Fanfic #253 The Newly Ascended God by ShirouKuroEmiya(Fate/Grand Order x Danmachi)

This fanfic is a crossover between Fate Grand Order and Danmachi following Shirou in the world of Danmachi. I really like this fic because it has interesting character interactions and it's a fun fic.

Synopsis: When Shirou Emiya died, he expected to reincarnate or transcend to the Throne of Heroes for his deeds as a Chaldean Master. Never did he expect to end up in another world still in the Age of Gods or become a Divine Spirit. This is the story of Shirou Emiya, a new God of Heroes. His time on Genkai (Lower World). How will Bell Cranel, his friends and harem be affected by Shirou?

Rated: M

words: 48k

Here's the first chapter:

"Is this handsome guy the one that caused all the commotion?"

"How do you think he ascended? Did he overcome the limits of Level 10 or did he achieve apotheosis through being worshiped for his deeds?"

"I don't recognize him, though? I know the gods on Genkai don't really tell us things, but something like someone getting past level 10 or even a mortal being worshiped should be a big enough event for something to slip. Does anyone recognize him? He looks like he has Eastern features?"

"No. I know the East well, he isn't someone that is well-known in the East. His hair is red though, maybe he's from the West?"

"The West is my backyard, but no. Never seen or heard about him."

"Anyone from the North or South recognize him? Someone here has to know about him, right?"

"I know the North and South well. The handsome guy isn't from either."

"Maybe no one here knows him? He might have come from a part of the world that the gods present right now might not know about."

"What if he's one of those loner types that never cares about fame or glory? It wouldn't be the first time we had a fellow god ascend that no one knows the identity of because he was too humble or paranoid about being too well-known."

"That would make sense. The chances of someone that is known as a Level 10 or for being worshipped for his deeds enough to become a god without us knowing is incredibly low."

"We might be thinking about this in the wrong way. He might actually be someone we know about but haven't recognized because the appearance he is known for might not be the true appearance before us."

The noise caused by the various gods bickering caused the unconscious man that was the subject of the many debates starting to stir.

He groaned as his eyes slowly fluttered open. Unknown to the surrounding gods, the young man found the fact he could control his body greatly surprising. This certainly was not what he had been expecting after dying. Death meant the end after all.

Though with the life he led, he didn't find it too surprising if he had managed to reincarnate with his memories intact somehow. He had met many people who had remembered their previous life, even a lucky few that remembered several previous lives, to talk about their experience or had been fortunate enough to experience their memories for himself.

There was one thing that pointed that Shirou might be wrong with his reincarnation theory.

The fact that he was not in an infant body suggested that he should still be alive. Though Shirou couldn't discount the possibility that he had indeed reincarnated only to then remember his previous life several years after being born again. He quickly dismissed that notion though as Shirou had no memories of the life he led after reincarnating.

So, what had happened? Shirou asked himself.

His eyes opened and the sight that greeted him made him think that maybe instead of reincarnating he might have transcended instead.

The people staring at his prone form were not recognizable, but what his eyes failed to tell his instincts did not. Their appearances might be different but the aura he detected were all too familiar to him. Some had been his allies. Some, his enemies. Some shifting between the two camps depending on the circumstance or the iteration he met.

Assuming that he was not being tricked by an illusion or any other deceptive methods, then he could conclude that he was in the Throne of Heroes.

If he thought about it deeply, it didn't sound too implausible.

The deeds he had done during his time as a Chaldean Master was more than enough to create numerous stories that could become myths and legends in the future to create a Heroic Spirit. The scale of his actions was definitely more than enough to carve his legend in the annals of mankind after all.

He thought more deeply on the matter, and the more thought about his situation the more he became convinced that as a result of his deeds as a Chaldean Master that he had become a Heroic Spirit and had transcended to the Throne of Heroes.

"What's your name?" A woman with a crimson eye (and an eye patch over her right eye) and red hair reaching to the neck, who had a rather sharp face and slender body, asked. Though for Shirou, the god was very familiar.

"Shirou Emiya," He introduced himself. "It is an honor to meet you again, Hephaestus."

"Do I know you? I don't ever recall meeting you." Hephaestus asked with a frown on her face.

"I'm not surprised that you don't remember me," Said Shirou with a sad smile as he recalled that those dwelling in the Throne of Heroes might not receive the memories of their summoned Servant self. "Since you don't remember me, we may as well start fresh. It would be an honor to work with you again, your creations never fail to impress and inspire me. I wished that my skills as a blacksmith were even a fraction of yours."

"You're a blacksmith?" Hephaestus asked as her eyes lit up with joy. "Show me an example of your work. I want to see what skills you have."

"Here," said Shirou as he materialized his favored twin sabers. "These are my favorite pieces of work."

"Kanshou and Bakuya." Hephaestus said in surprise as she immediately recognized the Noble Phantasms. "How do you have these? Gān Jiàng and Mò Yé would never part with these."

"Gān Jiàng and Mò Yé?" Shirou repeated in confusion before he realized that Hephaestus was referring to the Chinese couple and blacksmiths that had forged the original Kanshou and Bakuya. "This is a copy. I have been lucky enough to see the originals in person and was able to recreate it."

