Fanfic #241 Revival by hatredwithpassion(AttackOnTitanXBatman)

This fanfic is a crossover between Batman and Attack on Titan following Eren Yeager in the world of Batman. I really like this fic because it has interesting interactions between Eren and the people of Gotham.

Synopsis: "Boss, something is wrong! That's -" A fist shot through the liquid, smashing into the glass. The glass shattered into fragmented pieces. The figure fell down on his knees, hands splayed, long hair obscured his face. He lifted his head and inhaled sharply. Vivid green eyes stared ahead at the group of masked men. He was alive. "Who…who are you?" Eren, his mind whispered silently, Eren Yeagar. (Eren Yeagar gets tossed into the DC universe)

Rated: M

words: 44k

Here's the first chapter:

The scientist paced the laboratory and he barked his orders at his hired hands. He eyed the large machine imbued with thick glass and the green substance pulsing through the tubes, extrapolated from the Pit. He bit anxiously on his bottom lip and he held his breath as the countdown began.

Initiating Countdown.

He watched with unblinking eyes as the boundaries of life and death were deconstructed.


"Sir, something is wrong! That's not-"

The scientist blinked and his heart stuttered in shock.

A body morphed in the glass case - a tall stature, solid bones and golden skin layered on the silhouette.

The man frowned.

The figure looked different.

This was not who they wanted.

Something was wrong.

The machine began beeping loudly.

The experiment had failed.

A fist shot through the liquid, smashing into the glass. The glass shattered into multiple fragments. The figure fell down on his knees, hands splayed, long hair obscuring his face. He lifted his head and inhaled sharply.

Vivid green eyes stared ahead at the group of masked men. The scientist stared at the failed experiment with a thudding heart. He watched the rise and fall of the tanned chest. The subject was alive. It wasn't the subject he desired to manifest but it was a living breathing human being nonetheless.

"Who…who are you?"

"Sir! Stand back!"

The neurotic man watched in horror as the figure stood up on long unsteady legs. Green eyes searched the surroundings. The man was naked with no clothes on his body. The revived man tilted his head to the side, staring at them with sharp intent. There was something about the adolescent figure that was terrifying - otherworldly - The man shakily reached to his side, grabbing onto his gun. All men knew to carry weapons - The city was fraught with crime. He was always armed.

He clicked off the safety of his revolver and took aim - Shots fired - The man ducked and reached him, grabbing a fistful of his hair and he rammed his head into his knee. The leader felt his nose crack and his vision went black.

First there was Darkness and Death.

"I don't know what happens after I die…"


"Mikasa, I've always hated you."

Faint noises.

"Usurper...Eren Yeager. Do you have… any last words?"

Chaotic dissonance.

"If you want to try and stop me... then try to stop me from ever taking another breath."

Innumerable Sounds.

"Armin, I don't want to die... I want to be with Mikasa...I want to be with everyone..."

Pure agony.

"You are all free."

And then there was Light and Rebirth.

"Who… who are you?" The terrified man asked him as he raised his revolver.

Eren, his mind whispered silently, Eren Yeagar.

He pulled himself up to his feet, staring down at his naked form with sharp eyes. He surveyed his surroundings. He didn't recognize his vicinity. He felt the beat of his heart in his chest. His chest rose and fell in slow, healthy breaths.


It was surreal. He had felt the kiss of the blade on his neck. He had been decapitated. The men circled around him and the masked figures raised their weapons, taking aim. Eren flexed his fingers minutely - counting the number of bodies around him - A threat.

Shots fired.

He ducked.

He lunged.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and slammed his knee into the man's face. The man slumped - fucking pathetic - and he grabbed his body, holding him up by the neck as a shield. The men froze in their tracks, pleading with him to let their leader go. Leader. It was good information to have. The man dressed differently. He was adorned in a white lab coat and his stature was thin and wiry - A scientist. His skin crawled at the thought, memories of needles and numerous examinations ran through his mind.

Eren stared ahead with a cold expression.

"Lower your weapons," he demanded in a hoarse voice. "And you, give me your clothes and your weaponry."

The men obeyed, lowering their guns warily. Eren stared at the man approaching him. He tightened his hold on the leader's throat, wrapping an arm around his pale neck in a practiced move.

"One move out of line and I will snap his neck," he hissed lowly.

The man fumbled, sliding his gun over and he took off his coat and clothes, passing them over with a glare. Eren eyed his dark boots meaningfully. The man cursed and kicked them towards him. Eren kept his eyes on the criminals and he lifted the gun in his hand, pressing it to the leader's unconscious head.

"Don't move."

He slipped the clothes on hurriedly and pulled the unconscious leader in front of him, moving backwards towards the doors. The men inched closer - eyeing him warily - Eren reached the door and he wrapped a hand around the knob, pushing it open. He stepped outside and backed away slowly. He eyed the port, noting the number of boxes and multiple areas to disappear.

The men inched closer. Eren edged towards the boats and in a swift move, he tossed the unconscious man into the water. The masked men cursed and dived after their disposed leader. Shots fired. Eren ducked and dove behind the vehicles and boxes. He ran hurriedly, weaving through the unfamiliar scenery, disappearing from sight.

The nineteen year old slipped into the night crowds, blending in seamlessly. The smell of urine and vomit filled his nostrils as he weaved through the populated streets. He gazed up at a smoggy sky with narrowed eyes.

Where am I?