BNS Chapter 4 — Productive day

The first rays of the sun began to appear on the horizon, and the quiet Stone Acres slowly began to come to life. In one of the houses, two ponies were lying on the bed - a gray mare and a dark blue stallion, hugging each other.

— Mmm... mm...

Wincing his face, Alan woke up from sleep, slowly opening his eyes. When his vision finally focused, he slowly scanned his surroundings, trying to remember where he was now. When awareness came, he muttered softly.

— Oh yeah. Yesterday i stayed with Maud in her rented apartment...

Breathing in and out deeply, with a satisfied face, he added.

— Yesterday evening was just wonderful.

As he remembered what had happened, he heard the monotonous voice of a cute mare next to him.

— I liked it too.

Alan turned his head to the side, and saw Maud, who was lying next to him, and was staring at him. He smiled and said.

— Good morning, beauty. How long have you been looking at me like that?

Maud was silent for a moment and answered.

— I don't know.

Al was surprised, and his eyebrow raised slightly in an inquiring manner. Noticing this, Maud lowered her gaze a little, thinking, trying to formulate a thought, and without raising her eyes answered monotonously.

— Yesterday was something really incredible. Before, i never thought that i would meet such an intelligent, interesting and beautiful stallion, near which i would behave so... unusual for myself. Just as i didn't think that he would like me. Usually, ponies don't understand me, and... do not accept me...

Raising her calm gaze, she looked at the surprised Al and continued.

— I guess i'm just afraid that you will disappear, and all this will turn out to be a dream. And although I'm still not sure who we are now, and what kind of relationship i want... One thing, i'm know for sure. I don't want to stop being around you.

Alan was not ready for such a stream of emotions.

He was touched and felt a warmth for her growing inside.

Pressing her harder to him, and running his hoof gently across her cheek, Al said.

— After yesterday, I would not even allow the thought of leaving you. And although our relationship began very quickly, i feel as if i have known you for a long time. And if you feel the same, then there is no point in describing or naming them. I felt good with you, and your company makes me happy, so the rest is not important. So don't worry, i will not leave you.

When he finished speaking, Al gave the mare a kiss, which made her tremble slightly. When the kiss ended, Maud looked at Al, reflecting on his words. After a few seconds, she nodded her head and answered.

— You're right. I really feel... very good with you, and the rest doesn't really bother me.

Alan smiled and added playfully.

— By the way, I didn't know that you consider me a "Beautiful stallion". Am i so gorgeous?

Feigned waving his mane, Al joked.

— Yes. You are hot.

With an emotionless face, Maud answered without hesitation.

Al's childishness was not satisfied with this reaction of hers, and he decided to tease her a little more. Having regained the theatrical style, he continued to fool around.

— Oh, really? I wonder how many beautiful mares will prostrate themselves in front of my magnificent persona?

Waving his mane again for effect, Al looked at Maud. Suddenly, he noticed how at these words Maud shuddered a little. In addition, he felt a light wetness on his hind foot. Looking at Maud in surprise, he asked.

— Are you ... wet?

Maud seemed thoughtful, but when she heard Al's question, she regained consciousness and answered.

— I just imagined how such a hot stallion like you spent time with another beautiful mare, but in the end, he anyway returned to me, and from this thought i got excited and... horny...

Al lay with his mouth open in surprise. Shaking his head, coming to his senses, he smiled playfully and said.

— Damn, i didn't know you had it.

Maud snuggled up to him and answered monotonously.

— I didn't know either.

Hearing the answer, Al thought.

«Maybe her uncertainty has turned into a complex? Or is it better to call it a fetish? I don't even know, should i cry now, or be happy?»

After that, they could no longer restrain themselves from kissing, intertwining bodies with each other on the bed. Al was just starting to feel aroused when Maud drew back from him, and with slightly widened eyes, she said in a slightly more emotional voice than usual.

— I completely forgot, I need to go to university today to hand over my dissertation. Strange, this has never happened to me before.

Al was surprised at first, but then laughed slightly and replied.

— Well, there's always a first time. And although with great reluctance, but i will let you go.

Maud smiled slightly at him as she got out of bed, quickly tidying up and pulling on her dress. She looked at Al and said.

— You can stay here as long as you like. My house is your house.

Then, she put some stones from the pocket of her dress on the nightstand. Al, who had already got up, walked over to her. Maud said.

