BNS Chapter 13 — The Party (Part 1)

— Knock-knock, did you order guests of honor?

Alan and Maud entered the Sugarcube Corner, but before they had time to look around, the door slammed shut behind them, leaving the newly arrived couple in the room without light. Alan trembled a little from surprise, and began to look around, trying to see something.

— Um... Maud?

— Yes.

— The light is gone.

— I noticed.

— . . .

— Aren't we too early?

— No. Just wait.

— Wait what?

But Maud never responded, making Alan a little nervous. And now, when Alan again wanted to ask a question, he was interrupted by a sudden cry from the side.


In the blink of an eye, the entire Sugarcube Corner lit up with light and the cheerful cries of ponies filling the entire space of the room. A poster with the words "Welcome to Ponyville" dropped from the ceiling, and under it, in a cloud of multicolored confetti, Pinkie Pie appeared, blowing a pink party whistle.

Her party whistle extended enough to reach Alan and Maud's faces before curling back up. From such a sharp change in the atmosphere, Alan and Maud were taken aback, and if nothing was visible on Maud's face, then it was clear from Alan's face how much it took him by surprise.

Less than three seconds later, Pinkie Pie rushed to Maud and Alan with lightning speed and hugged them with her hooves, and then said.

— I am SO glad that you have moved to Ponyville! What do you think about this?

Alan still didn't have time to come to his senses, and asked.

— About what?

— About the party, silly! I promised you a GREAT party! AND THIS IS IT!

Catching another batch of confetti in the face, Alan finally came to his senses, and answered with a smile.

— Oh, so that's what you mean. Honestly, I didn't expect that you would manage to make a surprise party out of the planned party. I am amazed at your talent, Miss Pie, Princess of the Parties.

Bowing theatrically, Alan replied.

Pinkie smiled happily, and even wanted to come up and hug him again, but remembering yesterday, she hesitated a little, and turned away with a slight nervous embarrassment, turning her attention to her friends, who had already begun to approach the heroes of the occasion.

Alan realized that Pinkie was still worried about what happened yesterday, and wanted to cheer her up with a purchased cupcake, but didn't have time, because at that moment Rainbow Dash flew up to them.

— Hey, Alan, Maud! Congratulations on your official move!

If Maud just nodded, then Alan answered with a smile.

— Hah, thanks. I didn't even think that so many ponies would come, Pinkie clearly couldn't hold back, which is a little embarrassing. Although, seeing one energetic blue pegasus, my mood was definitely lifted.

Alan finished with a wink, to which Rainbow grinned contentedly and hit Alan on the shoulder with her hoof. At this time, moving away from her slightly surprised friends, Rarity approached them, and also greeted them.

— Good evening, Alan, Maud. Congratulations on your move. I'm glad you chose Ponyville as your home.

Then Rarity turned her beautiful eyes to Alan, and slightly dropping her eyelids, slowly added.

— Very glad…

With a nod of his head, a slightly flushed Alan answered with a warm smile.

— Your appearance Rarity, as always, pleases the eye. Perhaps, it is worth visiting your boutique more often.

Smiling brightly and nodding her head, the mare answered.

— Yes yes! You just have to come and look at my work, which I have already done according to your sketch. It will definitely be a new breath in the world of modern fashion.

Looking at all this, Rainbow snorted slightly and said.

— Pfft, fashion-smashin... Better practice for the awesome new tricks that my fans love so much. Clothes won't make you stronger or faster.

Outraged by what she said, Rarity snorted in her typical manner and responded with aristocratic composure.

— Pff-khh-ts... Rainbow Dash, I certainly appreciate your warlike style darling, but at least one of us should have standards.

Then, casting a glance at Alan and Rainbow, she gracefully swung her mane and held it with her hoof.

— And as a true Lady, I nobly take on this role.

At this time, Rainbow shook her head and hoof at the level of her mouth, mimicking Rarity, as if it was her hoof that spoke. As soon as Rarity turned towards Rainbow Dash, she immediately stopped her antics, and, looking away, pretended that nothing had happened.

But Rarity knew her friend well enough that her brow furrowed as she glared at Rainbow, showing that she could see right through her.

Looking at all this, Pinkie could hardly hold back her laughter, and Alan only smiled watching this couple of very different, but still friends. Maud, as usual, maintained a stable lack of emotion.

