BNS Chapter 22 - Have changed

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By following this suspicious mare, Alan hoped that his guess about who she was would turn out to be false. Although inside himself he thought differently.

«Damn, on the one hand I don't really want to be right, but on the other hand, I would really like to see this character in person. She always seemed pretty interesting to me.»

As they walked, Starlight finally decided to ask her question, and taking out a book with a mark on the map, she spoke.

— So Miss Sunny. Alan and I were sent to solve the friendship's problem.

Pointing at the map with her hoof, she continued.

— And it was in this area that our destination should be. But the ponies we met told us that no one lives here.

With that said, Starlight turned her joyful gaze to the tense mare and added.

— But having met you, who apparently lives somewhere in this area, we can conclude that other ponies can really live here!

When the mare, who called herself Sunny, realized what the place was displayed on the map, she was covered with drops of sweat, and in a somewhat nervous manner replied.

— Ah… this place? Yes... he-he... I... know it...

Closing her eyes as if thinking about something, she quickly opened them, and said.

— This place is in a cave... ANOTHER CAVE!

She corrected nervously, and continued.

— The cave of my good friend, yes. She usually rarely appears there, so I don't think you should go there.

Narrowing his eyes, Alan became more and more convinced of his point of view, holding back two opposing feelings at once within himself, until Starlight, who still did not suspect anything, said with a smile.

— Pfft, it's okay, even if she's not there, at least we can take a look at this place so that next time we can get to it on our own. Right?

She asked her question, looking at Alan. Coming out of his thoughts, Alan immediately smiled at them, and answered.

— Right, it would be great if you showed us this place. Not that there was anything out of the ordinary, right...?

Alan said it with such intonation and such a face that "Sunny" frowned, looking at him with his smile, which clearly indicated that he knew something. That is why, with a voice filled with suspicion, she answered him.

— Yes... This is an ordinary living cave. Nothing strange.

Then, looking at Starlight, she added.

— I'll show you this. But if no one is at home, do not go inside, is everything clear?

Starlight didn't understand a little what kind of atmosphere had suddenly arisen between Alan and "Sunny", so she just nodded in confusion, and lagging behind the leading mare, she caught up with Alan, and in a whisper asked him a question.

— Okay, Alan, what's going on?

Making sure "Sunny" did not overhear them, Alan leaned closer to Starlight, thus slightly embarrassing the mare, and whispered.

— I have serious suspicions that our "Sunny" is not who she claims to be.

Starlight was clearly surprised by his statement, so she also carefully examined their leading pale green unicorn with an orange-brown mane. Although she seemed a little nervous, after communicating with various Ponyville ponies, it did not seem so strange to her, and therefore, turning her gaze to Alan, she said.

— I don't see anything unusual, are you sure you are not exaggerating?

Starlight asked, looking at the serious and pensive face of Alan, who immediately answered her.

— I don't have complete certainty, but in case I'm right, remain vigilant.

Seeing the stallion's serious gaze, she decided to nod in agreement with him, although she still believed that everything was not as bad as he thought.

At this time, Sunny finally calmed down, and her face became rather serious and frowned. She thought something hard until it dawned on her, and a strange smile appeared on her face, and her eyes for a moment flashed with predatory pupils with a green iris.

After some time, they finally emerged from the lush vegetation and saw a small path leading towards the entrance to a cave about three meters in diameter and height.

Reaching the entrance and standing right in the opening, "Sunny" turned around and invited them to come closer. If Starlight was relaxed, then Alan remained on the alert, since he did not forget that earlier she did not want them to come closer to the cave, which could not but seem suspicious.

When Alan and Starlight approached Sunny, she smiled and said.

— So, we are at the place, this is the same cave of my friend about which I spoke, and as you can see, there is no one at home.

With a strange smile, she looked at Starlight, and without taking her eyes off she continued.

— But it wouldn't be very nice of me to let you leave so soon, so why don't you stay and wait for my friend.

Saying that, her horn lit up, and suddenly, a green transparent dome surrounded them all. Embarrassed, Starlight finally began to understand something too, and said.

— Um... Sunny? What does it mean?

She was clearly alert, and looked with suspicion at Sunny, who only pretended to be surprised, and feigned an answer.

— What do you mean by "what"? I help you to wait for my friend in warmth and comfort, of course. Speaking of her, I think you already know her, and right now, you will see her!

With these words, the whole mare was covered with a wave of green glow, which passed along her entire body, gradually revealing to the world a tall, black and pony-like creature with through holes in the hooves, transparent wings, like an insect, and with a dark turquoise mane, like as if made of silk spider webs.

Seeing her, Starlight immediately recognized who it was, and shouted:

— Chrysalis!

There was a little panic and tension in her voice. Hearing this, Chrysalis smiled, and answered with a playful note of arrogance.

— Well, well, you have not forgotten me, I am flattered.

Then her look became less cheerful and more bitter as she continued:

— And you know what? I haven't forgotten you either. Oh, how often I thought about you, and all that you have done with my kingdom!