— Here are some of your Onyxes and a couple of rubies. You can exchange rubies for bits in the city.

Al nodded his head, memorizing her words. Approaching the exit door, Maud finally looked over her shoulder at Al and added.

— Although we have broken off now, be sure we will continue what we started tonight.

Alan smiled playfully and answered.

— Oh-ho-ho! Be sure, i didn't even doubt it. Next time i'll take you for the full ride.

Although Maud's face hadn't changed much, it was clear from her slightly widened eyes and faint smile that she clearly liked the stallion's statement.

After some time, Al was left alone in Maud's house. He quickly looked around, and finding a small bag, he hung it around his neck and loaded his stones there. At that moment, a lingering rumbling sound sounded from his stomach.

— Right, i haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Fortunately, now i have several rubies that i can exchange for a certain number of bits.

After washing his face, Alan left Maud's house and headed for the town. After walking down the street for some time, he quickly found out from the locals where he could exchange rubies for bits. After the exchange, he had a small bag of money in his hands.

— Great, there are at least thirty coins. This should be enough for a while.

«By the way, now that i think about it. Maud must be quite wealthy considering how often she visits such caves. Even i was able to find two good rubies on my own without straining too much.»

As he contemplated Maud's riches, he heard his belly rumbling again. After receiving a reminder from the body, he headed to Rocky's diner, who greeted him warmly.

— Damn, Rocky. You were right, your pies are just something.

Alan happily devoured Rocky's pie, which certainly delighted the latter. When he finished eating, Alan turned to the pony baker.

— Listen, Rocky. I have a small project here. And for its implementation I need a stone carver and a blacksmith. Having just the equipment is also fine, since I myself have all the necessary skills ... In general, it will be even better that way. Can your town offer any of this?

Rocky thought for a while, and then answered.

— Hmm... Everything about stones will not be a problem in our town. But with the blacksmith we may have a problem. But if you yourself own this craft, I think I can negotiate with the blacksmith so that you can use our forge.

Alan's eyes widened and he said happily.

— Thank you, Mr. Rocky. You are my savior.

— Ha! Just Rocky fine. With your arrival, our town has revived slightly, and the locals have even begun to update the assortment of their stores, hehe.

Al smiled and said.

— Then, I just have to visit them all. And yes, for the forge and stone cutting, I rely on you.

— Do not worry, now i will draw you where the places you need are, and you can go there at any time. But first, you should visit the stone carver. I need time to warn the blacksmith of your arrival.

Alan nodded and answered.

— No prob, thanks again, Rocky.

Taking the leaflet with the route from Rocky, Alan went to the stone carver. When he got there, he found a surprisingly awkward house. The walls were uneven, the roof was sloppy, and in general, the house did not give the impression of a stone-cutter living here. Going inside, he found a strong difference from what he saw outside. Inside, all the walls and furnishings looked more or less straight and beautiful.

«The owner of this establishment must be quite a complicated person.»

While he was looking around, a beige pony in a blue shirt approached him.

— Good morning sir, how can i help you?

— Oh yes. I would like to process several stones. And if possible, I would like to personally take care of it.

The pony looked at Alan strangely and said.

— Wait a little, please, i need to clarify this with the owner.

— Of course. Thanks.

The pony worker quickly left, and after a while he returned with another, slightly spherical, brown pony, in a black hat and a thick mustache. He looked at Al and asked.

— Greetings, my name is Pebbles, I am the owner of this establishment. Do you want to use our workshop?

Alan nodded at the pony's question.

— That's right, Mr. Pebbles. I am developing one project, and I would not like to spread information about it yet. Don't worry, I have experience with stone cutting and shaping tools.

The pony narrowed his eyes, looking at Al, and seemed to be thinking about something. Then, he whispered about something with his employee, and turning his gaze to Al said.

— If you are willing to pay half of our usual services, in the form of 3 bits, then i see no problem. I have already ordered that you be assigned a workshop if you agree to the condition. And yes, any equipment breakdown will be paid out of your pocket. I hope you understand it.

Alan nodded with a satisfied smile, and immediately answered.

— It's okay, i'm ready to pay. And thank you very much Mr. Pebbles.

Having settled all the affairs, the owner nodded and went to his office, and the worker took Al to the workshop.

When Alan was left alone with the equipment, he was at first surprised by the unusual design, but quickly realized that it was made for the use of ponies, not people. After putting all the Onyxes on the table, he began to think about the shape of the stones.