Deciding to dilute the atmosphere, Alan said.

— Rainbow Dash, clothes may not make you faster or stronger, but I'm sure they will make you look at least twenty percent cooler. Right, Rarity?

Patting her eyelashes in surprise, Rarity smiled contentedly and replied.

— Well, of course! With the right costume, any performance will be much more spectacular. Plus, the Vanderbolt's modern shape is a great example of the combination of practicality and sport chic in fashion.

Looking at Rarity and Alan, Rainbow smiled slightly and answered.

— Okay, okay, I'm convinced. So, Alan, when will we start training together?

— And when will you come to look at my designs of clothes based on your sketch?

Alan looked first at Rainbow, then at Rarity, and after a little thought he answered.

— Well, if I get through this party and can get enough sleep, then we can start right tomorrow. Only, of course, if you will be free.

— Oh, of course dear! I will wait for you to come to my boutique.

Rarity announced happily, and Rainbow responded immediately after her.

— Great, tomorrow morning in the park, not far from Twilight Castle. And yes, do not forget to eat properly, you will need strength. Oh, this will be awesome!

— I don't even doubt it.

Before Alan had time to finish the dialogue, he heard a familiar voice from behind.

— Wow, as I can see you snapped up.

Turning around, Alan saw Starlight, behind which stood two more mares. Alan quickly recognized them as Applejack and Fluttershy, which pleasantly surprised him. Moving his gaze to Starlight, Al smiled at her and answered.

— Yeah, but I am still far from the Ruler of the streets of Ponyville.

With a restrained laugh recalling her recent conversation with Al, Starlight heard Applejack's voice.

— Do you already know each other?

This issue also caught the attention of Rarity and Rainbow.

And if Applejack's interest was quite ordinary, then Rarity and Rainbow's interest was a little different, which did not go unnoticed from the eyes of Maud, on whose face a barely noticeable smile appeared, and her gaze directed at Alan was not as emotionless as usual.

Starlight nodded and answered.

— That's right, we were introduced by Maud, with whom they moved to Ponyville. And I must admit, this acquaintance turned out to be quite... unusual.

And as if agreeing with the mare's words, Rarity and Rainbow nodded their heads with their eyes closed.

With a slight smile, Starlight introduced her friends.

— Alan, this is Applejack.

Raising her hat, the light ginger filly greeted her.

— Howdy partner. I heard from Apple Bloom that you saved Scootaloo from some nasty and arrogant aristocrat. It's nice to know that there are ponies besides us, ready to intervene at the right time. Pleased to meet you.

Stretching out their hooves, they greeted each other with a kind of handshake. Smiling enthusiastically, Alan answered.

— I hear the Apple family has the best apple farm in Equestria. I always dreamed of seeing it with my own eyes, as well as visiting it. Maybe I can even help with something. So I'm thrilled to meet the most famous member of the Apple family.

Surprised, Applejack tilted her head slightly and said in disbelief.

— Are you really interested in our farm?" All you will see there is hard and painstaking work. Usually, ponies find all this not very interesting ... Although, now thinking about it ...

Suddenly Applejack remembered one individual named Trenderhoof, who fell in love with her, and therefore tried in every possible way to show interest in working on the farm, while having neither the knowledge nor the ability for such work.

Applejack then even had a misunderstanding with Rarity, who at that time was fascinated by this very Trenderhoof.

Ever since that day, Applejack has been mildly suspicious and skeptical of ponies for being similarly enthusiastic about her Farm in conversation with her.

Looking at Alan's face again, she did not see the same look in his eyes that Trenderhuf had when he looked at her. Relaxing slightly, Applejack sighed to herself and thought.

«If he nevertheless turns out to be another Trenderhoof and wants to show off on our farm, then I will immediately load him up to the very horseshoes to show that work on the farm is far from easy, and an ordinary pony cannot cope with it.»

Looking at Alan, Applejack said.

— What I'm trying to say is that not everyone can work on a farm. Don't think that I somehow underestimate you, it's just that many ponies think that they can easily cope with everything that is required to maintain a farm, but in the end they quickly become disillusioned with their physical capabilities.

Then the blond mare examined Alan's body more attentively, and, after staring at it with slight confusion, continued.

