Second Book Epilogue

In the insides of Vallar Gate, the warships sent by the alliance had all arrived and formed a perimeter around the forest. Kan and the Azure Garden members were in a resting room taking the necessary care.

A soldier was standing next to Katherine who was the least hurt of the group, asking some questions. "So are you saying another entrance to the mysterious underground labyrinth has been found and more mutant beasts were seen close by. Not only that as you are calming your team has spotted the former adept Arthur Kirstein who was believed to be a demon follower..."

"Not a follower, he's a true pure-blooded demon and the highest in raking we have ever seen. While he didn't show his demon form, we saw him speaking in a unknown language, probably the one used by high class demons. His intelligence is greater than most demon and given his human-like appearance, infiltrating in the association must have been quite easy."

The soldier kept a non-comical face as he typed everything on his wrist computer. "I see... During the incident, two highly powerful and very similar energy signatures has been detected by our satellite. I assume one of them is the Rogue Adept Kirstein, but who is the other one? Can you explain why exactly?"

Katherine as well everyone in the room other Kan, who didn't understand any of their words had their faces turn ugly. No one knew what to say.

Since it was already known to the association the fact Thomas has lost his powers, saying it was he who appeared to rescue them would only serve to increase the suspicious upon him. Worst was that even now, the association has forbidden all entry to the forest so they couldn't even look for him first.

Taking a slow breath, Katherine gathered strength as she gave her reply. "I don't know. It was person immersed in orange water drops, we don't know where he came from. Our team was too focused on escaping that we didn't look back to see their faces more clearly."

"Really a don't think so." A new voice entered the conversation as a frail old man with short white hair and glasses walked in through the door. Feeling it was just a ordinary man and not an adept that entered, the soldier was startled at first but when he saw the face of the man. His attitude then had quick turn as he respectfully greeted the man. "Chancellor Udanta..."

Alice who was resting on a bed frowned upon seeing the appearance of the chancellor as she cursed her own misfortune. If there is somebody she feared most, it would be him not the her traitorous disciple but this senior of hers.

Jalal Udanta, an old officer than has been working even before the creation of the Human Alliance. Initiated his career right four years after the pandemic in the 20s, worked in the intelligence service for a couple years and was promoted to a division leader around the first invasion of dimensional creatures.

He's somebody that has done a lot for humanity as a whole, the problem is that this man hates adepts. Well not just adepts but all the technology and creations we made since discovering Animanium.

Despite the current position of adepts as important people adoraded by the public, the alliance is not that united.

So, Udanta, with the help of couple more old officers and council members joined together to form the Anti-Adept Faction.

With strict politics and rules they wish to implement to decrease the influence of adepts in the society, creating movements of hatred against adepts claiming it is done to protect the civilians against the way more powerful adepts. Fortunately, none of their laws have been approved by the council since most of the chairs are aligned with the current society of adepts and civilians working together.

For this famous figure to be here, Alice immediately realized it must not be a good thing. Stepping further inside, the took a small portable projector and put it on the table.

"According to the investigation I have made, this second person is the young recruit of your team. His ascension from a civilian to a 3-star adept in less than 3 months surprised me a lot and after investigating, came across some vital information."

The projetor turned on, showing a large image of a street. A red rift oppned right in the center of the city, gray demons poured out in the thousands and it was massacre.

Seeing the familiar footage, Clarisse nearly bit her tongue as she saw a blonde girl and a youth boy trying to rescue some of the civilians.

Everything followed as it happened until Thomas turned back and attracted all the demons to him. With only a training knife, he cut off over dozens of demons before a high rank demon caught sight of him and threw a killing blow.

A spear penetrated through his heart and impaled him, Katharine and the others who had no idea this happened watched in horror as Thomas died before their eyes.

The second he drew his last breath, the yellow chain he carried on his wrist shone and a yellow portal swallowed his body which was nowhere to be seen.

By this point, Alice was sure there is something special about Thomas. While she didn't know if he was a demon like Arthur said, there were no doubt Thomas was more than human.

Right after, it changed to more recent times, the battle in the forest. When everyone escaped, Thomas with a pair of orange horns and wings fought Arthur.

Now everybody was shocked, fight is happening only right now... How did the chancellor get to see these images in real time?!


They all saw how thomas was beaten unconscious by the other demon who didn't even unleashed his true form.

"THOMAS!!!" Clarisse lose his mind when she saw how Arthur hit a punch in his head and got up, rushing straight to the door.

"Stop." Everybody else of the team held her back, yet she still struggled while screaming. Together they all watched as THomas was brought away by the Demon Prince into the sky rift.

'noooo....' Clarisse who was struggling just moments ago broke down in tears when she saw him entering the rift. To them who had never seen what is on the other side of the rifts, entering in one was a death decree. Crawling on the floor, she just stood there and cried as she thought of that.

Seeing their reactions, Udanta was now sure they knew more than they were letting out and his old face blossomed in a ugly smile. "According to the human Alliance law number 1306, knowing yet keeping secret the identity of an alien is a crime that can result in death. But death sentence is too much given all the work you has done for the alliance. Therefore, I announce that all members of Azure Garden Union are imprisoned for crimes of treason and hiding an unidentified Alien."