Fanfic #195 The Overlord of Nadeshiko by Boyzilla(OverlordXNaruto)

This fanfic is a crossover between Naruto and Overlord following Ainz in the world of Naruto. I really like this fic because it starts Ainz off outside of Konoha and it has interesting story elements that I'm looking forward to being developed.

Synopsis: At YGGDRASIL's shutdown, Suzuki Satoru was whisked away and transported to a world where ninja rule using energy known as chakra. Alone, without his guild or Nazarick, he finds himself the newly betrothed husband to the leader of a small, inconsequential kunoichi village. Still, regardless of his circumstances, there remains one truth: Ainz Ooal Gown does not know defeat.

Rated: T

words: 53k

Here's the first chapter:

"... What happened?"

That was the single question that occupied the Overlord Momonga, Suzuki Satoru's, mind. Not a moment ago, he was playing the DMMORPG YGGDRASIL, enjoying the last moments before the game's shut down by launching fireworks into the virtual sky outside the Great Tomb of Nazarick, his guild base and home created by his friends together as 41 Supreme Beings. It had been twelve years since the DMMORPG had launched, twelve long yet short years that spoke of the story behind the formation and rise of his guild: Ainz Ooal Gown.

However, when the very second the game would shut down, the last remaining guild member and Guildmaster, Momonga, found himself surrounded by trees in an area very much not the swamps of Helheim, more similar to a forest.

His mind raced with possible answers as to the current shift in both his location and delay of what was supposed to be him being kicked out and returned to his apartment back in the real world.

Not soon afterward, his senses were assaulted by the smells of greenery and nature.

"Impossible," His voice escaped his open jaw, lacking any lips to speak of due to his skeletal nature as an undead Overlord.

But, even that lone sentence surprised him, that his own voice would change into a deeper tone, in high contrast to his higher-pitched voice from before this transition.

Panic began to rise, what was happening?

The GM call wasn't available; his interface vanished entirely upon arriving here. His senses, aside from taste, had elevated to the point of realism.

He decided to do a desperate bid, "This is illegal! I can't be confined here! It's against my will!" He shouted out.

In YGGDRASIL, this certain line of words would have been recorded by both the game and his own headset, it would've prompted a response, even if it were an automated one.

But there was nothing.

Which increased the likelihood that he wasn't in YGGDRASIL anymore.

He felt something trigger, calming him and suppressing his peeking emotions.

At this point, there wasn't anything he could do. At the very least, Momonga felt that he could still cast Tier Magic and his abilities still functioned. He took a moment to examine himself, the divine level robes, magical rings, and other equipment that he worked for still adorned his undead body. He was quite tall, easily dwarfing his previous human body by quite a margin, though that was by design. The Guild Weapon [The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown] could be felt in his grip; he released it, letting it float for a moment.

That made him uncomfortable and he grasped hold of it once more, almost feeling the weapon's eagerness to be of service to the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Another time, for now, I shall keep you safe," Momonga spoke, and with a thought, a small black void appeared near his hand as he stored the staff into his inventory, mentally acknowledging its presence within the pocket dimension as the void vanished upon retracting his now empty hand.

While the presence of [The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown] would dissuade PKers, Satoru felt that very few would PK at the end of the game.


He glanced around, searching for a suitable dummy target, and spotted a boulder that would serve fine for an experiment. A vast library of spells could be easily accessed with but a thought, their effects and mana cost recalled with ease.

The Overlord raised his finger at the boulder, "[Lightning]."

Instantaneously, a bolt of lightning shot forward and impacted the boulder, causing electrical currents to frizzle out as the rock split apart into pieces. Momonga barely felt any drain for using such a low-tier spell.

"My spells work, inventory works, now to figure out where I am," He said, looking up to the crystal blue skies with occasional white clouds. Reminiscing in a bit of nostalgia, "Blue Planet did love nature, it truly is a wondrous sight, my friend." He remarked.

Momonga cast [Fly] and [Perfect Unknowable], the former easily identified while the latter a higher-level version of [Invisibility]. He floated above the treeline, his gaze now spotting the horizon and the far-seeing details.

It appears that he had been transported to a lush forested valley in a rather mountainous region, notably, there three massive hilltops with steep slopes, all close together to form a singular line within the valley's center. Furthermore, these hilltops had civilization on top of each, connected by bridges made of brick, which hung over the gorges between each hill. The lowest elevated hill had what seemed to be the least defended construction, appearing to be mostly houses of brick and wood, perhaps a residential area?