— Although, looking at you... Well... Maybe it will work... um... Wait, what was I talking about?

Seeing the inconsistency in her friend, Rainbow Dash remembered how she also stuck examining Alan's body, and therefore giggled, covering her mouth with a hoof. She was pleased to see that she was not the only one who was staring at this sporting anomaly. Shaking her head from side to side, Applejack continued with a slight embarrassment.

— Well, in general, the work on the farm is not easy, but if you really want to visit her and help, then I certainly do not mind. But do not expect any favors, I will strain you like everyone else.

Before Alan could answer, Rainbow Dash intervened in the conversation.

— Ha! Don't worry, AJ, after training with me, working on your farm will seem like a walk in the park to him.

Angered, Applejack responded.

— Oh really? I'm sure he won't last even ten minutes!

Catching the excitement that arose between them, Rainbow Dash cheerfully declared.

— Oh yeah? Then I am sure that after my workouts, he will last ten, and twenty minutes, and even the whole day!

Also succumbing to excitement, Applejack responded.

— Oh-hoo-hoo! Well then, are you ready to prove it?

— Easy, even easier than easy!

At this point, both mares spat on their hooves, and connected them in an analogue of a handshake, with an accompanying battle grin. Immediately after that, the agitated Pinkie, jumping on the spot, spoke.

— Oooo! It will be so great! A new exciting dispute started by two of the most courageous and determined ponies! It definitely deserves a dessert.

Stunning the mares with a volley from her party cannon, Pinkie suddenly appeared between Rainbow and Applejack and shoved each of them a muffin into their mouths, thereby distracting from the continuation of the argument. Alan, who was standing aside, looked at all this with a poker face, and sighed quietly.

— It looks like my opinion is no longer interesting to anyone, great ...

Standing next to him, Starlight laughed tenderly in her hoof, and said.

— Well, that's the way they are, get used to it. Now, let me introduce you to another friend of mine, Fluttershy.

A yellow mare with a pink mane and a sweet smile greeted Al with her soft sweet voice.

— Um ... Congratulations on your move, Maud, Alan. I hope that Ponyville will become as wonderful a home for you as it once became for me. Nice to meet you, Alan.

— Glad to meet you, and thank you, I hope that I can meet many good friends here. By the way, Fluttershy, I know that you are one of the elements of harmony, but unlike the others, I'm not quite sure what exactly you do? I mean, how do you make a living?

— Oh, well ... I take care of all the cute animals that need warmth and comfort. And I try to keep an eye on animals all over Ponyville, and also make sure that my home becomes a haven for the lost, injured, or defenseless animals that need it.

After thinking, Alan asked.

— So you're some sort of Grumer who's in control of all the animals in the town?"

— Uh-huh.

The yellow pegasus nodded with a sweet smile.

— I was very happy when the Mayor appointed me to this position, and I always try to put all of myself into this work.

At that moment, a small white rabbit jumped onto Fluttershy, and gently pulled the pegasus by the mane, demanding attention.

— Ah, Angel, what's the matter?

The rabbit waved his paws a little, gesturing about something, and the pegasus seemed to understand him immediately.

— Oh, are you hungry? It's good that I bought some carrots with me, here you go.

Taking a carrot from her bag on her back, she gave it to Angel, who immediately began to gnaw it, but before he had time to eat even half, he noticed Starlight, and immediately forgot about the carrot, and began to look at her with a loving look.

Seeing this, Alan smiled slyly, and approaching Starlight said.

— Oh-la-la! I see someone has a fan? Has he already asked to sign?

Starlight rolled her eyes and walked over to Angel to stroke him, which was clearly to his liking. Removing her hoof, she said.

— Don't listen to this guy. You're just adorable.

Sighing in pleasure, Angel continued to stare at Starlight with hearts in his eyes. Alan could not resist, and going up to the rabbit he bent down and asked him.

— She's something, right?

Angel, fascinated by the contemplation of Starlight, just nodded without taking his eyes off. This amused not only Alan, but also Starlight and Fluttershy. Allowing his childishness to progress, Alan continued.

— Did you know that Starlight is the ruler?

This time, Angel emerged from the love trap, and looked at Alan with a face full of skepticism. And twitching his muzzle, he pointed his paw at Starlight, while looking at Alan. Alan raised both eyebrows as if he understood the rabbit and answered.