Hearing the last part, Starlight swallowed, and looking at Alan, noticed his look, saying: "I told you." which made her roll her eyes. Pulling herself together, she became serious, and looking at Chrysalis, she said.

— What do you want?

Chrysalis couldn't help but wonder at the question, and this time it really was. Therefore, she got angry, and with a sharpness and anger in her voice shouted.


The former queen of changelings screamed furiously.

— All this time, I've been trying to figure out a way to get revenge. I wondered what to do with this disgusting Starlight Glimmer.

Then, turning her gaze to Starlight, she remarked with a smirk:

— But who would have thought that you would come into my hooves by yourself.

Hearing her speech, Starlight frowned and said:

— Sure, before I could not resist you, because of your throne that blocked magic, but do you really think that without this you have chances against not only me alone, but also against Alan?

The purple mare declared, pointing to her companion.

Glancing at the aforementioned stallion, Chrysalis only laughed and said.

— Who? He? Are you serious? He's an ordinary earth pony!

Chrysalis exclaimed chuckling until she noticed something else.

— And by the way ... In addition, I feel a delicious sympathy between you, and a lot of similar sympathies emanate from him, apparently aimed at different mares. And one of them... Oh…

A little surprised, she continued.

— Unexpectedly, but one of them is even directed... at me?

Hearing this, Starlight with great surprise looked inquiringly at Alan, who was standing a little sweating, and noticing her look, immediately justified himself:

— W... what!? What can I do if she's really cool?

Hearing this, Chrysalis was pleasantly surprised and said with a grin.

— Well, well, it looks like at least one pony in Equestria has real taste. Perhaps after I have dealt with you, Starlight Glimmer, I'll get on with drawing love out of your friend, HA-HA-HA-HA!

— Grr, that's it, I'm tired of it, we're leaving here, now!

With these words, the irritated Starlight tried to create a spell, but as soon as her horn lit up, it immediately went out, like a candle that had been blown out.

— What the...?

Starlight became very frightened when she realized that her magic was not working. Seeing her indignation, Chrysalis laughed even more, and said.

— Oh, did I forget to say? I managed to find one of the fragments of my old throne, and placed it above the cave entrance as a precaution, so now, you are completely helpless against my protective field, and you are in my complete control!

Her malevolence unsettled Starlight even more, and she began to feel panic and intense pressure over the desperate situation.

Alan at this time pondered whether his bracelet magic would work, and how to check it without arousing suspicion.

Concentrating, he tried to create a magical tuft in his mane, but he barely felt it, which was not good news.

«Fuck, magic works, but it's so weak it's almost useless. Do I really have to use Mod's gift so early? How troublesome.»

Touching his cuff with another hoof, he moved something hidden behind it and began to closely monitor the development of the situation, while thinking.

«Okay, she keeps us with her magic in the range of the shard that left over from her anti-magic throne. But if she wants to attack us, then she will definitely have to remove the barrier. I think this will be the perfect moment for me to act.»

At this time, finally enjoying her superiority, Chrysalis looked menacingly at Starlight, and said.

— And now that I have enjoyed the look of hopelessness on your face, we can move on to the final note, goodbye!

With these words, the former queen of changelings abruptly turned off her barrier magic, and charged the horn with energy, fired a laser towards the frozen Starlight, whose pupils dilated from the knowledge that she could not do anything.

It is at this moment that Alan appears in front of her, who with all his strength pushes her beyond the limits of the anti-magic of the shard with his right hoof, and at the same time, blocks the magic beam of Chrysalis with his left hoof, covered with a strange dark cuff.

Seeing this, Chrysalis was surprised, and Starlight, in turn, was frightened. But when, instead of taking damage, his now-destroyed cuff revealed a strange protective plate that successfully deflected the beam back into the Chrysalis, all she could say was:

— Oh no... Argh!

The beam that hit her knocked the queen off her feet, disorienting her for a moment. Taking this opportunity, Alan turned sharply to the shocked Starlight, and shouted.

— What are you waiting for? Hurry up and destroy the shard at the top of the cave!

Saying this, Alan pointed his hoof up, which finally returned Starlight to reality.

Quickly jumping to her feet, and feeling that the shard was still slightly affecting her, she jumped even further, and directed a huge amount of dense and concentrated magic into her horn, to be sure that she would have time to reach the shard, and then released everything into the upper cave entrance.

Chrysalis at this time, just came to her senses, and was almost able to get to her feet, when she noticed how a huge magic clot flew towards her security shard, scattering along the way, but still managing to reach the goal, producing a strong explosion that caused a huge shake-up, provoking the beginning of the collapse of stones.

Chrysalis, looking at the stones falling on her, for the first time in her life felt so weak and defenseless. She was seized by a strong fear and she literally froze in place, waiting for the end, but at that very moment, Alan knocked her down, and with her flew into the cave a split second before they would be crushed by the stones.

— ALAN!!!