The middlemost hill was the largest, with stone and brick buildings and walls on top in the appearance of a stronghold. It would have served to be a decent guild base in YGGDRASIL's Midgard for lower-level players.

Lastly, the third hill, not having the same width as the others, was the second tallest. Also walled, with buildings of the same design as the middle. The architecture for all the buildings for these hills appeared to be a mix of western and eastern design, with more focus on old Japanese aesthetics, while its defenses took a European approach.

Of course, to a player with [Fly], it would be easy to enter without any aerial protections to guard against such intrusions.

Should he risk investigating the place?

There was no guarantee as to who or what could be awaiting him.

An explosion nearby drew his attention, Momonga could easily spot the pillar of smoke rising from the forest below, not a kilometer away.


Or a mob?

His curiosity got the better of him, with [Perfect Unknowable] still active, it wouldn't be so easy to be detected before Momonga could escape with teleportation spells.

He flew over to the direction of the explosion and spotted supernaturally quick moving figures, at least compared to normal humans, but not matching the speed of mid-level players. Momonga floated back down to the ground to investigate more closely. A clash of metal resounded through the battleground as he finally could see the conflict in it fullest.

A single question came up for Momonga.

"Human ninja?" He said to himself.

[Perfect Unknowable] would make any sounds he spoke to be completely muffled.

There were four human combatants, three males fighting against a lone female figure. They were all dressed in garbs befitting the stereotypes of Thief-type classes, though the words spoken were related to ninjutsu. However, the [Ninja] class had a prerequisite of Level 60, and required multiple classes in the [Assassin] subcategory. The combat displayed here didn't match that level, more accurately to say it was more in the lower levels.

There was also a strangeness to them.

In some of the jutsu used, the user would make multiple motions with their hands. Only the female figure so far had used jutsu in combination with physical attacks, like a buff or perhaps a skill, it seemed to augment her with the wind element.

Such as the case now.

"Nadeshiko Style: Gale Fist!" The female combatant, dressed in form-fitted uniform of grey colors, shouted as her hand was coated in what Momonga assumed was the wind element. Her waist-length black hair was tied in a high ponytail, which caused him to biefly wonder how long it would be if it wasn't.

"Shi-!" Her target, obviously a male opponent, was struck but it and sent flying through numerous trees, the ground below the kunoichi's feet cracked from the pressure and force of her attack.

Momonga, however, noticed none of the jutsu used matched anything his guildmate, Nishikienrai, had used before.

Perhaps this world had a substitute for the [Ninja] class for lower levels?

"Wait, do they have even have levels? Do my spells work against them?"

He needed to test this out at least.

But before that, Momonga closed his robe and accessed his inventory; brought out gloves and [Mask of Envy] to hide his undead features. As a heteromorph, he was disliked and considered a target by humanoid and demi-human races back in YGGDRASIL. But with these two items, unless that had some way to detect undead, it should hide his race.

Then he dispelled [Perfect Unknowable].

While he could use a spell before [Perfect Unknowable] would dispel automatically, he didn't want his potential opponents to know that he had a spell for invisibility, after all, information was power. Instead, Momonga would dispel the spell while behind cover then approach.

Now… What spell would make a good first impression?

Shizuka, Village Leader of Nadeshiko, retreated a bit from thrown shuriken from one of the male opponents. This was not an unexpected battle, Nadeshiko Village was organized through matrilineality, and was known to only give birth to female heirs. As such, both for cultural and law reasons, kunoichi of Nadeshiko were expected to venture forth and find a suitable husband that could best them in combat. This was extremely so for those in leadership positions, such as Shizuka.

However, she disliked this rule and wanted to do away with it entirely if not for the elders holding most of the political power in the village. So entrenched in Nadeshiko's culture and laws, that any male found to attempt romantic interests would need to prove themselves in combat.

A lone merchant that Shizuka had fallen for did not meet this requirement, he had died in an 'accident' because of that. For that reason, Shizuka vowed to become strong, stronger than any would-be men that challenged her for the village position as a husband.

She had shut off her heart to love, only duty remained.

A year had passed since then.

None could match her.

In the future, perhaps, she might come across the student of the Toad Sage. It as her destiny to meet the Toad Sage's student and continue the battle that her own teacher postponed between them. That is if no other men managed to defeat her before that point.