— Yes, she really is a ruler, only her power extends no further than one street. More specifically, Ponyville.

— Pfff...

Starlight's restrained chuckle, and Fluttershy's confused look, raised doubts in the bunny, and he raised an eyebrow at Alan suspiciously. He just smiled and answered.

— I'm serious, I literally learned about it today, when she wanted to punish me, fortunately, my charm saved me.

When Angel became thoughtful and looked at Starlight again, he saw that she was still giggling softly. The bunny shook his head and stared at Alan seriously.

— Well, okay, maybe I just lied a little, but you just look at Starlight.

Alan said pointing to the mare. Angel looked again at the obviously cheerful Starlight with a sweet smile on her face, and then Alan continued.

— You and I made her laugh, wasn't it worth it?

Thinking a little, Angel nodded his head in agreement, and looked at Alan with a smile, as if trying to say something, and as if understanding him, Alan spoke.

— I think so too. You and I are a great team, so let's paw.

Alan held out his hoof, on which a satisfied Angel tapped the Paw. Fluttershy, who was standing next to them all this time, looked at all this with great surprise and incomprehension, and finally, coming out of her stupor, turned to Alan with slight excitement.

— Alan! Do... Do you understand what he's talking about?

Hearing the question, Angel and Starlight finally realized what had happened, and also stared at Alan for an answer.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who had been arguing all this time, and Rarity and Pinkie who were watching, also turned their attention to their conversation. Surprised by such sudden attention from all sides, Alan looked around at all the mares, and then laughed slightly and answered.

— Wow, girls. I just guessed his thoughts by the gestures and expression on his face. Unfortunately, I don't have the skill of communicating with animals.

At that moment, Pinkie appeared in the center, and hugged Fluttershy in a friendly way, declared.

— But our Fluttershy has such a skill! She can communicate with ALL animals in the world. Isn't that amazing?

— Wow, this is really impressive!

Alan answered. And although he already knew this, he still shows surprise, playing the role of a stranger, so as not to look suspicious.

All the ponies around nodded their heads, also agreeing with this. Fluttershy was cutely embarrassed by such attention and praise, and looked away, hiding part of her face behind her mane.

Finally, when the main team of ponies, with the exception of Twilight, got to know the newcomers, the rest of the ponies of the town began to pull up to chat with Alan and Maud.

Of course, keeping an eye on the party, Pinkie quickly pulled herself together and moved everyone to the side of the food and snack tables.

When Alan saw all this variety, he was salivating, and while he was deciding what to eat first, Pinkie appeared in front of him and handed him a sandwich with hay.

— Here, try this!

The pink mare spoke, pushing the sandwich into Alan's hooves.

Looking at the snack, Alan shrugged and took a bite, trying to sample the local version of the sandwich. Unfortunately, what he tasted was not nearly as tasty as he thought.

- Phe ... kh ...

Alan almost spat the bitten off.

Pinkie and Maud looked at him strangely, not understanding what was the matter. And Alan himself, in complete shock, was looking for the right moment to spit out the whole thing as soon as possible. At the same time, he thought.

«Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck does hay taste like HAYS !? Shouldn't this be a normal diet for a pony? Brrr... Such a strange and unpleasant taste sensation. Is my pony body different from the rest?»

While Alan was thinking, Pinkie wanted to ask what was the matter, but she was still a little nervous and felt some discomfort around Alan. And while she hesitated, Maud came up to Alan, and slightly taking him aside asked.

— Alan, is something wrong?

Maud looked into his eyes with barely perceptible concern.

— No, it's okay, just as it turned out, I don't really like hay.

Alan replied with a crooked smile, spitting out a piece of sandwich that had not been chewed into a napkin. Maud did not ask anything, and silently nodded at his words. Smiling gratefully at her, he returned to the table, this time staying away from snacks containing hay or other plants.

The party was still in its early stages, so no activities had started yet. Meanwhile, Alan was talking to his new friends. Suddenly, Rainbow turned to Starlight.

— Hey, Starlight, where is Twilight? Is she still dealing with the map?

Hearing the question, Alan pricked up his ears, since he was also interested in this, plus it looks like something happened to the map, which means something interesting begins.

Applejack decided to add her word.

