BNS Chapter 16 - The Day Has Just Started

The morning sun illuminated the cave with bright light, and the walls of the cave, framed with crystals and precious stones, shimmered with beautiful rainbow rays of gentle radiance that reached the ponies sleeping on the bed.

Alan, lying in an embrace with Maud and Pinkie Pie, and their mane was in complete disarray after a stormy night. The bed was also totally shaken and badly dented, with a suitably disheveled sheet and a blanket thrown back.

Grimacing, Alan slowly opened his eyes, concentrating his gaze on the ceiling of the cave house. Realizing his position, he looked at the two cute mares in his arms, and a smile itself appeared on his face.

«This night was just... Wow... I think the aftertaste of this will stay with me for a long time.»

Moving his gaze towards the rays of the sun making their way into the cave, spreading over crystals and gems, he realized that morning had already come. Seeing this, he thought.

«Oh, I promised to meet Rainbow Dash in the morning. She seemed to be talking about a park near Twilight Castle. Well, I hope I'm not late yet. And it's time to resume training, otherwise I'll lose my form completely, even if it's a pony form.»

Slightly shaking the sleeping mares, he spoke softly.

— Rise and shine, beauties. The sun is already shining outside the cave.

Hearing his words, the mares slightly squinted their eyes, and sleepy Pinkie muttered.

— Mmm... Five more minutes... I want to finish... this cake...

Maud, on the other hand, slowly opened her eyes, and looking around, showed a slight, barely noticeable smile to Alan, after which she said monotonously.

— Good morning.

Then she reached for Alan's lips for the morning kiss. Alan of course answered him. And while they gently played with their tongues, the pink mare also slowly opened her sleepy eyes, lazily looking around until her gaze fixed on kissing Alan and Maud. Seeing this, she immediately lost all the remnants of a nap, and said with a playful smile.

— Hey! I also want to! Oh, and by the way, GOOD MORNING!

With these words, she also joined Alan's lips, playing with her tongue with his, while remembering the last night, and getting a little aroused.

When the kiss began to develop into something more, and Maud reached for his already half-tense trunk, Alan quickly broke the kiss and said.

— Slow down, girls, I would love to continue, but I promised Rainbow that I would train with her in the morning. So I'm not sure how much time I still have.

Maud looked at her watch and then at Pinkie. The pink mare immediately understood her sister, and gave out information about her friend.

— Rainbow Dash usually goes out to train by nine o'clock in the morning. Since it is now ten past eight, we still have a little time to... play a little... Hee hee! Plus, I won't let you go until I get my portion of milk!

Having said this, with a nod from Maud in agreement, the mare with her tongue sticking out quickly pressed her face to his trunk, savoring his morning taste. Maud also didn't lag behind, and licked his already swollen head.

— Wow, girls... If this is the case... I'll probably stay a little longer with you, but just not for a long time, okay?

Smiling slightly, Maud replied.

— Don't worry, we'll dry you quickly.

— Ecvacve! (Exactly)

Pinkie added without taking her mouth off the work from below, after which both mares began to actively lick Alan's cock, polishing his trunk and balls with their tender tongues. Alan could only sit back and enjoy the pleasure of the sisters' work, occasionally moaning when they swallowed his head in turn.

The Pie sisters, with a hazy gaze, pressed their faces to the huge rod of their stallion, making every effort to stimulate him, and when they reached the deep alternate swallowing of this weapon, Alan could no longer stand it, and said.

— Girls, I'm already close to…

Hearing this, the mares sped up, and putting their hooves to the trunk, began to jerk him while their mouths concentrated on pleasing Alan's lower head. And so, literally ten seconds later, Alan finished, completely filling their mouths with his yogurt.

— Aaargh…

The sisters took all the portions with great joy, and having tasted it properly, swallowed it, and smiled contentedly.

— WOW! I think this will now be my daily morning breakfast! Your cream is of the highest standard, he-he-he!

Joyful Pinkie stated.

— Uh-huh, this is definitely the best way to start the day.

Maud added monotonously.

With a strange smile, Alan finally got up and answered.

— Well, I don't see any problems, so we agreed. Now, if you will forgive me, it wouldn't hurt to have a snack myself and run to practice with Dash.

Maud nodded and said.

— Good luck. I want to fully explore this new cave system that runs through my house.

— And I have to go to work in the Sugarсube Corner! See you tonight, Al, Maud!