"A copy you say?" Said Hephaestus in a suspicious tone before she inspected the Noble Phantasms again but this time using her divine powers as a Goddess of Smiths. "It really is a copy, no perhaps it is better to call them replicas instead. They are nearly flawless reproduction that without my divine powers I wouldn't have noticed the difference." Hephaestus exclaimed in surprise, the other gods crowing in excitement.

"Oh, what a bummer though, it seemed that he had ascended because of his deed of creating a divine weapon. And here I thought that the first god in centuries to ascend would be someone that surpassed Level 10." One of the gods in the throngs surrounding Shirou complained.

"Surpassing Level 10 to ascend is incredibly difficult. Everyone had kind of expected our newest kin would be someone that ascended due to his deeds." Another responded to the first god in a commiserating tone.

"Yeah. Even amongst the gods of battle and war, surpassing Level 10 to become a god is a rare achievement." Another responded while shaking their head.

"Hey! This isn't how we greet our newest fellow god!" Hephaestus shouted, a visible vein throbbing on her head. "Let's cheer for our newest god, you idiots!"

With Hephaestus leading, the crowd around Shirou started to cheer and loudly congratulate him on his achievement. Shirou instead of relishing the crowd's cheers and praises, simply stood there incredibly confused.

He had thought that he had ascended to the Throne of Heroes, it seemed that might not be the case. There was not a single Heroic Spirit in the crowd he could see cheering his name. All of them were Divine Spirits. And not the downgraded Divine Spirits turned Heroic Spirits that he was somewhat intimately familiar with as a Chaldean Master.

So that left the question: where was he?

"Welcome, God of Heroes!" A familiar voice shouted, his booming voice cutting through the cacophony of cheers.

Shirou looked up to the sky to see someone that he recognized not just because of their divine aura, but a physical appearance that matched his memories.

He saw an old, one-eyed and long-bearded man wearing a cloak over ancient Norse clothing riding an eight legged flying horse. In his right hand he held Gungnir, the divine spear that never misses. And, resting upon his shoulders were a pair of ravens, Huginn and Muninn. He was the god of wisdom, poetry, war, death, divination, and magic and the king of Asgard. His name was Odin, also known to as the All-Father, the third chief of the Æsir tribe of the Norse gods and one of the most prominent figures in Norse mythology.

And almost more important than that, he seems to recognize Shirou.

"Odin, what are you doing here?!" Hephaestus shouted in surprise at the appearance of such an important god, especially one that is as insular as Odin.

The crowd of gods reacted in a similar fashion. Odin was the head of Norse mythology, the leader of a group of gods that are very powerful in their own rights. Only something of huge importance would cause him to leave his duty of governing the Norse Domain.

Soon the crowd of gods looked at Shirou curiously, all of them wondering what was so important about the new god to attract Odin's attention.

"'God of Heroes'?" Shirou repeated the name Odin called him in confusion.

"I call you the 'God of Heroes' as that is the most fitting name to describe your divinity. As little as it is I can see." Odin replied with a shrug. "You are a very mysterious fellow, Shirou Emiya. Even I cannot discern what your abilities are and your past even when I use my Divinity. You are among the very few gods that I am unable to see their essence through." Odin explained excitedly.

"Are you sure his divinity is related to heroes and not blacksmiths Odin? You might have not seen it but Shirou had just shown me a near flawless replica of Kanshou and Bakuya that he had created." Hephaestus asked incredulously.

"I also saw his work Hephaestus, I have not made a mistake in my judgement," Odin shook his head. "He is someone that is cloaked in divinity associated with heroes. To refuse to call him a god of heroes would be to deny his strongest divine power." He paused as a smile formed on his face. "What is even more surprising is that his divinity is quite special. It has traces of every mythology, and the feeling it gave off signifies that he is personally associated with that source of mythology or even was their friend."

"How is that possible?! If he is associated or friends with every mythology then how come we don't know him?" One of the gods, unable to bear the shock shouted out.

"Is being associated or friend with every mythology even possible?!"

Soon many other comments of outrage and confusion echoed throughout the room. It seems that nobody even considered the possibility that Odin was wrong. Perhaps it is to be expected for the god best known for his wisdom?

The longer Shirou interacted with the Divine Spirits, the more confused and troubled he became. He was sure that he wasn't a Divine Spirit. That was impossible, he was a human, or a human Heroic Spirit to be more exact.

Still, he has to make sure… Shirou then peered into his own soul and focused his attention on his Spirit Origin. Needless to say, what he saw was not what he was expecting. To his shock he detected the aura associated with Divine Spirits and their creations, Divine Constructs in his soul.

Shirou, who was staring dumbfounded at his soul and wondering how he suddenly became a Divine Spirit, didn't know that the conversations erupting around him would start an uproar. An uproar that spread throughout Tenkai and soon every god and goddess would learn of his existence.

Thankfully, the storm created by Shirou's divinity wouldn't spread any further, especially to Genkai as several prominent gods and leaders of pantheons issued a gag order But what the gods on Tenkai didn't know was that when Shirou descended onto the mortal plane would also mark the start of a new era.