— I think that the most convenient way would be to make a bracelet... But something tells me that imitation of a horn will be more effective, although not so comfortable."

— Hmm... I guess both options need to be done. Fortunately, there are enough stones.

Quickly calculating in his head what and how it should be, Alan set to work. Of course, he chose the largest Onyx to create an imitation of a horn.

Having built a wide flat base, for a larger area of contact with the head, he began to carve a horn shape from the stone, not forgetting to make spiral paths from base to tip. After that, he polished his product, eliminating minor defects. After spending about 20-30 minutes on the whole process, he sighed with satisfaction, and wiping the sweat from his forehead began to examine the resulting creation. Putting it to his forehead, he said.

— Excellent, the base fits well to the head, almost like a native, he-he.

«Now, it remains to make a metal mount. I think something like a hoop, like a tiara, might work. Hopefully there will be a suitable metal in the forge.»

Putting the newly-made horn aside, he wanted to start working on the stone for the bracelet, but after thinking a little, he prepared two stones at once in order to make two blanks at once. One for himself and one for Maud.

With a slight smile, he began to shape the stones.

For the bracelets, he chose the shape of a crescent moon, with a small cone in the center that would act as a focus point for magic. A kind of little horn.

Not forgetting to carve small spirals on both blanks, he quickly polished them, and when he finished the work, he examined the resulting blanks.

— I think Maud will like it.

«Come to think of it, it would be nice to consult with someone like Twilight or Starlight about magic. Especially in such revolutionary things. But, it is unlikely that it will be so easy. I think I should eventually move to Ponyville, and then, such an opportunity may be given to me. I'll need to talk to Maud about this.»

Having finished all the work, he loaded his blanks into the bag, and left the workshop. When he reached the lobby, he paid the employee, and went to the next destination.

The forge, like all other places in this small town, was a couple of minutes walk away. Arriving there, he once found Rocky, who was talking with the blacksmith. Noticing Al's arrival, Rocky happily spoke up.

— Oh, here he is! Al, let me introduce you to Wild Stone. He is our only blacksmith in town.

— Nice to meet you, Mr. Wild.

Blacksmith Wild was a crimson earth pony, with a prosthetic instead of a right forefoot. He frowned at Al and ignored him and turned to Rocky.

— Why should I let a stranger use my precious workshop? You are my old friend, Rocky, and i trust you. But this pony i see for the first time in my life. Unlike stone-working workshops, i have only one smithy. If he breaks something, what will I do?

Rocky smiled bitterly, as he realized that this reason was a little strained, given that his entire workshop was made of only hard metals. He said.

— Wild, Al has assured me that he has the necessary skills to work in the forge. So if he breaks something, I'll take responsibility, what do you say?

Looking dubiously at Al, Wild said.

— Alan, right? Do you really own blacksmithing? Where and how long did you study?

Alan already fully understood the situation, and said with a serious face.

— I studied blacksmithing for about seven months, but despite such a short period, i can assure you that the conditions in which i studied, and the teachers who taught me, far exceed the standards of modern Equestria.

Surprised by Al's answer, Wild asked frowningly.

— Oh really? And where exactly is the place where you passed such a magical training?

— Unfortunately, i can't tell you. I have already tell you more than necessary.

There was an awkward silence in the room, and Rocky tried to dilute the atmosphere.

— Ha-ha-ha, isn't he a promising young man? Come on, Wild, you haven't been using your smithy for a long time, so why not let Al work on it? Aren't you afraid that it will rust?

Al was surprised by Rocky's words. Although he assumed that working in a forge with one limb would be difficult, it would not be that hard. But then, like lightning struck him, as he realized that he was judging from the point of view of the hands of people.

«Working with one hand is difficult, but possible. But working with one hoof is already something almost unreal. Perhaps i could lend him a helping "hand". He-he.»

As Al pondered, he heard Wild exclaim.

— No means no! I don't trust him.

Rocky frowned at his stubborn friend and walked over to Al with an apologetic face.

— I'm sorry buddy, I thought that I could persuade him, but it looks like it won't work.

Al turned his gaze to Wild, and after a little thought, said.

— Mister Wild. Are you not using the forge because you have a damaged hoof?

Wild just barked back.

— What do you think?

Then he continued.

— But this is temporary, sooner or later I will be able to master the craft with one hoof, and then I will triumphantly return to work!

