* * * * * * * * * *
Alan and Twilight had attracted some attention on the way to the restaurant, but it wasn't much, as there was hardly anyone on the streets of Ponyville at this late hour.
When they reached the right restaurant with the name "Velvet Taste", Twilight said:
"There! This is the very place I wanted to show you. It serves incredibly delicious food. Sure, it's a little pricey, but that's no problem for me!" Saying this, the mare was both proud and embarrassed at the same time. The embarrassment came from the fact that this was the first time she had flaunted her privileges of being a princess for such a minor boast.
Arching an eyebrow with a cheerful grin, Alan nodded and replied:
"Well, the view of the place from the outside is pretty good. I can't wait to sample the local specialities."
After saying that, the couple went inside and were immediately greeted by a waitress:
"Ah, welcome..." The mare waitress finally took a closer look at the newcomers, and was stunned. In front of her was Twilight Sparkle, one of the princesses of Equestria, dressed in an elegant gown, "Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our restaurant!"
The mare made a slight bow, then shifted her gaze to her companion. He was an extremely handsome stallion with beautiful ruby eyes, dressed in an unusual black and red outfit. In her humble opinion, he was quite hot, and good enough to accompany the princess to the Restaurant.
Nodding her head, Twilight said:
"Ah, no need for formalities. Tonight I just want to eat well and relax."
"Of course princess, please follow me, I'll take you to our best seat," the waitress turned around, and shrugging off the initial surprise, led the group to the best table in the restaurant.
At this time, the restaurant's cook was informed that Princess Twilight had visited the restaurant again, which was both good news and bad news at the same time. Every time this happened, he was terribly nervous, as he was afraid that if his dish didn't please the princess, his job as a chef in a restaurant like this could end up with him being fired. Of course, he had heard that Princess Twilight was a very smart and kind princess, but he definitely didn't want to risk cooking a meal with his usual attitude.
Just at that moment, a certain pink mare entered the kitchen area, which immediately turned the cook in her direction, interrupting his musings, after which she said:
"Daf! I need a favour from you!"
As he looked at her, he immediately recognised her as his friend Pinkie.
"Pinkie Pie? What... what's the favour?" Daf wasn't quite sure why she was suddenly asking him something like that, especially at a time like this.
"Ah, it's simple. I just need to take your place!" Saying this, Pinkie smiled oddly.
Looking at her, Daf was a little taken aback and replied confused:
"Ah... of course..." and then, he finally realised the full extent of it, "stop what?"
But it was too late to question, as Pinkie had already squealed with joy:
"Great, thank you so much, I owe you one!" she said as she darted around the kitchen, gathering up Daf's things so he could leave the restaurant.
* * * * * * * * * *
In another part of the restaurant, one of the waitresses was separated from the rest. She was standing in front of a grey mare, whose emotionless gaze created a kind of awkward atmosphere.
"So... What did you want, Miss..." The waitress piped up, waiting for the grey mare to call her name.
"Maud," the mare replied monotonously, "And I want your assistance within the hour."
Staring in surprise at this strange pony, the waitress asked:
"Um... I'm actually at work right now. And... what exactly do you want assistance with?"
There was another awkward pause before Maud pulled out a jingling pouch from somewhere and handed it to the confused waitress.
She looked inside the pouch and her eyes widened in surprise as it was filled with a whole bunch of rare and precious stones. Seeing her reaction, Maud asked again monotonously:
"I want your assistance. For an hour. Deal?"
Looking at the bag of jewels and the emotionless face of the grey mare, the waitress swallowed her saliva and smiled politely and replied:
"Ah, well, of course I'm willing to help a dear customer with whatever she needs!"
Raising a barely perceptible smile, Maud nodded, and replied:
"Good, then here's what you need to do..." Maude moved closer, starting to whisper something in the waitress's ear.
* * * * * * * * * *
Twilight and Alan had been sitting at their table for some time now, waiting for the waitress to arrive with the menu. Twilight knew some of the dishes, but today she wanted to try something new. But alas, the waitress who had met them recently had disappeared and would not return.
However, it wasn't such a big problem, as she had been chatting with Alan all this time, which was a very pleasant pastime.
"That's how I became an apprentice to my mentor," Alan finally finished his story.
"Sounds like he was interested in you for something, considering he offered to teach you himself. Princess Celestia also took me on as an apprentice once she learnt of my abilities."
"Yeah, I guess you and I are pretty similar in that," Alan grinned, looking at the mare in front of him.
The stallion suddenly remembered something and asked:
"By the way, the waitress is running late. Are they having a full house tonight?"
He wasn't sure, for they had been taken to a private room where apparently they served "special" guests. Alan had been in such "VIP" rooms many times in his past world, so he wasn't particularly surprised. However, the waiters couldn't afford such tardiness when serving these rooms.
