New Home 2

Refrigerators that uses mana to keep the foods frozen…

Kitchen that has many tools including the cooking utensils that Kuro and Ayame bought… fire that uses mana instead of gas.

Table, chairs in the living room—another tables and sofa in the living room… it feels lacking because TVs doesn't exist in this age yet.

But without caring about that, Kuro still laid the furnitures in that way.

In he living room, there were a huge windows person can fit in to get out of house—a curtain to block view from outside or either to block the sunlight.

The same went for the small windows…

"Why isn't there a tv, seriously?" This place looked as modern as it can be. So why are there no TV nor Computer?

"What is TV?" Seeing Kuro slacking in doing his job to design the house, Korone asked him a question.

"It's something… let's see… It's the puzzle pieces lacking in this country." Kuro made his words as simple as it can be while it made no sense.

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" Kuro said to himself as light shone above him.

However before that, Kuro should finish laying the furniture he bought of.

Let me tell the readers a fact. This house were big. Yes despite the prices (140,000 Golds which was originally 310,000 Golds).

If you changed that to earth currencies which is 140,000$ or 14,000,000¥, it is actually quite cheap considering the average prices of house in Earth being more than 250,000$.

But in Virturan—Reign Empire which has just stepped in modern era, 140,000 Golds (original price 310,000) is very expensive.

From that expensive prices came: 3rd Floored House and a garage.

1st Floors had 1 kitchen, 1 living rooms, 1 toilet, 1 bathroom (yep toilet and bathroom is separated).

2nd Floors had astonishing 6 rooms and another toilet.

3rd Floors had 1 rooms… maybe for stargazing?

Not just its location, the house itself were also good. This was why many tried living in this house despite hearing the rumours of 'it is haunted.'

What Kuro find was… why would they scared of this adorable ghost?

To answer that, let's ask someone else.

"Hm? About Rushia-chan?" Korone thought for a moment before answering.

"At first, I was scared because… hmm…? How do I say it… I felt that I will die just by getting closer to her."

"But it's no problem anymore! After talking with Rushia-chan, I found that she is a good girl! And… even pitiable!"

"I want to keep being friend with her!"

And so her childish answer is. To make it simple: Deathly Aura—the types that make you feel closer to death just by getting near her.

Of course it had no effect to Kuro.


It didn't take long for Kuro to lay down the furniture because of the help of his Storage Space. Not to mention, furnitures weren't too heavy for the current Kuro.

"We're done. Everyone sit here to sofa. And write your name to this board… oh before that, let's play Rock Paper Scissors to choose our room. Rushia-chan, do you want to participate?"

Just in case, Kuro asked her.

"Ah… ye-yes!"

Rushia on opposite side, seemed having a trouble getting used with multiple peoples—as time passes, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Okay." Smiling to her, all person in the living room brought their fist forward as…

Rock Paper Scissors! This battle will be legendary and it will surely change their life from now on!

As no trickeries were used on this game, the result went as such:

1st: Ayame. 2nd: Okayu. 3rd: Kuro. 4th: Rushia. 5th: Korone.

"Yay! Yay! I won! Then… this room!" The room Ayame chose were fairly big and it had the locations advantage.

The advantage were: close to toilet - close to the staircase leading to either upper floor and lower floor.

After having her room chosen, the attention went to Okayu who won the 2nd rights to choose.

"Hmm… I can't decide so~ Kuro~ Choose your room first!" In contrasting to Oni's quick decision, Okayu were having a trouble choosing.

'What is there to be troubled with?" Or so Kuro thought but he just nodded.

"Which one should I choose~♪ almighty god shall choose~♪" Kuro moved his finger rhythmically based with each words he said.

How coincidence! When the music ended, his finger stopped at the room next to the Oni! This must be a fate!

Or so, Kuro made it look like that… stupid pride.

"Then, I'll choose my room here!" Barging in from his side, Okayu jumped up riding her childish body to Kuro's tiny shoulder.

The room she choose were next to Kuro. Reason were unclear but it's just room choosing. There's no need to ponder too deeply about it.

Well… one person—dog was overly thinking about it. Guessing the reasons, her face became even weirder and complicated as time passes.

"Uhm… then I will choose this room." The room Rushia chose was like Ayame—close to toilet and te staircase.

As the last person and without a choice, Korone's room—like Okayu, were farthest to the ladder. Which also meant that Korone's room were the farthest to Okayu's.

At this thought she was dispirited as she turned four-legged in the floor. However she didn't complain because she is a good doggo.

For simpler visuals, their room went like this.

Korone's Room - I - Rushia's Room - I - Toilet - I - Ayame's Room - I - Kuro's Room - I - Okayu's Room - I - Empty Room.

"Did everyone write their name in the boards? If so, can you give it to me?"

The rest of five nodded as they gave their board to Kuro—each one had their name on it with uniques handwriting in it.

Since there were enough spaces, Kuro specially gave his all as he wrote an illustration.

[Butterfly] for Rushia. [Soul] for Ayame. [Cat] for Okayu and [Finger]… no.

Kuro erased the illustration he wrote as he wrote another one. [Dog] for Korone. Each one were simple and quick to draw—as well, cute.

"Kuro, are you not going to write a drawing for your board?" Ayame raised her hand confusedly while asking Kuro.

In respond, Kuro smiled. "I don't know…"

"I don't know what to describe me." He have never thought about it, but when he actually think about it, what was he?

"Then I will write it for you!" Just as when Kuro began to enter in his own world, Ayame took the board from Kuro's hand happily.

"Ah, that's not fair, Ayamel! I want to write too!" Korone barged in with evil intent.

"No, both Koro-san and Ayame-chan is not good at drawing! I will do it!" Okayu on this one were emitting the flame of fighting spirit in her eyes.

"Can I write it too…?" The ghost also mustered her courage to join in the fun.