Rocky leaned over to Alan and whispered in his ear.

— He has been trying to do it for almost a year, but nothing came of it. He was always a stubborn pony. And even when we told him to hire a worker, or take an apprentice, he resisted, saying that very soon he would understand how to work with one hoof. Ah, poor Wild ...

Al sensed Rocky's feelings about his friend.

After making the final decision, Al said.

— Mr. Wild, I think I have a solution to your problem.

— What do you mean?

Wild seemed to be slightly perked up, and Rocky looked at Al with interest.

— At the moment, i am working on a secret project, and to be honest, i haven't told anyone about it yet. But if i can complete it, he can easily solve your forge problem. But for this, i need to use your forge. If i can finish it, i promise that you will be one of the first to receive a prototype.

Wild stood and gazed into Al's eyes, but could not see any lies in them, only strong determination. Closing his eyes, Wilde exhaled and said.

— Okay kid, I'll give you a chance. But you will have to work under my supervision, otherwise you can go in all four directions. Deal?

— Deal! Then... Can i get started right now?

Wild nodded and Al smiled happily. Rocky patted Al on the shoulder, and exchanged a few words with Wild, patted him on the back. Leaving the forge, Rocky said to Al.

— Do your best buddy, I'm counting on you.

With these words, Rocky left. After that, Al and Wild moved to the forge workshop, and under Wild's supervision, Al began making fasteners. His technique surprised the blacksmith quite a bit, as some moments were really unusual for him. In fact, Al could have shown more, but the equipment did not allow it.

When creating fasteners for his workpieces, he chose regular iron, since it had the worst electrical conductivity, apart from titanium, which is difficult to get. Al believed that if it affected the pony's magic even a little, there would be less losses in the transfer of magic from the body to the conductor.

He quickly created a horn socket and then an iron rim to be attached to the head. After some tests, he made sure that the horn fits snugly and the whole structure does not fall off the head. Satisfied with the result, under Wild's surprised and uncomprehending gaze, Al moved on to making bracelets.

By making the simplest bindings with a clip, for more freedom in hoof size. He organized a through nest for the workpiece, and putting everything together finished the work. After polishing the resulting products, all the work was completed.

With a puzzled look, Wild approached Alan, and looking at the objects lying on the table asked.

— Um... So... How is this supposed to work?

Al smiled stupidly in return, and shrugged his shoulders.

— I have no idea.

Wild opened his mouth in surprise, and angrily said.

— What does it mean? Have you deceived me, kid?

Alan rolled his eyes with a bitter smile and raised his hooves to calm the blacksmith, and then said.

— I was doing something completely new, and obviously I don't know how to use it yet, but I'm going to find out, so let's see if I wasted my time or not.

Having said so, he put a bracelet on his hoof, and stepping aside, looked at the hammer lying on the table. Pointing a hoof at him, he tried to use the magic of the bracelet.

— What are you doing?

— I'm trying to pick up the hammer.

— How? By the power of mind or what?

— No, with magic.

— Huh?...

Wild looked at Alan as if he were an idiot, but continued to look at the attempts of the poor guy. Alan was still trying to cast magic, but to no avail.

He was already beginning to despair, but after thinking a little, he decided to set himself a task easier than levitation, when using magic for the first time.

Al decided to start with the simple creation of light. He focused all his attention on the bracelet, trying to force his whole being to go to the bracelet, imagining a small light. And finally, after a while, a small ball of light appeared at the tip of the small cone-horn on the bracelet. When Al saw him, he couldn't believe his eyes.

— It worked... I GOT IT!!!

Shouting joyfully, he ran up to Wild, and showing him a beam of light on the bracelet, said happily.

— Look! I was able to release magic from my body!

— This is...

Wild seemed just now to understand what this bracelet was for. He looked at Al with surprised eyes, and asked.

— Don't tell me... that this bracelet allows earth ponies to use magic?

— EXACTLY! This is what i was talking about when i assured you that this would solve your problem. If you master the raising of objects with magic, as unicorns do, then you can work at the forge again!

Wild seemed to be in prostration, but then, having come to himself, he shed tears and said.

— Damn, boy, you did something really out of the ordinary. Now i am proud that a similar item was created at my forge. Ha-ha-ha!

After exchanging pleasantries, and having discussed the creation of such a bracelet for Wild, Al finally went home. On the way, he overheard an interesting conversation.