— That's right, she has buried herself in studying her books in her dark room as if she were trying to stop the end of the world.

— And it's not very good for her face if you ask me.

Rarity could not resist commenting, looking at herself in a mirror that had come from nowhere. All the mares looked with interest at Starlight, waiting for an answer. The only person who didn't react in any way was Maud.

Starlight looked at her friends and answered with a sigh.

— Yes, she is still trying to deal with the sudden breakdown of her map.

- Breakdown of her map?

Alan couldn't help asking.

— Oh yeah... You don't know.

Rainbow Dash realizing said.

At this moment, Pinkie appeared near Alan, and began to explain.

— Long story in a short wrapper - Twilight has a magic map in the castle that sends us on missions to solve friendship problems, recently it broke and seemed to freeze, and now Twilight is looking for a solution to return it to its original state.

Pinkie finished with a radiant smile and a cute cartoon sound, but realizing that she was again next to Alan, she nervously retreated to the side, and then completely stood behind the surprised Fluttershy.

— Sounds serious.

Alan answered a little distantly, looking at Pinkie with a complex look.

— You right, it IS serious.

The newly arrived purple guest spoke up.

Everyone looked in his direction and immediately rejoiced.

— Spike!

— Twilight with you?

Starlight asked.

— Nah, she just finished reading another book on magic. Now she is putting herself in order, but she will be here soon. Oh yes, hi Maud, congratulations on moving.

Then the dragon looked at Alan.

— And you... um...

— Alan, or just Al. Nice to meet you buddy, I hope you and I will become friends.

— Heh, if you like awesome games, then you and I will definitely make friends. Me, Big Mac and Discord can use an extra player.

— Not a word more, I love games, so I'm definitely with you.

— Great! I can't wait to tell Big Mac and Discord about this!

After making a local handshake with the joyful dragon, everyone began to chat merrily again. Alan, on the other hand, turned his gaze to Pinkie, who still looked thoughtful sitting away from the main party, and clearly could not come to an answer in her reflections. Approaching her, Alan spoke quietly.

— Hey, Pinkie, can we talk?

Surprised, the mare jumped slightly on the spot, and was about to take off, but Alan stopped her by saying.

— I have a present for you.

— Really?

The mare stopped abruptly and looked at Alan with great interest. This was clearly her weak point. Seeing how the mare happily sat down, he continued.

— Yes, really. I know that Maud and I could have confused you a lot, and that makes me feel extremely terrible. So I wanted to cheer you up, but I wasn't sure exactly how until I met an interesting pastry chef.

Seeing how her attention increased on the words "pastry chef", Alan continued with a slight smile.

— He sold amazing cupcakes, with a recipe that reminded me of my home. They have a really magical taste, and I would like to give this little and tasty magic to you.

With that said, Alan took a wrapped cupcake out of his bag and handed it to Pinkie. The mare unrolled the cupcake, and began to examine it intently, as if she saw something strange in it.

Looking at its bottom and noticing there was a neatly baked brand that Alan had not noticed before, she sighed heavily and her eyes widened in joyful surprise. Not understanding what was the matter, Alan asked.

— Um... Is something wrong?

— Wrong? On the contrary, everything is amazing, and even BETTER than THIS! It's just incredible! Do you even know whose cupcake you were able to get?

— Um... partly...?


The joyous mare exclaimed. Seeing the confusion on Alan's face, she explained.

— It appears no more than three times in every city per YEAR. And no one could ever find it on their own. According to rumors, his cupcakes are so delicious that even Celestia's guards cannot remain completely calm and indifferent.

— Wow, it looks like this is something amazing.

— EXACTLY! I wanted so badly to try one of his cupcakes this year that I decided in advance to find out the schedule of his appearances, and when I heard that he would appear in Ponyville today, I was very upset as I needed to organize a party for you and my sister. And the duty of the party creator is above everything else, even personal desires…

She finished with a serious face with a hoof on her chest.

Turning her gaze to Alan, she looked at him warmly, and continued.

— And now that I thought I'd miss the Phantom confectioner this year, you give me his cupcake...

Looking at the cupcake in her hooves, the corners of Pinkie's eyes were slightly damp.

Turning her gaze to Alan, the mare answered with a happy smile.

— Alan... You know... Maybe a strong desire to taste a cupcake may sound silly, but this desire means a lot to me. That's why I want to say - Thank you.