Starlight was seriously scared, seeing as Alan and Chrysalis disappeared behind the landslide. When the dust settled, she abruptly ran to the stones, and with moisture near her eyes tried to move them with magic, which now worked without hindrance, but for some reason did not work on the stones in the rubble. Having stopped trying, she ran to the stones, and putting her ear to one of them, shouted:

— Alan! Can you hear me? ALAN!

Fortunately for the mare, on the other side she heard a cough, followed by the muffled voice of the stallion:

— Y... yeah! It's okay, (cough)... I'm fine!

Hearing his voice, Starlight put her hoof on her heart and sighed in relief. But then, remembering another person, she asked:

— What about Chrysalis?

On the other side of the rubble, Alan turned to the discouraged changeling's queen, looking at him with a complex gaze, and said.

— She's fine too. Only a little scared.

Alan shouted with a certain amusement in his voice. Hearing this, Starlight didn't even know what to think. After examining the rubble, she said.

— My magic is back, but for some reason I cannot use it on these stones. I don't think I can move them without magic.

Starlight screamed in a frustrated voice, causing Alan to look brooding. Deciding to stop hiding his bracelet, he directed it to the blockage, and tried to use magic, which, although it worked, but its power was absolutely not enough to move the huge boulders that covered the passage.

Sighing heavily and disappointedly, he shouted to the mare on the other side.

— I have the same here. My magic works, but much weaker than it should.

— Magic?

Behind Alan, the voice of a surprised Chrysalis sounded. Turning around, he smiled brightly, and said:

— Oh, right! Hey Miss Chrysalis, could you move these stones? I am sure that you, like me, do not burn with the desire to be stuck here until the end of our days, right?

— I... will try…

Chrysalis still wasn't sure what to think about this whole situation, and this stallion in particular. No one has ever saved her, and even more so among the ponies. Slowly approaching the stones, she continued to think about it. But when she finally stood in front of the blockage and tried to use magic on it, she frowned and said in a heavy voice.

— This is bad, the already damaged shard, shattered into even smaller pieces, connecting with the stones in the rubble. Now its properties began to apply only to the stones in the rubble, and without the ability to calibrate it, even my magic will be blocked.

After a heavy sigh, she added:

— I'm afraid I'm powerless here.

Starlight also heard these words, and began to walk in panic from side to side, scratching her head with a hoof, and thinking.

— What to do, what to do...? I can't just start to destroy the rock in all places, otherwise I will cause another blockage, or worse, bring down the interior of the cave. Ouuh, what to do...?

She repeated this question until she heard Alan's voice on the other side of the rubble.

— Hey, Chrysalis. Does this cave have any other way out?

The mentioned mare, strangely distorted her expression, and replied:

— Yes there is. But it leads to a very strange and unpleasant place. I was there only a few times, and both times in the guise of the local population, but even so, it was very difficult for me to pretend to be them, and once they even tried to shoot me, from some strange metal thing.

She told this with a very distorted face, as if even remembering it she was uncomfortable.

Listening to her explanation, Starlight opened the map, and Alan asked the question:

— Were they Griffins?

— In general, yes, but they looked a little unusual, and they wore these strange uniforms that cannot be copied with my abilities. Well, its functionality at least.

Hearing this, Alan shouted.

— Starlight, did you hear that?

— Yes! Apparently, this is the same settlement that Twilight told us about. It looks like we still have to visit it.

With a heavy sigh, the purple mare ascertained. With a nod, Alan agreed and said.

— Then it is decided, we will move through the cave, towards the other exit and go to the settlement of these griffins. And at this time you walk along the cliff, and try not to stumble upon them ahead of time, apparently they are not very friendly. Better use teleportation, it will be safer. When we meet, we can plan our next steps. Well, we will also finish sorting out our relationship with Chrysalis, and I hope this time without any health threats.

Hearing his last words, Chrysalis hissed in his direction, but did not argue, Starlight smiled slightly and replied:

— Okay, be careful. You both!

— As if I need to be afraid of something...

The changeling queen muttered quietly under her breath, deciding to go first in order to stop hearing these pony sentiments. Shaking his head with a smile, Alan said.

— Okay, Starlight, we're leaving, I'll see you on the other side.

— Don't say it that way, you dummy!

Starlight was outraged by the ambiguity of his words, to which Alan only laughed, and replied:

— Ha-ha, I was just joking, see you at the exit!

With these words, they went in different directions, but with one endpoint. Having caught up with his new companion, Alan understood that this journey would be clearly very unique.

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Author's Note:

After going through a lot of problems and pressure, I was finally able to write a new chapter and published it on my Boosty. That is why I am finally posting one old chapter here. And by the way, I decided to ditch the volume-based numbering, and just decided to assign a linear number to the chapters.

If you want to support me as an author, or get access to 4 new chapters a little earlier than others, then you can subscribe to my Boosty (russian analogue of Раtrеоn) and read it right now.

My Boosty profile link: (site name) dot (to) /silentdudestory

Or you can just find the link in my Webnovell profile, or in the fanfic description.

Thanks to everyone who is still with me!