And like a bullet, Pinkie flew out of the cave, as if she had never been here. Alan didn't think about it for a long time, and went to the bathroom to wash himself with water from the stream flowing along the stone. Then he went to the place he and Maud had identified as the kitchen. But looking inside the refrigerator, he realized that they still hadn't loaded it with food.

— Fuck...

Sighing heavily, Alan decided to have breakfast in some cafe in Ponyville, and made a note of not forgetting to buy some products when he was done with all the chores.

— Mod! The kitchen is useless for now, so I'll have breakfast at the cafe.

Alan shouted in the direction where Maud had gone, and then headed towards the exit from the cave. Going out into the street, he breathed in the fresh air deeply, and exhaled with satisfaction.

«Damn, the air here is so clean that in comparison with the city air in my world, it even seems a little sweet. It's somehow even unusual.»

Having finished the thought, Alan was about to go to the cafe, but didn't have time, as he was knocked down by something blue with an admixture of rainbows.

— Found you!

Hearing the familiar harsh voice, Alan answered.

— Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?

The mare got off him, and immediately answered.

— What? We agreed to start a joint training session, have you already forgotten? Or maybe... you chickened out, mmm?

With a light playful sneer the lively pegasus asked.

Blinking in surprise, Alan answered.

— No way. Actually, I was going to meet with you, and I was going to go, but ... Isn't it too early? Pinkie Pie said you usually go to workout by nine o'clock.

— Oh, this... Well, you know, I was too excited, so I arrived much earlier... And…

Alan was surprised by her desire to practice together, but when he heard her next words, he knew what was what.

— It's just, you know, I have to be at the Wonderbolt field by ten o'clock, and usually, I go out for morning practice by nine o'clock, alone. And while I love doing it, it can be really boring at times. So I wanted to fly in early so we could have more time together... well... for training.

Rainbow said slightly embarrassed, earning a warm smile from Alan. Nodding in understanding, he answered.

— Okay then, if we hurry, then I can...

But before he had time to mention the cafe, Dash yelled happily.

— Great, let's go!

— But I didn't have time to…

Grabbing a stunned Alan, Rainbow Dash dragged him towards the park near Twilight Castle. Alan didn't even have time to blink, as they were in the right place. Pressing his mane disheveled from speed, Alan looked around and saw a clearing filled with various sports equipment.

There were barbells, dumbbells, back weights, and more. Looking at the equipment, then at the brightly smiling Dash, Alan said.

— And you, I see, are well prepared.

— Totally! I promised to show you my signature training program called Rainbow Strike! And I keep promises, so get ready, because tonight we're going to practice so hard that Applejack will swallow his hat when you show her your successes!

— Ahhh, so this is the secret of your attitude, huh?

Alan couldn't help but smile as he remembered that Rainbow and Applejack had a bet on his ability to handle the ginger farmer's farm.

— Hey! We made a bet and I intend to win!

— And what will the loser get?

— Ah, the loser will get… she will get a… Damn! Pinkie interrupted us before we got the punishment!

— Then I suppose the bet is canceled?"

— NO WAY! I WILL win and that's it!

Dash answered with a snort, not forgetting to inflate her chest to heighten the effect. Alan sighed heavily, and remembering breakfast, answered.

— Well, since this is the case, then let's give it our best. But first... Please tell me you took something to eat, or I never had time for breakfast.

Surprised, Rainbow said.

— Seriously? And you intended to start training on an empty stomach?

Looking at her with an unemotional face, Alan answered.

— Actually, I was going to first go to the cafe for a snack, but you dragged me to the park before I had time to tell you about it.

— Oh... Well... I'm sorry?... hehe.

Dash was embarrassedly scratching the back of her head, realizing that she was too hasty because of her impatience. Therefore, she quickly ran to her bag lying by the tree, and took out one banana, which she immediately threw to Alan. He, of course, almost dropped it, since he was still badly wielding his hooves, and he didn't want to use the bracelet in front of Dash yet, and in any case he needs to get used to such simple actions for ordinary ponies.

— Here, I usually always take a few bananas with me to my workout.

Dash said as she flew up to Alan, who was clumsily skinning a banana using his teeth. Rainbow was amused by this, and she couldn't help but laugh.

— Pfft... ha-ha-ha! Don't you know how to peel a banana properly?

Alan froze for a moment, but then quickly came up with an excuse.

