Dropped Out

( The day of exams)

I made my way to the academy, when i get there i see Sasuke and Sakura who seems a bit down, standing there.

She came, that's good. I was worried she might not come, but that doesn't matter now.

" Good morning, Naruto." Sakura greet me to which i just nod.

" Let's go." I say and we make our way towards the third floor.

On second floor, there's a crowd in front of Room 201 which has been changed to 301 with genjutsu. We ignore the crowd and continue walking. Sasuke doesn't show off like in canon.

' Guess I won't be seeing 'Sasuke bashing' this tim-' My Thoughts were interrupted by ninja's who were guarding the room.

" And where do you think you are going?" I thought too soon, sigh.

We turned around to see all eyes on us. I glanced at my team Sasuke is in his haughty emo mode and Sakura is clearly nervous.

" We are going to submit our forms."

" Oh, So what do you think these people are doing here." He asked pointing at the crowd.

" Don't know, Don't care." I replied

" An arrogant one, aren't you. You think you rookies can ta-" He was saying but i just ignored him, turned around and started walking again, signalling my team to follow.

This obviously enraged him and he attacked, Sasuke moved to intercept him with a kick of his own but both the attacks were stopped by Lee who moved fast and caught the attacks with his hands.

' Ugh Why is almost everything same as canon? where is the infamous Butterfly effect?' It proceed almost same as canon, Except Lee greeted me since we train together sometimes. After a couple of weeks I'll definitely surpass Lee in taijutsu. Quick Mastery is a cheat. It not only helps in mastering techniques but also helps in body growth and recovery which add to the fact I'm an uzumaki and nine tails Jinchuriki, yep I'm a true Demon. Hehe

After Sakura turned lee down, we made our way towards the room 301. We were stopped... again, by Lee who challenge Sasuke.

" I challenge you. Fight me, I will prove Sakura that I'm stronger and can protect her better than you." Lee exclaimed

" Courting Death." I couldn't resist the urge to say this. They all look strangely at me but I stand my ground.

" Sasuke-kun, You don't have to do this. You have nothing to prove." Sakura said

" Uchiha Sasuke, Fight me!" Lee exclaimed again

" You shall know the Dao of Ass kicking." I said and there it is, the strange looks , hehehe

" Don't worry, It won't take more than 5 minutes." Sasuke said with a classic smug face and got ready for battle.

( Two minute Later)

Sasuke could be seen sitting on the ground supported by Sakura. Yep Lee totally clapped Sasuke. Lee was being scolded by Gai for starting a fight, then they hugged each other and start crying.

" Creatures " Kurumi growled at the scene

( A/N: Don't tell me you don't remember our dear old... Kurumi)

Sasuke and Sakura got up, they come to where i was standing.

"Well you were right Sasuke, It didn't take more than a minute." I said

" Shut up, Naruto." Sasuke sneered

" You must be Kakashi's students." Gai cut in

" H...How do you know Our sensei?" Sakura asked stuttering

" Ahh, We know each other very well, People called us eternal rivals." Gai said feeling nostalgic

" He never mentioned you." Sakura asks skeptical about him

" OHHHH It breaks my heart that My eternal rival Kakashi didn't mention about our rivalry to his students." He started crying

" We have forms to submit." I chimed in before this could go any longer.

We say our wishes and make our way towards room 301... again. Kakashi is standing in front of room.

" Good. You are all here. This was a team exam, If one of you would have decided to not take it, whole team will be disqualified. Anyways, You are almost late." He said last part looking at me

" That would be me. I-" He interrupted me

" Yeah, yeah we know Naruto. You were helping an old lady. Sigh"

" No, actually I overslept." I corrected him

" ... "

" ... "

" ... "

They were all silent for a few seconds and just stared at me.

" Stop staring, You'll make blush." I said in a shy tone with hands on my cheeks.

" Sigh, Just go."

We entered the room. I entered first followed by Sasuke and Sakura. Whole Room fell silent, all eyes on us. I turned around to Sasuke and asked

" What did you do now, Sasuke, Everyone is staring at you like you killed their puppy."

" I did no such thing and they are staring at all of us."

" Oh... So they are not staring at us coz you killed their puppy?" I asked innocently

" I already told you, I DID NO SUCH THING" He exclaimed.

" SASUKE-KUN!!! You're late" Ino jumps at His back, extremely happy to see him

" Get off Sasuke-kun, You Ino-pig"

" Sakura, Same ugly forehead, i see."

" I couldn't agree more." I chimed in. Sakura and Ino looked at me. Ino is surprised, she let go of Sasuke and just stares at me. Well I'm not wearing my mask, And I AM quite Handsome... probably. I mean how is a boy suppose to tell if a boy is hot, handsome or whatever.

Rest of my classmates also approach us and all equally surprised to see me.

" Hey Sakura, Who is he?" Ino asked Sakura. I changed a lot i agree but it's not beyond recognition.

Sakura follows her gaze " Him? He is Naruto, Of course."

" H...He is Naruto? That's not possible."

Not possible? She is definitely in denial, Sigh. I ignore her and talk with others

" Hey Shiki, Chubby. What's up."

" Naruto, you look... different." Shikamaru asked me

" Yeah."

" H..h..Hello, Naruto-kun." I look where the voice came from and see Hinata blushing.

" Hey Hinata, How you doin'" I greet her back

" I...i... I'm good." She replied fidgeting her fingers.

She is... cute but i think i like future Hinata, She will be strong and confident. No matter, Personality can be developed.