"Yeah, I didn't expect it myself, they usually don't stay this late. I wonder what happened?" Twilight brought her hoof up to her chin, looking thoughtful.
It was at this moment, that the waitress finally came into their room, where she immediately bowed with a smile, and said:
"I apologise for the wait. There was a slight problem in the kitchen. As compensation, all the dishes provided to you will cost you half price."
"Oh, how fortunate," Alan always appreciated a good discount.
Twilight just nodded, and said:
"Oh, is that what it is? Well then, thank you for the discount," here the purple alicorn looked over at the waitress, and looked at her questioningly, "where's the menu?"
"When the chef heard you were coming, he prepared special dishes for you that are not on the menu," seeing the look of doubt on their faces, she immediately decided to add, "He worked very hard, meticulously selecting every ingredient, so please don't refuse at once, and at least try it. If you don't like it, then we won't charge you at all."
Twilight looked questioningly at Alan, waiting for his decision. She was the one who had brought him here, so it made sense to ask his opinion first.
Realising what she wanted, Alan just shrugged, and nodded to the mare with a smile, letting her know that he didn't mind. Nodding back at him, Twilight returned her gaze to the waitress, and said:
"So be it. We'll sample this mystery menu from your chef."
"Wonderful!" the waitress was clearly pleased, and seemed to become less nervous, "then I'll go and inform the cook of your agreement. If you need me, you can ring this bell here and I'll be right over," saying this, she placed a rather large bell with a marble handle on their table.
After that, she immediately left. Seeing her strange behaviour, Alan asked:
"Didn't you find her behaviour a little strange?"
"You think so?" Twilight bowed her head, "perhaps she's still nervous about my presence?"
"Perhaps," Alan nodded thoughtfully.
«After all, what bad thing could possibly happen in a restaurant?» thinking this, Alan continued his interaction with Twilight.
* * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Pinkie finally got a report from their new 'recruit' that the 'targets' had agreed, and grinned contentedly:
"Great! Now then, I'll show you my true powers of cookery! My forbidden-secret recipe for mango cupcake with chocolate sauce will finally reveal its love power to the public! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Pinkie laughed maniacally, thus straining the poor waitress.
Maud, meanwhile, was preparing a list of things the waitress would have to do to make her and Pinkie's plan a complete success. So, as Alan had expected, nothing bad would happen, but that didn't mean there wouldn't be any surprises.
So, after a while, Pinkie finished cooking and the food was served. Except, the dish wasn't the only thing the waitress brought. In addition to the food, she brought scented candles, which she arranged in the room. Alan didn't even pay much attention to it at first, as he thought it was just a normal plan to serve the VIP room. However, things got weirder, for before he had even spoken to Twilight for a few minutes, the waitress returned to set up a music player, not the usual kind of music, but a romantic one.
Alan looked at Twilight and realised that the mare had also felt a strange and awkward feeling from the waitress's actions. But the most embarrassing thing happened next, for by the time they had finished the first course, the waitress came in, brought a new course, and taking the plates, she put a key on the table, saying:
"This is the key to this room. If you need any privacy, feel free to use it. I'll be waiting for your signal in case you need anything. Enjoy your time," Saying this with a sly smile, the mare quickly walked out the door, leaving the surprised couple to their tampered fate.
"Well, that was weird," saying this, Alan scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed smile looking at Twilight.
"He-he-he... Yeah. Usually, the service here isn't so..." the mare looked around the room and circled her hoof in the air, trying to find a word, "so conducive" Finally finding the right one, the mare looked at Alan with the same embarrassed smile.
Alan nodded in agreement. At that, he finally shifted his gaze to the room key, and said:
"I think that waitress thought we were a couple."
"Looks like it..." Twilight also looked at the key, "that would explain how she was trying so hard to create a romantic atmosphere."
"Right..." Alan thought for a moment, then smiled, "Well, she did a good job. Dinner with you really did turn out to be a great end to the day, and that VIP room played no small part in that. I'm glad you brought us here.
"Yeah, me too," Twilight's face covered in a small smile, "although, it's a little unfortunate that this evening is already coming to an end."
Alan thought about it for a moment, and remembering all her behaviour that day, he decided to take a chance and say:
"Well, you know, we don't have to end the day right now," saying this, Alan grinned slightly, and nodded his head towards the keys.
Twilight stood still for a good five seconds while she digested Alan's signals, and then, when her thought processes were complete, a bright and embarrassed smile flashed across her face as she disappeared in a flash of magic along with the keys, and appearing near the door, she immediately locked it.
