Little Talk

"Oh? Kuro. You have woke up! good afternoon.(?)"

"Good afternoon Botan-Onee-chan..., who's that miss, there?"

"She's Yukihana Lamy. I've picked her up at winter elves territory, ah Lamy... this is-, wait, are you drunk?"

When Botan turned her head to look at Lamy who was drinking booze, she noticed that the winter elf's face was red and she was shaking slightly in left and right.

"shishiro~n why...'d you cheat on... zzz..."

as time passes, the winter elf's eyes get closed and finally, her head was on the white lion's shoulder. she couldn't finish her sentences before she slept.


The white lion sighed and it seemed like this wasn't the first time it happened.

"by the way, Kuro, have you created a game, yet?"

White lion asked as she holds the winter elves to prevent her from falling.

"I haven't made yet..."

"What? Well, you don't need to hurry up. I can wait. Just call me if you need something."

'This is perfect.(17)'

Hearing the white lion, Kuro smiled slyly as if, he won the business battle.

"Then, Botan-Onee-chan. Could you give me paper, plastic, Normal Ink, Mana Ink, Mana Stone? as many as you can!"

"Hm. Alright. I'll come back when I got the materials! Lamy, wake up. Let's go to Reign Empire and try the famous MakDonald there."

Botan shook the almost sleeping winter elf by her side. it was usual that she is travel to the place she is interested to, or either go somewhere to laze around, maybe sleeping for some days, but this time, she chose to go to the famous empire.

This is because she is interested in the famous Great Burger that even the strongest knight, Leon's stomach got conquered by, as well, getting the materials Kuro wanted. Finally, since she picked up Lamy, she couldn't make her bored, right?

"Wait, Botan-Onee-chan."

Just before the white lion was about to disappear instantly, Kuro called out stopping her steps.

"Hn? What? Kuro."

"Have you ever heard of... grain, or rice? small, white, easy to eat, gets sweeter the more you bites."

"...Nope. I've never heard of it in both of my lion and human life."

'Knew it. No wonder this Japanese guy never ate any rice in his 3rd life! Damn. It's undiscovered, right?(21)'

'Not sure. Maybe that it's an orphanage foods, but the vegetables type of food we ate is weirdly disgusting, you know? Like, it was rushed to grown. Well, there can be many reasons but 'undiscovered' could be also 1 type of reasoning. Well, we'll get to nothing unless we get more information. it may be that 'grain' purely doesn't exists in this world.(17)'

'Oh no...(21)'

"Well, I am going. Bye, Kuro."

"Un. Bye Botan-Onee-chan."

the white flash blurred before disappearing like an illusion.

'Well, then... I am impressed of you, me. You could make my idol be so jealous of you in just a little of time.(21)'

'Yep. I almost thought that I was an harem protagonist... except, it's the Academy Days' plot.(17)'

'You mean School Days? Crap. I don't want to die.(21)'

Yes. Both of them were talking about, not the anime, but the Oni by Kuro's sides. she was silence all the time since Kuro woke up. and that was not because she is dozing off. unusually, she was actually focusing at the matter in front of her.

Although because of the discussion the 2 was, she had no chance to enter so she gave up and waited until the 2 finished, but she didn't expect for the white lion to leave as soon as the both ended talking.

...Alright, it was her fault that she suddenly got sleepy, that she dozed a little bit because it was boring just staring at the 2.(3)

"Ayame-chan. Let's go."

The Oni was already back to her child form and the horn has already disappeared the moment she judged that the white lion was ally. so, the Oni right now was, a little children whose height was a little bit smaller than Kuro.


She nodded, but her face seemed unhappy a bit, even if she tried to hides it. aside the fact from how bad she was at hiding it, it was also that Kuro's the person she is trying to hide it from. Besides disguise magic to completely change the facial, nothing may be able to hide it from him.

"Ayame-chan, are you angry?"

"Not angry!"

'What, she's not angry? Then what is this I am seeing? Calm down, me. Use your every manga knowledge to calculate what she's feeling right now.(17)'

'Tch, tch. You're too slow, me. Look, she is just searching for the answer. Who is Shishiron. When did we meet Shishiron. Did we make some contract with Shishiron so that she became our friend?(21)'

'Ohh~!! You're amazing, me! I thought that you are just an stupidly dumb person like me, me. I didn't thought that in some aspect, you're better than me!(17)'

'Heh, I am not bragging, but I have never missed Ojou's streams and watched all the archives of all Hololive Streamers!(21)'

"I am sorry for not telling you Ayame-chan."

"It's okay."

'''nailed it.(4)(17)(21)'''

Maybe it was because that she wasn't angry first of all, the awkwardness between the 2 has lessened as the Oni smiled to Kuro.

"Botan-Onee-chan is...

Kuro began explaining