I feels Many eyes on me, I turn and see, many girls looking at me like they want to eat me.

' These...Thots.'

" Hey you guys." A voice interrupted us. I looked and saw Kabuto standing there. " You should be more quite. You guys are rookies right? Screaming like School girls..Geez... This isn't a picnic."

" Who do you think you are?" Ino asked

"I'm Kabuto. But instead of that, Look behind you." We all look behind then he continues " They are from Hidden Rain. They have short tempers, So Quite down before you cause a scene."

" You all remind me of how i used to be. This is my Seventh time in chunin exams." Kabuto said.

" Wow, Hokage should give you 'Eternal Genin' Title already." There were many sneer and chuckles at my comment.

' It wasn't even funny' I thought they laugh just to spite Kabuto, Sigh.

" Naruto..." Sakura reprimanded... or at least tried since i don't give a damn.

" It's alright. Since you are all rookies I'll show you my nin info cards."

" Nin Info cards? What's that?" Kiba asked

" They are cards which have information about ninjas graved on them. This my 4 years hard work. I have all ninja's info cards."

I snatched all his cards and threw them at Sasuke, He burned them all without any hesitation.

We were team and knew each other well enough to know what other is thinking. He knew why i threw them at him.

We might not be best friends but we are close, way closer than canon.

" Hey, Why did you do that." Kabuto barked at us. Once again all eyes on us.

" Didn't feel like giving my information to others, neither do we want any information."

" Still doesn't explain why you burned them."

I stepped closer to him and said coldly. " Just wanted to see something burn." He got the message and backed off.

He was walking when Hidden sound ninja attacked him. A guy with spiky black hair threw kunai at Kabuto who stepped back to avoid but A guy with bandages wrapped around all over him Threw a punch at Kabuto, He dodged the punch but few seconds later his glasses cracked and shattered, After few seconds he started throwing up, which was... gross. Sakura rushed to help him.

" Pathetic, especially for a 4 year veteran. Write this on your cards.. oh yeah... you lost them." The Living mummy said.

I don't remember their names, well they were just canon fodders anyway.

Then in a big puff of smoke appeared Ibiki and his gang with their intimidation mode on. Dude has frown plastered on his face and his scars doesn't make him more beautiful.

" Sound nin stop it. All of you pigs will obey all rules or you will be disqualified, Do i make myself clear?" No one responded. So much for respect.

" You will not sit to your alloted seats, instead you will draw these tags and sit to your assigned seats."

Ibiki then started explaining all the rules and questions same as.. canon.. i think. I wish i had this photographic memory in my previous life. I was seated next Hinata who has a passive blush on her face.

" Now, BEGIN!" Ibiki gave the signal and I looked at the questions.

These Questions... I know them all but that doesn't make them easy I doubt Anyone would know even half of the answers or any at all.

Time limit was 1 hour, I started writing my Answers.

( 10 minutes Later )

I finished my test in 9 minutes... And now I'm bored. I keep my head down at the table and close my eyes.

' System, Play plain jane'

Music started and time passed.

" Okay it's time for 10th question but before that there some rules for this question 'Rule of Desperation'. You have to choose you want to take the 10th question or not." Ibiki stated

" Choice?! What if we choose not to take it?" Temari asked

" Rule is if you choose not to take it then you along with your teammates will...fail." Murmurs erupted in the room.

" And the other rule is if you choose to take it and answered incorrectly then you will be baned to take chunin exams ever again and will remain genin forever." Murmurs erupted in the room again.

" But ther-" As Ibiki was trying to intimidate others but I was thinking some real important things

' I'll get a chance to talk with Hinata in second task, it will give me time to make her.. bit better. And then there's Karin, I know Sasuke saved him but where and when, I don't know, guess I'll put Clones to that too. There are many powerful girls in this world, It's true i want to make an Harem but not too big, Sigh, Decisions Decisions.'

" -So those who don't want to take the exams leave." Ibiki finished

Many shinobi Dropped out and i had enough, waiting around. I raised my hand and glanced around, Many were surprised.

" I have a question." I said

" What is it?" Ibiki asked still trying.

" Are you... a Sadist?" Everyone present in the room were surprised. Ibiki and his team was especially taken back by my 'question'.

" I mean" I continued " You clearly enjoy mental torture. And what's with the build up? it's just a damn question, Besides I can't hear that rapsy voice of yours any longer." Ibiki is glaring at me while others are still surprised.

' This kid... is not afraid at all. He spoiled the pressure with this, Doing this any longer will be useless.' Ibiki glanced at his partner who noded.

" Alright, 10th question. Those of you remain.....Pass."

After a few seconds of silence. Murmurs erupted... again and Ibiki explained that chunin has duties blah blah blah. I was half expecting him to disqualify me.

Suddenly the window shattered and came Non other than Anko, Damn she is Hot. Then i remember her in boruto and... Sigh. Too painful.

" You have no time to celebrate, I am your examiner for second exam Mitarashi Anko, Now Let's go."

" 78? Ibiki your test was too easy, I'll cut them at least in half." She moved out and we followed.

(POV After Everyone Left)

Ibiki was alone in the room, collecting answer sheets, There he came across a sheet with a slip on it, He read slip and frowned, then erupted in a full blown laughter.

" Interesting Kid... Naruto.. Uzumaki."

It was Naruto slip with content

( Hey old man, You have a knack for Drama, in case you chose to change career I'll sponsor you.

Ps. You have a knack to bore others to death as well.)