Pinkie hugged Alan, completely discarding her worries.

Responding to her embrace, Alan said quietly.

— Don't mention it, Pinkie. When I said that I would try to make you as happy as Maud was, I was telling the truth. And I'm sorry that I couldn't restrain myself that time, and didn't try to get your opinion more persistently. It's just that you were too charming and sweet at that moment, and I just couldn't resist.

Blushing deeply, Pinkie smiled and answered.

— Oooh, Alan... I ... I couldn't resist that time either, so it's my own fault that I took advantage of the moment, got caught, and eventually joined. I also apologize for acting like this.

Then a monotonous voice was heard from behind.

— It looks like you've made up.

Looking around, they saw Maud standing behind them with a slight smile.

Pinkie and Alan looked at each other, smiled and nodded their heads at Maud's question. Maud leaned over to Pinkie and spoke in her ear.

— Today, after the party, Alan will stay with me for the night, and I intend to continue the party with him until the morning, so if you want, you can join us, sister.

Hearing this, Pinkie was embarrassed, blushing a little, but there was a small smile on her face. Remembering the last time, a slight tremor went through her body, and imperceptibly to herself, she licked her lips. Pinkie turned her gaze to Maud and answered quietly.

— I... I will think about it…

Having said that, Pinkie began to eat the cupcake with great pleasure.

Alan did not hear what Maud told her about, but he decided not to go into details, deciding that it was something between the sisters. As they began to return to the main group of ponies, Alan was knocked off his feet by two little filly.


— Ugh! ...

Leaning on his back, Alan stared at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sitting on top of him. Realizing who it was, he smiled, and feigned reply.

— Damn, girls, you almost nailed me. Try to be less explosive next time.


Rising to his feet, Alan noticed a third yellow filly with a red mane. Belle and Scootaloo quickly ran up to her and introduced their friend.

— Alan, this is Apple Bloom, our friend and the third member of our CMC team.

Apple Bloom quickly approached Alan with a smile and greeted him.

— Nice to meet you, Alan. The girls talked a lot about you, well, mostly Scootaloo. Thank you for helping her that time. I hope we'll be friends too.

After introducing herself, the filly held out her little hoof. Alan touched her hoof with a greeting, and then answered.

— Glad to meet Apple Bloom. I am sure we will become good friends.

The filly smiled happily, and when her friends caught up with her, they began to inundate him with questions. Scootaloo was the first to speak.

— So, now that we are all assembled, I will not be mistaken when I say that we are all ready to help you understand your Cutie Mark, right?

All the fillies nodded happily, and Scootaloo continued.

— Well! Then Alan, we would like to know where you live now and when can we start our research?

— Well, since I just moved, I haven't had time to get my own home yet, so for now I'll stay in Maud's new home." Fortunately, there is plenty of room. It is located in the outskirts of Ponyville on the way to the mine, not far from the park with a fountain.

— Wow, you and Maud must be good friends if she let you stay with her.

Noticed Apple Bloom. Alan answered with a slight grin.

— Not that word.

At this time, the foals were noticed by their older sisters and not only.

— Apple Bloom.

— Sweetie Belle.

— Scootaloo!

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow approached the fillys and hugged them. Rarity spoke first to her sister and her friends.

— Sweetie Belle, girls, why are you so late. I thought you wanted to meet Alan as soon as possible.

— It's all because of Apple Bloom! She was busy at the farm for a long time.

— Hey, this is all because of Sweetie Belle, she wanted to choose a better outfit for us.

— No, it's all because of Scootaloo, she wanted to take us on her scooter, which turned out to be broken after a recent accident.

The girls began their classic argument with each other, so Rainbow Dash and Applejack intervened. The first to speak was the farmer's mare.

— Now calm down girls. From what I heard, you are all to blame, so I see no point in your argument.

Then Rainbow Dash added.

— Right, next time, do and finish all your business in advance.

— OKAY...

The filly responded in unison. Alan found this spectacle extremely exciting. It's one thing to watch it on the show, and it's another thing to see it live. Completely different experiences.

Just after that, the group heard a slightly tired female voice behind them.

— Hey girls, am I too late?

Turning around, everyone immediately recognized the arrival of the guest, and the main group of mares cried out.