Shizuka gathered her chakra, a combination of physical and spiritual energies, and performed a hand seal to manipulated it close to her face. "Wind Style: Gale Fan," She said and blew forth an intense gust of wind that pushed away all thrown weapons directed at her from the two remaining foes.

The kunoichi was about to follow up with her Aereal Dance technique when an additional opponent entered the scene.

This imposing person was also the oddest dressed individual that Shizuka had ever lain eyes on, but he was also quite big that he dwarfed anyone else present. She'd never seen someone dressed in a regal robe like that, it would look more appropriate on a Daimyo than someone out here in the forests near Nadeshiko. His face was covered with a grinning red mask, and there was no identifiable headband to indicate which village he belonged to, if at any.

"Who the hell are you!" Shouted one of her opponents.

"Mh? Well, I suppose I ought to at least satisfy that curiosity," The new arrival's voice was masculine and deep, it oozed with authority and command that despite Shizuka's position as village leader, she'd felt that this man might hold a higher stature. "Listen well, entrench this into your minds with the time you have left, I am Ainz Ooal Gown!"

He finished his announcement, arms raised like his name itself was a proclamation.

"Hah, that's a ridiculous title," One of the man commented.

It happened quickly, the figure known as Ainz Ooal Gown raised his gauntlet, directed at the insulted, and spoke the words, "[Dragon Lightning]."

Outward came lightning in the shape of a dragon, the man tried to avoid it, but it struck him anyway. His screams cried out as his body became but a smoking ruin of a dead man.

Shizuka looked concerned, Ainz Ooal Gown's jutsu had occurred so quickly and without the need for hand seals. It was similar to the jutsu she'd known about before, Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu, but obviously of the lightning style and smaller scale.

"You bastard," The last of the original trio that Shizuka had been fighting leapt back to a further position, then proceeded to go through several hand seals before slamming it into the ground. "Earth Style: Rupturing Earth Palm!"

The earth in front of the ninja broke apart and lifted up as decently sized chunks came up towards Ainz Ooal Gown. However, unexpectedly, the large man became to just float up without a care, rendering the earth style jutsu completely useless.

"That's… That's impossible, only Lord Tsuchikage should be capable of flight like that…" The man was in as much disbelief as Shizuka was.

"That's an interesting jutsu you did," Ainz Ooal Gown sounded generally interested in the common technique. "However, you have made a slight against me, and seeing how you are of the same faction, you will suffer the same fate."

"N-No, wait-"

"[Dragon Lightning]," The same technique without hand seals, twice in a row, and against it killed the ninja, how much chakra did Ainz Ooal Gown have to do that?

Shizuka considered the power behind those lightning style jutsu, considering her own abilities and physique, she could probably survive being hit by it at least once or twice, and she probably had the speed to avoid them. After all, she was stronger than those ninjas, who had to gang up on her to even present any challenge. A leader of a ninja village, like with others of the same, was notably the strongest. The problem is that Ainz Ooal Gown didn't even look like he broke a sweat, and his true strength was hard to gauge with what little she saw.

She weighed in her options, but the outcome was obvious.

Still… Shizuka refused to simply surrender and accept destiny.

They had died so easily to mere 5th Tier Magic, it was quite disappointing, and also very underwhelming considering his prior knowledge of the [Ninja] class in YGGDRASIL. He was already thinking of a number of theories to explain why it had been as simple as killing off low-level noobs, ranging from that low-level explanation to wild theories as to the power scaling that this world held.

Not to mention how emotionless he felt in killing humans, even if they had mocked the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, truly his humanity was lost to him.

In the end, Suzuki Satoru pushed it aside, he really needed more information to go on.

Thankfully, his show of power may shock and awe the girl to surrender, simple questions and answers will do after that. He avoided targeting her, as not only were they men and the woman were opposing each other, but she lacked the same headband designation they all carry, a different design carved into the metal.

He floated back down, deactivating [Fly], and looked at the woman to began speaking, "Now, I recommend you surrender-"

"I refuse, as leader of Nadeshiko Village and according to both its laws and heritage, I cannot surrender to a man without having first been defeated in combat," She answered so matter-of-factly.

That's dumb.

Well, it wasn't so dumb when looking at other mythologies, some even in YGGDRASIL, but for a real-world, it was dumb.

He felt something suppress the emotions from the lunacy of what he heard.

