Complete Submission


This is your warning that the following chapter contains coercive and non-consensual sex between two men. This warning is here so that, if you are not interested in reading what is contained here, you can skip this chapter altogether.

I have provided two chapters today so that those who don't wish to read this chapter will still have a chapter to read. So, if a detailed rape scene is not your cup of tea, skip to the next chapter.

Thank you.


Soren moved his right hand up Avery's chest to grasp hold of his lower jaw and turned his head, exposing his neck.

Avery's fingers dug into the comforter as his flight or fight response was screaming in his head. With Soren holding him down he could do neither; no matter how hard he tried to move his head, Soren's grip was iron tight.

Soren leaned down, his face moving to Avery's exposed neck, and took a deep breath. When Avery felt teeth press into his neck his mind went blank and his body froze. The pain from the bite was nothing compared to the sheer terror that gripped Avery.

Soren drew back from the bite, licking the blood that seeped out from the broken skin. Soren chuckled, his lips near Avery's ear as he whispered.

"Tastes just as good as it smells."

Soren's next move sent Avery's mind into overdrive as it went from frozen to active. Soren moved Avery's head so that they were face to face, then he kissed him. It was not just a simple kiss on the lips, this was a kiss that invaded his space, tongue staking claim over his mouth.

Avery did not fight the intrusion. After the bite, he was incapable of struggling. To Avery, at this moment, as long as Soren did not try to eat him he would not fight back.

Soren ended the kiss and moved off Avery to sit beside him.


It took longer than normal for Avery's mind to process what was said and even longer for his body to respond to the command.

Avery's body was trembling when he stood up and began undressing. He struggled to take off his pants, his hands were shaking so much. When he was completely naked he looked up to find that Soren was naked as well.

"Come here."

Avery drew a shaky breath and climbed back onto the bed. His eyes looked everywhere but at Soren, he was not ready to face that just yet.

"Lay down."

Avery did as ordered, staring up at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. His breath caught in his throat when he felt the bed move and nearly stopped breathing altogether when he felt Soren straddle his body.

"Look at me."

Avery could feel Soren looking at him and knew that all he had to do was turn his head a little and he would be eye to eye with Soren. Avery could not bring himself to comply.

Maybe it was an act of defiance, a small piece that he could grasp hold of. Whatever it was, Avery continued to look away. Soren's response was to laugh as he leaned forward and bit Avery's chest, hard enough to draw blood.

Avery sucked in a breath as the pain from the bite hit his mind. Images of Cruz laying on the ground as Soren ate the contents of his vital organs filled his mind.

The images flashed in Avery's mind like a hammer and he struggled to hold himself together.

"Look at me."

Soren commanded again when he released the flesh between his teeth. Avery complied this time, turning his head and making eye contact. The sight of Soren's blood-red eyes left Avery in a cold sweat.

"Good. I require complete submission from you. I want you to fully understand who is in charge here, and just how much control I have over your body."

Soren kissed him and it was just as demanding as the first kiss. When the kiss ended Soren left a trail of small bites along Avery's face and down his neck.

The bite at the base of Avery's neck was deep and harsh. Avery found himself closing his eyes from the pain, his whole body trembling once more.

Fear had filled Avery's mind and rushed through his body so many times in such a short period that he felt as if he were becoming numb. He lost track of how many times Soren bit him, most of them deep enough to make him bleed.

Avery was so lost in the waves of pain and fear that he did not notice when Soren stopped, nor that Soren had shifted positions and grabbed something from the table by the bed.

It was the cold, wet sensation on his ass that brought him back.

"Look at me."

Avery opened his eyes and looked up at Soren.

There was a burning sensation as he watched Soren slowly push his cock into his ass. Avery released his breath in a hiss as he felt the pressure and a sensation of having something in his ass for the first time. Avery closed his eyes as Soren began thrusting.

The moment it went from uncomfortable to painful Avery's eyes shot open. The look in Soren's red eyes caused Avery's fight or flight response to return.

"I didn't say that you could stop looking at me."

Soren moved his right hand to touch the side of Avery's face, his thumb pressed across Avery's lips.

"When I give you an order you will follow it until I tell you otherwise."

Soren thrust forward as he finished speaking, hard enough to make Avery wince and guaranteed that he would not forget what was said.

"I own you. Every part of you belongs to me. My word is law, no arguments, no disobedience. You will obey me.

"You will make yourself useful because I have no use for dead weight."

Soren had driven each word home, wanting to make certain his words were burned into Avery's mind. It was when he stopped moving, his eyes suddenly devoid of emotions, that Avery felt the world around him fade away.

"If you ever betray me I will hunt you down and take my time with you. I'll take a limb a day and make you watch me eat it until I decide that you can die.

"Do you understand?"

Avery whimpered at the image Soren's words evoked and tears welled up. It was what he did not want to happen. That was a fate that he would do anything to avoid. Anything.

"On your stomach."

Soren moved to the side and Avery quickly moved to comply. Soren manipulated Avery's body, forcing his head down and ass up.

Soren slid his cock back in and lay across Avery's body. Soren held Avery's hands above his head and bit his shoulder as he began to thrust, in and out.

The momentum increased and Soren's mouth released its bit of flesh and grabbed hold of another. Avery moaned from the pain and felt warm liquid fill his ass.

Soren shuddered and dropped his full weight on Avery. They stayed like that for a minute before Soren pulled out and rolled them to the side.

Soren inspected the bite marks on Avery's back, making certain that none of them were too deep. It was clear that the last one had pushed the line between fine and bad, but was just enough on the side of fine that it should not need stitches.

Soren turned Avery onto his back to inspect the bite marks there. His control had been stronger in the beginning and the bite marks on Avery's chest were not bordering on needing stitches.

Avery watched Soren, feeling like every part of his body was bruised. He did his best to remain still and not do anything that might anger Soren.

"That last one may need stitches, if it starts bleeding let me know. If it doesn't bleed after moving around it should be ok without stitches."

Soren smiled as he traced the bite mark as he spoke about it. When Avery drew in a breath of pain from the mark being touched Soren's eyes seemed to brighten further.

"These are here to remind you that you belong to me. So that you don't forget. You do well and life here will be good.

"I'm the only one who can give you orders or touch you. If anyone else tries they'll have me to deal with."

Avery listened closely to what Soren was saying. He was not sure if he was supposed to pay attention or if Soren was talking just to talk. Most of what he was saying was a repeat in one way or another.

Avery only wished to be left alone and to sleep. Life, as it always seemed to be, was far crueler than Avery's expectations. Soren was nowhere near done with him and it was halfway through the night before he was given a semblance of peace and able to drift off into a fitful sleep.


Rape is a very real thing and can happen no matter the gender, or age. I've included a few links to enrich your knowledge.