— Have you already heard about this? A group of different creatures stopped the attack of the Changelings, and now they are all being awarded medals at Princess Twilight's castle.

— Yes, I heard that one of them was Starlight Glimmer, a student of Princess Twilight.

— I'm more worried that they would reward this annoying Trixie. When she was in our town last time, all she did was complain all the time. She was lucky that the Pai family gave her a job.

— Indeed, and how she became a hero...

Passing by, Alan was able to finally determine in what time period he was.

«It looks like i got to exactly where i left off while watching the show. Namely, the end of the sixth season, and the beginning of the seventh. Quite a strange coincidence... and suspicious. The main thing is not to develop paranoia because of this.»

The information turned out to be very useful, and now, understanding the current state of the world, Al's future plans will be much clearer. At least now he will not look like a person dropped out of general events. And although he did not look beyond the first episode of the seventh season, he did not avoid spoilers, he also saw the trailers of the movie, so he knows some future events.

After passing the central square of the town, he returned to Maud's house. The gray mare was already at home, and noticing Alan's return, she spoke monotonously.

— Welcome back.

Alan smiled when he saw Maud holding a stone.

— What are you doing?

— I'm playing with Bolder. By the way, you haven't met yet. Bolder, this is Al. Alan, this is Bolder - my pet.

Alan approached, and looking at him closer, asked.

— Is that magnesium-enriched Basalt?

Maud nodded her head in confirmation.

Al smiled and said.

— Nice to meet you Bolder. I must admit that you have a magnificent owner. No wonder you're always so hard.

Maud smiled faintly at this silly joke.

Al remembered the bracelets and said.

— Maud, i want to give you something. I'm sure you will like it.

Maud put Bolder aside and silently looked at Al with her typical face.

Alan approached Maud, and taking her hoof, awkwardly took out the recently made bracelet with his hoof, and put it on her.

— I made this bracelet especially for you, I hope you like it.

Maud examined the bracelet on her hoof, and a note of awareness lit up in her eyes.

— Is this the Onyx from the mine?

Alan nodded, and lifted his hoof with the same bracelet, showing it to Maud. Maud seemed a little surprised.

— Now, we wear the same bracelets with you, so they can be called paired.

Maud continued to stare at the bracelet on her hoof without taking her eyes off it. Then, Alan closed his eyes, and after a while a white light lit up on his bracelet. This widened Maud's eyes slightly. She looked at Al, who was looking at her with a gentle gaze, and continued to speak.

— This is the very thing that I came up with and wanted to implement. This bracelet allows ponies without a horn to use magic.

Moving his gaze to the bracelet, he said.

— When I was making the prototype, I thought that I want you to be the first to get this thing from me. After all, I want you to know that you are important to me, and I really appreciate our time with each other.

Alan again looked at Maud, who was staring at him with her beautiful eyes, without looking away.

— Besides, a beautiful bracelet should adorn a beautiful mare, right?

Alan smiled fondly at Maud. Her mouth opened slightly, and she sat like this, continuing to look at Al. But suddenly, something happened that Alan did not expect, a bracelet on the mare's hoof, began to emit a pink light. He looked at this phenomenon in surprise, but when he realized that Maud hadn't even noticed it, he wanted to say something but ...

— Maud, your braс...

Before he had time to finish, Maud pressed her lips to those of Alan and thereby pushed him onto the bed. Alan did not expect such a pressure from the gray mare, but quickly got his bearings and began to respond to her kisses. Their tongues intertwined and raised the excitement of both ponies. Maud, who was on top this time, looked up from Alan's lips for a couple of seconds to get rid of her dress, and then quickly returned to Alan's lips, kissing him greedily. Alan did not stand aside, and already began to explore her body with his hooves.

He stroked her back with one hoof and her thigh with the other.

Gradually, he began stroking her ass. Maud trembled slightly, but she was not going to stop the kiss, on the contrary, it became deeper and more passionate.

These actions inflamed Alan even more, and his little friend had already risen, ready for any adventure. Since Maud was on top, she immediately felt the trunk of Alan rested against her belly. She pressed her body harder against Al's tense instrument, and began to slide her pussy on it, experiencing incredible pleasure.

She trembled, and sometimes let out languid sighs, which spurred Alan's excitement even more. He also enjoyed Maud's soft lower lips.

— Uh... Maud...