— Twilight!

All her friends immediately approached her, asking questions.

Rarity spoke first.

— Twilight, dear, you look like, how to put it more precisely... faded. Yes, that's the right word.

— Faded? She looks like an apple after a juicer!

Applejack noticed.

Looking at Twilight, Alan saw how tired and sleepy she was. She had small dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her mane and tail were clearly laid on a fast hoof, as if in an awkward and lazy manner. Alan thought.

«It looks like this map problem bothers her a lot. I wonder what happened?»

While he was thinking about it, Twilight finished greeting her friends and turned her attention to Alan and Maud. Smiling slightly, she walked over to them and introduced herself.

— Nice to see you again Maud, and... Alan, right?

Alan nodded and Twilight continued.

— My name is Twilight Sparkle. Congratulations on moving to Ponyville. You have chosen a lovely town to live in. And sorry for being late, I'm just very... (yawn) Very busy lately.

Her voice sounded very measured and calm. The fatigue was taking its toll on her usual manner of speaking. Alan came up and held out his hoof said.

— Nice to meet you, Twilight. I am sure that all your efforts will soon pay off, and you will be able to solve your problem with the map.

Twilight was slightly surprised at his knowledge of the map, but quickly realizing that he was probably told by her friends, she calmed down. She was also glad that he addressed her as Twilight, and not by status, like a princess. She smiled and also held out her hoof to him and answered.

— Thank you, it would be nice if so. The problem has been going on for a whole week, and I still don't know what caused it. We could fix so many friendship problems if not for this circumstance.

When Twilight finished, Alan thought for a second, and strange suspicions began to overcome his mind, since the beginning of the problems with the map coincides with the time of his appearance in this world.

From his thoughtfulness he was brought out by the hoof shake with Twilight, namely, the accompanying strange phenomenon.

When their hooves touched, a faint spark of magic appeared between their hooves, and both ponies were slightly electrocuted. This even made Twilight a little more energetic. As this strange wave passed through their bodies, they both looked in surprise, first at their hooves, and then at each other.

Pinkie, who saw all this, said with a slight flirtatious laugh.

— Wow! It looks like a spark has clearly arisen between you! Hee-hee-hee!

Twilight stood in a stupor looking at Alan and Pinkie before speaking in confusion.

— What?... I don't... It's not…

— Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Suddenly the mares around laughed, and Rainbow flew up to Twilight said.

— Yo, relax Twilight, Pinkie was just kidding, it's just normal static electricity, and although this is the first time I've seen such a strong effect, it happens to everyone.

— It's true, sugarcube, don't worry, it's just a silly joke.

Added Applejack.

Twilight was confused and worried as she doubted it was just normal static electricity. She definitely felt that something had penetrated into her magical container, and now it sits inside.

She didn't know what it was and looked at Alan for answers. But when she saw that he was scratching his head in confusion, trying to understand what it was, she immediately realized that he also had no idea what was going on.

Starlight, who was standing nearby, also did not believe that it was ordinary static electricity. So she was going to ask Twilight about it properly later.

Finally, Alan spoke up.

— Well, it was the most unusual static blow in my life. Although, to be honest, it gives off a magical feeling from all this, but I suppose that this is my imagination.

Maud went to Alan and spoke in his ear.

— I think it was magic. But I'm not sure if it is related to our bracelets.

Alan looked at Maud in surprise, but did not question her words, because from the very beginning of using the bracelets, her sense of magic was always very acute. Returning his gaze to Twilight, he thought.

«There seems to be something strange going on, and there is a chance that I have just become a part of it all.»

Smiling slightly and catching himself thinking about starting something interesting in the show and the pony world, Alan said quietly.

— It looks like the story begins.

* * * * * * * * * *

Finally, the story begins to take shape, and you can see some setbacks for further plot.

This was one of the hardest chapters for me of all time. There were many difficulties in both writing and translation. The most difficult moment was writing Dialogues.

I have a lot of problems with this, so I had a lot of skidding and thinking when I wrote the chapter, and I hope everything turned out more or less decently, and you will like it.

And by the way, this is the largest chapter in terms of volume.

If you want to support me as an author, or get access to 4 new chapters a little earlier than others, then you can subscribe to my Boosty (russian analogue of Раtrеоn) and read it right now.

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