— Honestly? Not really. There are practically no bananas outside Equestria. So I never ate them. Unless I tried it once or twice as a child.

Rainbow was surprised by this fact, but still believed, since she had never been outside Equestria, and knows practically nothing about those places. Nodding, she walked over to the training equipment and set a pair of plates on the barbell, and then fitted the hoof grip mounts.

By this time, Alan finished eating the banana and went over to the pegasus.

— Um... Do you really want to start with a barbell?

— What? Of course no! You can't start right away with heavy loads without a warm-up.

— Fewh, thanks, cuz I already thought that your program "Rainbow Strike" is not only tough, but also unsafe.

— Hey! I'm professional! So don't think to doubt me, and my methods. And now... TWENTY SQUATS AND TWENTY PUSH-UPS, GO!

Alan even jumped from Dash's abrupt transition to Hell's Trainer Mode. So without further ado, he answered.

— Yes, Coach Dash!

The words brought a satisfied smile to Pegasus's face, and she decided to be gentle with her new training partner. Fortunately, over time, Dash also began to do these exercises with Alan, and he could see an example of how they looked, since he had no idea how squats are performed in the pony world. Seeing an example, he thought.

«That's how it looks like! Squats are kind of push-ups, only with the hind hooves. Got it.»

Repeating after the blue pegasus, Alan easily coped with the exercises, amazed at himself, since he did not even change his breathing. Dash was also impressed by this fact, but not too much, since there is more to come.

— Great, you went through an easy introduction, and now ten laps around our training field, go!

All in all, Alan's training went on, under the relentless and contented command of Dash, who definitely enjoyed watching a training stallion like Alan.

At some point, Alan did all the exercises, both sets of barbells and dumbbells from Dash, and felt some imbalance in this workout. Realizing this, he turned to Dash.

— Hey Coach Dash, are you sure your program is complete?

— What do you mean?

The mare was surprised, as this program was drawn up for her long before she joined the Wonderbolt team, and it was always very effective and helped her become a better flyer. Alan thought and answered.

— Well, your program is not bad, for a Pegasus, but I feel that almost all parts of my body are tired, except for the hind legs and... well... buttocks.

— Oh…

Rainbow Dash finally realized that in her program, there was no need to focus on the hind hooves, but only on the front ones. This is because only the front hooves receive the bulk of the load upon landing. After making a facehove, she said.

— Aaaah... Holy hooves! I completely forgot about it…

— Well, I have a suggestion to add at least one hind hoof exercise to your program. For example - Grace.

Rainbow was surprised and asked.

— Grace? What is this exercise? I have never heard.

This time, Alan was already surprised, looking at the thoughtful Dash, scratching her head with a hoof. He named one of the simplest hind leg exercises, and it doesn't seem to be known here.

«Oh yeah, this is an exercise from ballet that Dash is hardly interested in, and it's more for people, but given the flexibility and physiology of the body of the ponies of this world, it may well be suitable for them. At least it doesn't hurt to try.»

— This is an exercise for the hind legs. It is used outside Equestria, and not really made for ponies, but I'm sure it will work for them too. What do you say? Wanna try?

Curiosity with interest arose in Rainbow Dash, and she happily answered.

— Of course!

Alan smiled slyly and answered.

— By the way, do you know what is the main feature of this exercise?

Noticing that Dash's interest was entirely directed towards him, he immediately responded.

— It is designed to not only load the hind hooves, but also to bring your croup and buttocks into perfect condition, causing the looks of envy in the mares... and the looks of desire in the stallions.

The last part, Alan said in a soft and playful voice, making Dash freeze for a second and blush slightly.

— Well… um. If it's as effective as you say… then… I don't mind trying it. He-he.

Laughing, Dash looked away, hiding the embarrassment that she was interested in the effects of this exercise. And of course, Alan could not help but notice this, and therefore he chuckled inside himself, since such a reaction from the usually frisky Rainbow Dash was very funny.

Unable to resist, he offered.

— If you want, I can show you this exercise, and if you fail, I will help you with it so that you can take the correct posture.

Rainbow's ears twitched at this, hearing something that piqued her interest even more. And so she thought to herself.

«Will he help me get into the right posture? This is... Oh dear, this definitely implies direct and close contact... Wait! Why am I so excited? This is just a workout... right! Training and nothing more... So, I can agree... and, maybe... make a mistake once... Well, purely for training purposes... He-he-he-he...»

