First Ancient Language

Kuro refreshed his expression before looking back to Botan. "So… what's the matter, Botan-Onee-Chan?" He didn't' forget to show that brilliant smiles of his.

"The papers you told me before, here it is. As for the cloning technique, although I don't know of it, that playful adult who behaves like children (Maou) knows it. Although, it can't be used at battle as the clones can only carries 5% of the original body's strength, and disappear easily." Along with a long speech, Botan took out a huge amount of papers.

By huge, it was enormous amount. So much that it can easily fills up he entire house, a hundred, no there was more than ten thousand of papers. Without a much effort, the papers was stored inside Kuro's Void Lord's Storage Ring.

"Yess! Thank you for the clone technique!" Of course Kuro had no intention to waste his time learning to Naruto his way out through the fight. To make it simple, he was lazy. To make it more detailed, he wanted to compare.

The so-called clone technique was written in the book which Kuro received. He decided to read it later, since Botan was about to leave.

Kuro took the deck in the table, and threw it to Botan. "Botan-Onee-Chan, take this card with you, since it won't take too long making another one." In responds, Botan nodded and left the place unhurriedly.

When everything ended with Shion bidding the group farewell after playing with the , it was already nighttime. Ayame, still couldn't talk with Kuro, while Okayu was the same as before. As for Korone, she seemed to be more opened up to Kuro, while her desire for his finger seemed to not lessen.

Kuro silently hoped that Korone wouldn't eat his finger when he is asleep.

As such, on the cold wooden floor, Kuro closed his eyes as he submerged to his sleep, as his conscious was about to be submerged, something warm made contact with him—the warmth felt through his clothes.

Slightly opening his eyes, it was a cat. It was closing its eyes, while sticking its face on Kuro's belly. The children was small, but the cat was smaller, this gave Kuro the feeling of having a little sister, although he don't know what is it. "Good night."



"Good morning." After gently patting the cat, Kuro woke up from the spot, then took out the book and read it.

[Mana Clone Technique]

Kuor had a bad feeling. Mana was the source of Virturan—it was the fundamental of all beings. 'The book won't ask me to craft a body, won't it? What should I do… 21 and 17 who disappeared haven't taught me about human body.'

'Hey we're haven't dead yet. (21)'

'Woah! (5)'

'It seems like when you go 'berserk' and the darkness covers you at some point, we will disappear. Maybe it's the negative cell's(?) way to keep us from interrupting you from reaching an 'unknown' point? (17)'

'Heeh~ (5)'

'Well anyway. If we were to craft a clone from beginning, it wouldn't make sense if it's decided that only 5% of the strength can be exerted from the clone. (17)'

'Something you create from the beginning—it isn't exaggerate to say that, that something can surpass ourselves in terms of growth. So what Shishiron said and body crafting just purely don't match. (21)'

While listening to the two talking, Kuro opened the covers and revealed the content inside… Elvin? What surprised him was, the fact that it wasn't written in human languages; Viran, but Elves' languages, Elvin.

This was the first time he've read elvins' aside from the study materials he used for when he was more lonely.

Not to mention, this wasn't just the latest elvin language, it contained some letters that even Kuro don't know what it was. So it made the lines weird.

[If there's a hole, there's a way]

…? Whatever. Decipher it.

It was easy. Create a tens, hundred, even a thousands possibles sentences inside his mind, and pick up the sentence that may match what that sentences should be meant.

Second method was—solve it through the analysis of modern Elvin and ancient Elvin. Try to decipher what is similar, what changed, what the stroke of that line meant, why did they change it, for what did it change.

Even after that, there's still a multiple left sentences, so Kuro experiments it out. Once the letter was solved, it was much easier, as Kuro can have the gist of what that letter meant and learn it, even if he have no idea how to read it.

After deciphering and rewriting the entire notes to different notes, it was finally readable. And although faint, Kuro felt something changed inside his body.

[By bringing out thy mana by thou pores, thou can construct unlimited thyself]

I am sorry but, I don't understand you, ancient person. How do you open up pores? I can open my mouth, open my eyes, open my nose, but pores? Sorry, I am not a cultivator. Wait a minute, did they say to open? They just said to bring out mana, to outside, right?

I am always doing that.

The debuff Kuro received from switching talent were: slower progression in terms of mana controlling - more mental used upon the attempt of controlling mana - mana isn't moving as you want to.

It's like changing from general to commander when you're commanding person. It's more stressing as the person may not obey your order. Although Shion's mana controlling talent were good compared to genius, it was still a heaven and earth differences compared to monster level such as Kuro was.

Now, he can't even release his mana instantly from any part of his body.

Despite the disadvantages, Kuro had no complaint. It was what he did, he made sure to not make any regret. From within the body Kuro tried to let out a mana only to be met with some resistances.

If it was before, the mana without resistances, would be outside his body by now, but right now, it was like a baby, unwilling to be birth from his mother's womb. As he was about to give an stronger push, he suddenly detected the foreign mana inside him.

No, it was his mana, but compared to other mana, first of all, its color was different. If normal mana's color was blue, this mana was pitch black, other mana around it was separated with some distance between the gap, it reminded his childhood: 'Isolation'

Due to this, a feeling of irritation born inside Kuro's brain, as he controlled the pitch black mana with force, and it surprised him how easy that mana was to control, compared to others. Even when he had the monstrous talent in mana control, it never felt this easy.

When he noticed it, this pitch black mana expanded for some space around him. Then with a single thought, the expanded pitch black mana in circular form, was absorbed in, and it formed a silhouette—from silhouette, a color was born, and it took no time for 'Kuro' to be made.

"Ohhh! The 'sense' is shared! This feeling of seeing but not seeing is weird, but it should be okay." Because of the sudden turns of events, Kuro couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment.

"Cute…" and this brat complimented his own appearances, even admitting that he is cute, himself. At this thought of him admitting himself as cute, Kuro couldn't help but cry but there was no tears to be flown.

If your clone was successfully created, what would you do? As for Kuro, it was… "payback time!" With an evil smile, he hid himself as he controlled the clone.