Not Normal

Soren opened his eyes when he heard Ethan return. He had been pleased when he heard Ethan leave to gather the cigarettes first thing in the morning. His new lackey had returned with a handful of cigarettes and a lighter.

Sleeping on the prison bed had not been his best sleeping experience. It was an upgrade from sleeping on the ground, something that he had done enough times.

"I-I didn't know if you had a preference so there are menthol, light, and regulars."

Soren sat up and held out his hand to accept the cigarettes. He looked them over before shrugging.

"Beggars can't be choosers."

He put one of the cigarettes in his mouth and started to have Ethan light it for him before thinking better of it. He should at least try to behave himself.

"Are we allowed to smoke inside?"

"No, we have to wait until we go outside. I can talk to Mason about getting us to a smoking spot. He's a guard."


Soren stood and put the remaining cigarettes in the breast pocket of his jumper. The one he had in his mouth he now held in his right hand. Ethan's eyes widened and he took a step back when Soren stood. His actions made Soren smirk.

This had been the first time he showed even an inkling of his true strength to someone that remained alive. He could understand why mob bosses, and most bad guys, used force on their subordinates.

"I'm going with you. It'll be good for me to check out the places. I think I'd also like to meet this guard of yours."

"Of course, of course."

Ethan rubbed his hands against his jumpsuit and led Soren out. As they walked Soren was making a mental map of the place. It was not something that he would need since he did not plan on escaping, but it did not hurt to be prepared. If things got bad on the outside before he got out he would be stuck.

He saw a few men in orange walking around. It was early enough that most of the inmates would be working. Ethan explained that he got an hour in the yard every day after lunch. He was one of the few who had that much freedom due to the high-security level of the prison. Ethan was a baby compared to some of the inmates, but for those who were not in solitary confinement, he was not to be messed with.

"What did they offer you for pushing me around?"

Ethan glanced back at Soren then away and down. His walking pace slowed and he rubbed his hands on his jumpsuit.

"Chocolate and potato chips. I-I don't have a family to send me money to get food from the commissary. The food here isn't the best, so getting extra helps. I usually make trades, but I was promised fifty bucks to use in the commissary."

Soren stopped and stared at Ethan. Fifty dollars to scare me into cooperating? Should I be offended? The cigarette in his hand was raised to his mouth, then dropped when he remembered that it was not lit.

"S-sorry, boss.

Soren shook his head and motioned for Ethan to continue. He almost felt bad for his reaction, for a moment Ethan had looked as if he was about to wet himself.

"It can't be helped."

Ethan let out a shaky breath and started walking again. The rest of their walk was done in silence. When they made it to their destination Ethan walked up to a man wearing a correctional officer's uniform. The man looked to be in his mid-twenties, not much different in age from Soren and Ethan.

Ethan went up to speak with Mason then sent a nod in Soren's direction. Mason led them to an out of the way door that led outside. He stood outside and held the door open, keeping a close eye on them. Soren leaned against the door frame and Ethan held out the lighter for him.

Soren closed his eyes as he enjoyed the cigarette. When it was halfway done he opened his eyes and motioned between the inmate and the guard.

"How did you two get so close?"

Mason opened his mouth to say something then looked away. It was Ethan who answered the question.

"One of the harsher inmates went after Mason his first week on the job. The kid didn't do anything to deserve it so I stepped in. He's too nice to be working here but he won't take my advice."

"It's not that I won't, I can't. This job pays well and the insurance is decent. With only a high school diploma this is as good as it gets.

"You just get in?"

Soren laughed, "So to speak. I was brought in last night, but I'll only be here a few days. Got a few people high up that want me to be more cooperative than I've been. I doubt you'd find me in the system.

"Technically speaking, I don't exist."


Agent Issac sat at his desk watching a video on his laptop. He had stayed up late the night before looking over the grocery store's surveillance video. He had been at it late enough that he had fallen asleep at his desk.

Instead of going home when he woke up, he had gone back to work. He had nothing waiting for him at home except for an empty apartment. Issac had buried himself in his job and had never taken the time out to date.

One of the first things he did when he woke up at his desk was to call the prison where he had left Soren. The morning check-in did not get him a lot of information, but later that afternoon when he called he received some surprising news. The warden had also emailed him some videos to back up the information he had been given.

After reviewing the videos he picked up his phone and made a call.

"What's the status?"

"Soren Valle isn't normal. The video from the grocery store shows him facing a co-worker who had mutated. I'm not sure what he did because he made certain the camera couldn't see, but he was able to stop the mutation and return her to normal."


"What's more, I just got through watching videos from the prison. I'm not sure what happened when he arrived in the cell with Ethan Mathis, but from the videos and the report from the warden Mr. Mathis is taking orders from Valle."

There was a long pause on the other side of the line then the sound of papers moving around.

"There isn't anything from the investigation that stands out as odd, but it does seem that Soren Valle is not normal. Get things ready. First thing in the morning you'll bring him back to Monarch. Take him to the basement and do your best to convince him to cooperate.

"If he can get us a cure the search for Dr. Valle won't be as urgent. This is top priority at the moment and it will be your only focus. It will also be completely on you; I'm transferring agent Gill. We can't afford for him to lose his cool again."

"I understand."