Finished with that, she immediately turned towards Alan, and staring at him uncertainly said:
"I… i hope you mean exactly what I think you mean..." Twilight's eyes showed hints of anticipation, excitement and fear all in one.
"That depends on how grand a finale to the night you desire," saying this, Alan looked rather confident, looking at the mare with a rather defiant, and even a little predatory look.
His words made the mare's body skip a wave of goosebumps, as it was exactly what she expected. After looking into his eyes for a few more seconds, she swallowed slightly, and with an uncertain gait began to walk slowly towards him.
Alan himself had already risen from the table and took a step towards her. At the same time Alan did not take his gaze away from the eyes of the excited mare. Finally reaching the stallion, Twilight stopped just ten centimetres away from him, not knowing what to do next, as this was the first time she had ever taken part in something like this. Until recently, she had never even allowed herself to think about such things, fearing that unfortunate curse of the Alicorns.
Fortunately for her, Alan had extensive experience, and knew exactly what to do. So, he tilted his head slightly forward, and looking the mare in the eye, said:
"Well, have you changed your mind yet?"
The tense mare stared into his eyes for a few more seconds before she finally got her act together and without further ado tilted her head forward, bringing their lips together in a kiss.
It was sweet, gentle, and rather inept. In a way, this kiss could be called innocent. It was obvious that this was an extremely new and unfamiliar experience for Twilight.
This was very different from what Alan usually experienced with other mares. All the previous mares had been quite wild, and somewhat reckless. Twilight on the other hand seemed rather cautious, and one might even say studying. In his opinion, it was quite a nice change of pace. At least for the first few steps.
The mare gradually grew bolder, trying new ways to deepen and refine the kiss. At one point, she pressed herself against Alan's body, wrapping her hoof around his mane and sinking into it like a cloud.
At one point, Twilight's eyes widened as Alan finally decided to use his tongue to wrap around her own. He earned a soft moan from her, after which the mare began to take the initiative, closing her eyes again in this hitherto unfamiliar feeling.
Finally, after a few minutes of sensual kissing, the pair parted their lips, with drool stretching between them, which quickly broke off. Looking into each other's eyes and breathing slightly deepened, the couple stood still for a moment, after which Alan chuckled a little as the look on Twilight's blissful face was something he certainly couldn't have imagined before. Still, she was a special character to him in the show, as she was the reason why he decided to continue watching the show beyond the first two episodes.
And after a while, watching her growth and progress, Alan couldn't help but feel a certain kinship with her, or something like that. So this kiss with her was something special, akin to the fulfilment of a silent and secretive dream that he himself had no idea about.
Twilight herself, seeing him laughing as he looked at her, was embarrassed and said:
"Hey, don't laugh. It's my first time after all, so don't blame me for enjoying it to the fullest."
Smiling, Alan only shook his head, and moved forward to surprise her with another kiss. At the same time, Alan finally activated his magic, covering his hooves with a projection of his hands, which he immediately began to caress the mare, from her mane to her shivering body.
Twilight was literally thrilled by such actions. As an educated pony, she had, of course, read all materials concerning pony relationships, mating, and other similar topics. That meant that she should know at least as much as the ponies that had already tried this "activity". It was only when she found herself in a real situation that Twilight realised that either her materials were extremely incomplete, or Alan had far more experience than the ponies who had written the books she had read. The mere thought of it stirred the mare's inner apprentice. She was literally anticipating how the stallion would teach her body as well as herself all the depraved things he knew.
«Oh stars, those touches of his are so extraordinary!» Waves of electricity travelled through Twilight's body from Alan's hands.
At one point, Alan surprised Twilight by picking her up in his arms and carrying her over to a couch against the wall. As she sat down, Alan looked at her aroused body with his predatory gaze, and then said:
"I'll warn you right away that this room is poorly soundproofed, so if you're concerned about being overheard, just say so and we'll go no further than a certain threshold," seeing the excited mare nodding at him, Alan smiled, "that's one thing, and two, I want to know if you're okay with the fact that I already have a couple... no, several mares in my family herd. Do you have a problem with that?"
"I..." upon hearing such a question, Twilight quickly regained her seriousness, "I know you have a very unusual relationship with Pinkie and Maude, so I knew what I was getting into from the start," an embarrassed smile appeared on her face, "and when I found out how well you can satisfy a mare, my doubts disappeared completely. So don't worry, I'm fully aware of the situation and I have no problem with it."
Looking into her honest and eager eyes, Alan couldn't hold back a happy smile, and nodded in reply:
"Wonderful! Then, let me show you why my girls appreciate me so much."
With those words, Alan literally pounced on the enthusiastic and excited Alicorn, intending to completely shock her incredible mind.
* * * * * * * *
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Thanks to everyone who is still with me!
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