— Khem-khem... I agree. Show this your Trace.

— Grace...

Alan corrected it, to which he received an embarrassed appearance of a blue pegasus, which, hiding embarrassment, answered sharply.

— It... It doesn't matter, let's show it already!

— As you say.

Alan answered with a smile.

After some thought, he decided to use a pair of weights that he tied to the hind hooves to give the pony's stronger limbs an appropriate load. Walking over to Dash, he began to explain.

— So, for greater efficiency, we will use weights, this will help raise the level of load, since I am more than sure that you are more than capable of handling a normal exercise.

— That's right!

Rainbow lifted her nose proudly as she listened to Alan.

— Next, all you have to do is lift your back hoof with weight back as high as possible, and try to hold it for at least thirty seconds. Then, you do the same with the other hoof. And so on until you feel that your muscles are already tense enough that you can no longer do it again. Well, is everything clear?

— Yes, but… There are some moments... well... incomprehensible. So, if something is wrong, you will correct me…

Dash said, in a light, playful manner, and with a little embarrassment. After that, she also tied weights to her hind hooves, and under instruction and demonstration from Alan, she began to repeat his exercise.

At first, she performed it quite easily, but after the first two approaches, her hind legs stopped rising to the required height, and the mare looked at Alan as if she was expecting an assessment. Seeing this, Alan could not help smiling, and going up to her, he began to correct her.

— A little higher, Dash. Here.

With these words, he went up to the mare, and putting one hoof on her croup, and with the other, grabbing her raised hoof, he slightly held it to show her the required height. And, of course, he could not miss the opportunity to snuggle closer to the phyto-pony, which, of course, did not go unnoticed by the rainbow pegasus.

Rainbow Dash flinched slightly, but didn't push him away, as she obviously didn't mind. It was possible to understand from her face that she was delighted, and it was difficult to tell from what exactly, from the new exercise, or from the help of Alan.

— Now it's right?

Rainbow asked after Alan helped her correct the position of her hoof. Alan smiled and answered with a nod.

— Now it's perfect, keep doing this exercise along with your workouts, and in a month your croup will become a real magnet for looks. For mine it will definitely be so.

— Oh, dude, don't embarrass me. Of course, I love attention in any form, but this particular kind of attention... I think... It's more about Rarity. I usually don't get something like this. Well, perhaps, Fluttershy's brother, Zephyr Breeze, demonstrated something similar. Oh…

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash stood rooted to the spot, and with a frowning and frightened face added monotonously.

— I imagined for a second that after this exercise he would pester me even more... Brrr...

The pegasus finished with a shiver all over her body.

Hearing this, Alan could not help but laugh, and in order not to give out that he knew about this pony, he answered.

— Pfft… I don't know who you're talking about, but I have to admit that he at least has good taste. After all, sports ponies have their own unique charm. I'm sure a lot of ponies think of you as a tidbit, they're just afraid to show it. After all, your brisk reputation spreads much faster than you.

Alan finished with a wink.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, embarrassed, and answered with a smile.

— As you say, mister sweet talker.

Then, going up to Alan, she jabbed her hoof into his chest and said playfully.

— But if what I predicted happens, then you have to take responsibility. Got it?

Raising his eyebrows, Alan asked with an equally playful smile.

— Oh yeah? And what kind of responsibility do you expect?

Taking her hoof away from Alan, Dash smiled slyly and answered.

— Who knows.

«It seems that Rarity is not the only brave mare ready to show herself in the best and most favorable light. Unless, Rainbow in such a "light" does not feel as familiar and comfortable as Rarity. Hell, how many new things you can learn about this world while being here in person, which you don't find out in the show itself.»

After finishing her workout, Alan helped Dash collect all the equipment and other heavy things she said she had borrowed from Bulk Biceps. She will take her things home, and Balk will take the rest of his things on his own. After all, except for him, no one will raise them anyway.

— It's just awesome! We should definitely try one of these games! It is a pity that many of them are only possible in winter. But this Basketball you are talking about is very much like our Buckball. True, judging by what you said, the pony will be difficult to play. But the surfing competition you talked about sounds awesome! That's it, I decided, we will go to the beach together, and you teach me this surfing thing! Oh-oh! Perhaps we can include our friends in this, and arrange a real competition! It will be 120% cooler!