"Is that so? Well, let's make this quick then," He'll use some lower-tier spells, shouldn't kill her.

She charged at him, Ainz felt a mediocre of respect towards her, as a Magic Caster, he'd be weak in close quarters combat against a Warrior or Thief type classes. Unfortunately, the weapons that she held did not seem like the quality to pierce through his [High Tier Physical Immunity], which negated all damage from physical attacks below Level 60.

Which was initially also the reason behind his concern for the [Ninja] class requirement.

"Nadeshiko Style: Aerial Dance!" The incoming kunoichi proceeded to throw a continuous barrage of kunai, which while mildly impressive in their quantity, merely tapped off Ainz's clothing with no damage done. She stopped her assault when she realized that her weapons did not affect him.

"Let's use 3rd Tier, [Fireball]," A ball of flame formed and fired off towards his 'opponent'. Although, unlike those men before, she'd avoided the spell. So she had the speed to escape from a low-level Tier Magic spell, though the [Fireball] still exploded into its area of effect radius.

She got a little burned from it, but seemed otherwise unhindered.

So, was this woman higher level? Could she handle 4th Tier? What about the same 5th Tier as before? Didn't she mention being the leader of a village? That might explain her being stronger.

A few more 3rd Tier spells to investigate.

The kunoichi continued her approach, likely to do a melee attack, possibly enhanced by the wind element from before?

"[Slow]," Ainz went for a basic movement debuff, a brief appearance of a spell circle appeared in front of his hand, her speed took a notable drop. "[Lightning]." A bolt of lightning escaped his finger and due to the earlier debuff, it struck her, electrocuting the girl in a flash of blue light.

She stood kept standing after it expired though, a bit shocked, was combat-able and continuing her prior charge.

He appreciated her stubbornness and durability, it was quite enlightening.

The girl leaped, her leg enveloped in what he recognized as the wind element, "Nadeshiko Style: Roaring Hurricane Kick!" She attempted to strike at him.

What an elaborate name.

He moved to the side, avoiding the attack, it struck the ground and formed a crater. She spun; the wind element already at her fist. He ideally noted that her physical attack attribute must be significantly higher than her defense for her to cause such environmental damage, a min-max perhaps?

Well, he should end this quickly, there were questions to be answered, as enlightening as this had been.

"[Maximize Magic: Magic Arrow]," Ainz said, like with [Slow], another visual effect of a magic spell circle appeared in front of his hand. With the metamagic Maximize, [Magic Arrow] will do the max amount of damage it is capable of when it hits, however, since it is only a 1st Tier spell, that wouldn't be much. However, Ainz could use up to the 10th Tier, and [Magic Arrow] shoots as many arrows up to how many Tiers the player could use. If he had added Boosted metamagic as well, its damage output would have been significantly enhanced.

Ten arrows launched, the close proximity of melee range did not give her the time to avoid them, and they pierced through her exposed arms, upper chest, and through unarmored segments. She fell to the ground, and began to stand again to fight.

Ainz put up his hand in front of her face, "Stay down, you have lost."

She bit her lip, blood oozed from her wounds, "I… I accept defeat."

"Umu, good," He looked over her, she wouldn't do much good in answering his questions while in constant pain. He reached into his cloak, hiding the use of his inventory, and pulled forth a [Minor Healing Potion]. It was a low-grade item, used by new players to restore health, but was useless to an undead like him. "Drink this."

She stared at the item, "Blood?"

"What? No, it's a potion," He corrected, earning a blank stare. "It restores your wounds."

"... Very well, husband," She took it and proceeded to drink.

"Good… Wait, husband?!" Ainz replied in shock.

"Remarkable…" She watched as her wounds closed with a gentle light, her injuries gone entirely, as if never present. The kunoichi stood up, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Shizuka, Village Leader of Nadeshiko. As per my village's rules… When we are defeated by a man, they are to be taken as our betrothed, returned to the village, and married into the village."

He felt his emotions peak immediately before being suppressed.

"That is quite illogical, it would take someone with ill intentions to marry their way into the village to gain power," He commented.

"Is it our way of life," Shizuka replied. "And you are now my husband, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown of Nadeshiko."

His emotions were suppressed again, preventing him from losing his calm.

Not a day in this new world and he was already supposedly married to a curvy, black-haired woman with a half-exposed breast ninja uniform.

Peroroncino, this is your fault somehow, isn't it?