Alliance 3

My lazy writing from previous chapter made the whole thing(about elf—especially mana body because I prepared completely different something with same name about it) even more pain.

Also m I think I wrote this before but; I've changed the synopsis and the tags. Because of webnovels' cursed new rules, the tags 'hololive' & 'slowpaced' were erased.

In exchange, I filled up the tags.


'Leave this to me' Akuna sent out an signal to Leon as he went inside the elven nations… alone. From previous fights, that elven decides to give in.

As such, a single person was permitted to enter—although they still can't wholeheartedly trust the humans that they couldn't permit the enter of entire knights.

"@#%¥&@… (Human, you'e the one entering in?)" The elf spoke in confused way, they had thought that Leon will be the one entering.

"@%¥**@… (Well… I am the only one who can speak Elvin amongst our troop.)" Akuna nodded to the elf as the elf nodded in understanding.

As Akuna followed the elven under the watch of his captain and the elven nearby the gate, standing on the top of trees,

the leading elf showered his mana through his feet as the tree-like gate began to widen, showing the entrance to nature elf nations.

The scenery beyond the gate were fascinating, the constructions were entirely different from their Reign Empire, mostly, the houses were built around the trees.

Although there seemed a little inconvenience like Kuro's house, the elven didn't seem to mind it as their body were born to easily climb trees.

Even a children had no troubles at climbing trees… heck, from time to time, Akuna could even see the elf childrens jumping around the constructions happily while playing tags.

From this sight, Akuna have already figured out that the Nature Elf Nations' Citizens' average strength were stronger than theirs.

"@*/#*+@ (Please follow my lead.)" Spotting the stopped Akuna, the elf called him out as Akuna nodded.

Although following the elf's lead, Akuna never forgot to observes inside the country as he figured out one thing. Electricity.

This country doesn't use any electric, to everything, mana were used—in contrast from their usage of electricity and mana—everything here were actually running through mana.

If the Reign Empire were to acquire this mananology—uses one of the most widest resources on Virturan, mana—Reign Empire would have it easy for the uses of limited resources such as electricity… maybe even water.

As such as the thoughts of city manager travelled, the two arrived to the place.

The grand palace of elven—made from wood and stone… yet it's constructions were never inferior from those constructions made in Reign Empire.

The leading elf nodded to the nearby elven as the two nodded—after the leading elven left, the nearby elf pointed toward the huge gate…

Which proceeding to the grandiose hall, he spotted 3 elven in sitting in the round table, drinking a tea, coffee and water.

The one drinking tea had a green hair, his age was impossible to identify as his appearances looked that of very handsome person while his aura was one of that who experienced the life.

The one who were drinking coffee had an darker orange hair, indifferent from the rest 2 elves which had carefree expressions in them, only 'calmness' remained in him.

The last one who were drinking iced tea… wait, this isn't water! This is a damn vodka! Despite her appearance of elegant and refined beautiful ladies, she were drinking a booze… at the middle of meeting.

"(So… why're you here? Are you not busy?)" The green-haired elf said to the rest of two.

"(*hick* I've heard that some humans is coming in your nations to *hick* ask for alliances of peace so I came in…)" The light-blue haired elf said, she seemed drunk as her face were red.

"(Out of whim.)" The sun elves with dark-orange hairs's words count were low.

The three stopped talking at once as they spotted the main character of the room.

"*cough* please sat down." The nature elven chief said in broken Virturan.

"(Thank you, I don't mind speaking in Elvin.)" In return, Akuna sat down on the 4th chair around the roundtable.

"(Mister can speak Elvin? How amazing! By the way, are you interested in mating with our elves? I am sure my citizens would take a liking to a hero like you!)" From the side, the winter elves chief said while amazed.

"(I am sorry but, I will refuse that matter.)" Whilst sitting in the chair, Akuna bowed his head as he wondered.

'Why are the sun elves and winter elves here? And judging by the place they're in, their position should be around the same with the nature elves chief.'

However, Akuna cherished this opportunity—if everything went well, he not only could sign alliances with nature elves—he could sign alliances with the entire elven.

Although the elves nation couldn't live in harmony anymore—it wasn't impossible to have an alliance containing all the three elves nation.

So getting on the point—Akuna proposed his offer.

"(Anyway, may I propose the request of alliance as the representative of Reign Empire?)" Though how much they looked playing earlier, when Akuna got to the point, they turned serious.

The supposedly drunk winter elven women erased the red blushes in her face as she attentively listened to him.

"(So, what's the term of this 'alliances' you're talking about?)" she were the first one to ask from the two.

"(We're not an hopeful country enough to think that the elves nations will willingly trust on us.)"

"(So as an statement before the alliances—please give us a chance… for half a year, Reign Empire will cancel out all sorts of defensive mechanisms to Elves Mana.)"

"(So please use that time to observes us as you may will.)" Upon hearing Akuna's statement, the sun elves chief jumped from his seat out of astonishment.

"(What!?)" It is not surprising for him to react.

Disabling all defensives mechanism toward Elves Mana meant that whatever they do, the Reign Empire wouldn't be able to act anything.

For example: if someone from elves were to try to sneak up inside, the Reign Empire wouldn't be able to knows it. (Maou is excluded because with his power nothing can detect him if he wills it) (Kuro isn't excluded as he is not strong enough).

For more clearer examples: Try imagining Elves Nation dropping nuke inside Reign Empire. Because the defensive mechanism disabled, Reign Empire can't use their defensive tools but have no choice but to rely on their manpower to defend against it.

But Akuna weren't worried about it, after all their country were strong and if the time came, they could hope in that certain guy working at certan MakDonald who have built his own shop near that providences.

"(Yes. Please feel free to use whatever sorts of method to observes about how our country works and judges whether our country is worth trusting or not.)"

Akuna certainly accomplished his first task as he saw the expressions of the three elves.