Alan was even a little taken aback by her exploded interest. Now she even reminded him a little of Pinkie Pie. Only less bouncing and teleportable. While he was looking at her, the pegasus continued.

— Actually, we are obliged to try in general all sports events that you know, even if they are not suitable for ponies, I'm sure we will come up with something. Maybe Twilight will have a solution.

Then Alan thought a little, and decided to offer her a possible solution.

— Well, maybe we won't have to ask Twilat for help, because I've already created something that will help us play any sports game I know. That's just, I'll ask you to keep secret what I show you, okay?

Rainbow was startled by the sudden revelation and her interest increased again. Moreover, she had already noticed that next to Alan, her interest never faded away, which drew her to him even more. With a serious face, she said.

— You can trust me, none of your secrets will leave my mouth.

Then she uttered the Pinkie Promise.

— Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

— Well, your vow sounded very… serious.

— Yes, yes, I know. This is my and my friends' thing that came from Pinkie. That's what we call it, Pinkie Pie Promise. Trust me, there is nothing more serious than this.

— Ha-ha, okay. So, what I have created helps any ponies to use magic, so you yourself can understand how this will help in all those games that I told.

Hearing his explanation, Dash's eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on her face. Absolutely not holding back, she said.

— IT'S TRUE? IT IS SO COOL! There is so much we could do with that. For example, go on an adventure like Daring Do, or become real superheroes, or like you said, come up with many new games. Uuh, I can't wait to try it all! Show me, show me, show me!

— Okay, okay, hold the reins! I'll show you now.

Looking around, Alan turned his gaze to Rainbow Dash's bag, which was lying under the tree. Removing the cuff from the hoof and exposing the bracelet, Alan directed it towards the bag and using magic, lifted the bag into the air. Slowly but surely, he moved her straight to Dash, who was gaping in surprise.

Having received the bag in the hooves, Dash smiled happily again, looking at Alan, said.

— Damn, this is really awesome. Just think about it, MAGIC! Dude, you did something awesome.

— Hah, thanks. I didn't think it would surprise you so much.

Alan really didn't expect a sports pony like Rainbow Dash to be so surprised and happy about something like that. He could have expected this from Applejack, since for an earth pony farmer, the benefits of a bracelet are much more obvious than for a sports fan, and even a pegasus. But as it turned out, he was wrong.

«It seems that the book-inspired mare has clearly seen the great potential of this invention. And now, when I think about it, I have to make a similar bracelet for her, right?»

And at that very moment, Dash hesitated a little and asked carefully.

— Um... Alan? May I also get one of these magical bracelets of yours? I'm even willing to pay.

Alan sighed to himself, and said with slight resentment.

— Seriously, Rainbow? Pay? And I thought I'd give you bracelets because we're friends. Am I the only one who thought so? Oh, poor me, poor me. An athletic beauty was leading me by the nose. Oh woe to me. How did it happen, Rainbow Dash?

Hearing Alan openly making fun of her, Dash blushed crimson and quickly objected.

— Okay, that's it, I get it! Friends! We are friends! But it would be wrong to give nothing in return. This is not my style. Therefore, in return you can ask me whatever you want.

Alan smiled slyly and answered.

— Oh really?

Playfully examining the body of the blue pegasus mare, as he did last time, he said.

— Whatever I want?

— I…

Dash was embarrassed again, but the smile from her face did not even think to leave, and gathering a little courage, she answered.

— Sure! If you can keep up with me in training, then... You can really ask for anything...

— Is that how it is? Agreed then. The bracelets will be ready in a few days. I think... First, we need to prepare the materials and find the forge.

— Cool! Thank you!

With these words, the pegasus flew up to Alan and hugged him.

As she hugged a surprised Alan, she whispered softly.

— This is a small advance, he-he...

Pulling away from him, Rainbow instantly took her things, and flew away towards her house, not saying a word.

Struck, Alan stood still, watching her. Looking around, he grinned, and headed towards the cafe to finally have a snack.

— God oh god. And the day is just beginning. After my snack, I head straight to Rarity's. If the time with Dash was already exciting enough, I'm afraid to imagine what will happen to this glamorous temptress.

Flashing a cheerful smile, Alan went to carry out his plans.

* * * * * * * * * *

Author's Note:

Here is the first chapter of the second volume.

It will start slowly, but over time it will gain momentum, and the plot will manifest itself more and more.

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