorathy though.