Alan's voice stimulated the mare even more, and the amount of her love juices increased. Continuing to rub her pussy against his cock, she gradually began to emit barely noticeable muffled moans. At some point, she could no longer endure, and stopping to look Alan in the eyes, and said.

— I want you... Inside myself...

Without further ado, Alan quickly switched places with Maud and ended up at the top. Maud at this time pulled her hoof to the bedside table, and quickly grabbed a pill from there, which she swallowed without drinking water. Al was about to ask.

— This is...

— Safety.

Maud answered calmly. Realizing what was what, Alan was once again convinced that she already knew what would happen today, and returned home prepared. He took a position over her and began kissing her, rubbing her lower place with his hard cock.

After a while, he pulled away from her lips, and concentrated his attention on her pussy. He directed the head of his horn to her slit, and began to slide it up and down, slightly teasing the mare.

Maud uttered light moans, and spoke through them.

— Hurry... Mph... I... I want it so bad...

Accepting her desire, Alan pressed lightly, and his head began to slowly sink into the mare's cave. Maud felt his huge weapon penetrating her, and her brain was filled with two opposing feelings, pain and pleasure.

The deeper he penetrated, the stronger these feelings were. At a certain point, Al stopped moving, and looked at Maud's dull face, with droplets of tears in the corners of her eyes. She breathed heavily, and looked at the stallion expectantly. After giving her a gentle kiss, he glanced at her again, before sharply entering her all the way.

— Aaahh...!

Maud finally released her voice, and her hooves pressed into the stallion's back. After waiting a while for Maud to get used to it, Al began to move a little.

Gradually, the feeling of pain completely disappeared, and Maud began to drown in pleasure. She grabbed the stallion with her legs, as if she was afraid that he would run away, and began to press him with great force, every time Al made another push.

— Ahh! That's it!... Alan... umh... So thick... and hard... like a lonsdaleite... i... I love it!!!...

Maud could hardly restrain her voice, and drowned in the ecstasy that covered her. With each push of Al, she felt so much pleasure that she almost fainted. Al also took indescribable pleasure inside Maud.

— Ah... Maud... Inside you... like in heaven!...

Maud sucked on Al's neck and then pressed her lips to his, letting their tongues rage with each other. After a while, Maud suddenly turned Al with her back on the bed, and she was on top.

— Let me...

She began to move on her own, raising and lowering her hips. From this sight, Al's cock became even thicker and tighter, which gave Maud even more pleasant sensations. She rode on his cock with such force, as if her life depended on it. Maud's face was no longer as emotionless as before. Lust and pleasure were clearly visible on it, although not as much as other persons could have. She again fell to the lips of the stallion, and spoke through the kiss.

— Y...ah... yor.. Incredi...MMMmmmm!!!...

She sat down on this dick to the very bottom, and felt as if he hammered her straight into the brain. She had never felt so much ecstasy, and now, she is unlikely to be able to part with it. She looks at Al with a gentle, lustful look, and, continuing to furiously move her hips, said.

— I will soon... cum... I want... together... Let's... do it together...!

Alan nodded, connecting his hips to Maud's movements, and began to intensify the thrusts. Maud's eyes were even darkened by this. She sat upright, jumping on his cock, and a trickle of saliva came out of her mouth, flowing along the neck onto her body.

She could hardly think normally, her only thought now was to finish at the same time with her stallion. And so, finally, she began to feel Alan twitching, telling her that he was already at the limit.

— Maud ... I'm now ...

— YES!... Me too... Come on... Everything in ME... EVERYTHING...OOooooo!!!...

With these words, Al could no longer restrain himself and erupted straight into the mare's uterus, filling it all to the brim. There was so much seed that the excess began to flow out of her pussy onto the bed. But neither Maud nor Alan bothered anymore. They lay exhausted on the bed, catching their breath.

Maud rolled off Al's chest onto the side next to him, and remained lying like this, motionless. After a while, she opened her eyes and said in her former voice.

— Thanks.

Alan was surprised and asked.

— For what?

— For the bracelet ... I forgot to say, because i couldn't restrain myself.

Al was taken aback at first, and then laughed.

— Pff... Ha-ha-hahaha... Maud, you're just a miracle!

Maud buried her face in his chest and answered with a slight smile.

— You too...

In this sweet idyll, a pair of a gray mare and a dark blue stallion fell into the land of dreams.

* * * * * * * * * *

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