
On September 8th Of 2018, this all started...

There was a dashing young man, well in his head. He was really a short 5'4 light skinned 14 year old who sucked when it came to getting girls. He has a big forehead and long curly hair but a little spiky. He's a Capricorn and his birthday is January 14th. He's clever, sometimes awkward, funny, super creative, and smart. He wanted to invent super powered suits when he got older but nowadays he wants to make his own anime.

His name is Habakkuk and he is the protagonist of this story.

He thought that it would be too hard to move to this new school and like hell it was.

His family told him it'll be fun and he would have a great time but that obviously was a lie. He would wake up extremely nervous but would still pull through.

Just days before that...

Habakkuk was hanging out with a few of his childhood friends. Dana, Matt, Nakir, Laci, and Adron.

These are people Habakkuk grew up with since he was a little kid.

Dana was a very cool and laid back guy, who grew up with Habakkuk since they were 5. They're also like family as well. He is around the height of 5'7 and he's also a light skin guy mixed with Puerto Rican. He has long curly hair and an edge up. He's also 14 like Habakkuk but is younger by a few months.

Matt is a smart, clever, and kind of hot headed short guy who also grew up with Habakkuk since he was 5. He was around the height of 5'2 and he was another light skin kid. He has a brush cut with waves and perfectly lined up. He's 13, he started school earlier than the others.

Adron is very smart, super nonchalant, caring, warm hearted and a bit lazy but at the same time very hardworking and goal oriented. He and Habakkuk met in 6th grade and became friends. He is around the height of 5'6 and he was a brown skin kid. He has short spiky hair with a widows peak. He's 15 years old, he started school late and his birthday is the day after Habakkuk's, it's January 15th.

Nakir is very hot headed, goofy, creative, short tempered, and a ladies man. He also met Habakkuk in 6th grade through Adron. He has spiky short hair and a fade. He is around the height of 5'8 and he is also brown skinned. He is 15 years old and the oldest of the group, and he also failed a grade. He and Laci date, and he's like an older bro figure to Habakkuk. He tells Habakkuk fantasy stories as if it were a show and he also shares the dream of making an anime with Habakkuk.

Laci is very smart, laid back, caring, and definitely a go getter. She and Habakkuk became best friends in 7th grade. Habakkuk used to have the biggest crush on her to the point where it seemed like he was obsessed but she ended up being with Nakir and he was very heart broken about it, and couldn't wait for the day where they broke up. Nowadays Habakkuk is over it and he loves the two together and he supports the relationship more than anyone else. She is around the height of 5'6 and she's dark skinned with medium curly hair and glasses.

Habakkuk always hung out with them all the time after they walked home from school together. They always either went to Nakir's house or Adron's. They always went places together as well. Whenever they went to the movies or out places they always had dates and Habakkuk was always the one who was left out without any date, he was basically everyone's third wheel and Nakir's wingman.

Habakkuk was spending his last days hanging out with his friends before school started, since he was moving away. He was kind of sad to go but he had to. A new life was about to begin for Habakkuk.. but was it the one he wanted?

A few days later on the start of school...

Habakkuk woke up out of bed, unmotivated. He didn't wanna get up at all but he showered, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and put his clothes on. He would then eat a bowl of fruit loops and look in the fridge for some juice. He looked and saw some orange juice and he glared at it furiously. He would then push it aside and grab the apple juice. He would then spin it around and smile. He would then pour him a cup and make a song about apple juice before drinking it.

He would then head out to the bus and as he got into his seat he put his headphones in, listened to his music and fell asleep.

Later on during the day he would reach AA class, and he would meet a girl named Amy and she was very nice, she even gave him an extra tour and offered him a seat at the lunch table to then meet a cool senior named Ethan who was very funny.

The next day he met a kid named Gabe who was very cool and ended up turning out to be his main friend along with his other friends.. Zane, Ari, Edan, and Juliette.

He would now be used to having these nice friends until some of his classes were changed a week later.

He was furious and his mother was too but there was nothing they could even do thanks to the "REGENTS" who messed him over.

He would have to take the class that he always hated and failed on the "REGENTS" it was algebra!!!

But somehow the kid pulled through and he went to the class and he was a little nervous but determined and then he met this girl who would change his life forever! Her name was Kayla…

He was interested in her and he was having a battle in his head whether or not he should ask for her number or Snapchat but guess what? THE KID ONCE AGAIN PULLED THROUGH and asked her and she softly said "Kayla/Jewels" and the kid was very happy and she asked what bus does he get on and he tried to calmly reply "617 what about you?"

She then would go onto say "594" and then they would both say their goodbyes and headed off to their bus.

As soon as he got home he added her on Snap right away and an hour later she added him back and they had a good conversation until she revealed someone she knew was already interested in her and she told him "YOU DESERVE BETTER" he was understanding like a mature guy would in a situation like this.

A week later he would then talk to gabe about how he wished she was still talking to him and how he felt awkward around her and later on that day, they had the same class and it was extremely awkward for both of them but he would listen to music to get over the shivering feeling inside of his gut.

Later on as he arrived home he would get a text from her. She had to let him know that she was sorry and he understood and she informed him that the relationship just wasn't working and they thought it would be better to just remain as friends.

He was relieved to hear he had a second chance and from now on they would call each other and sit next to each other in school and one day he revealed he was gonna ask her out during his sister's halloween party but she wasn't able to come sadly so he was peer pressured by Zane into doing it in school that day.

And so he did and it ended up great for him at first even though asking her out at the library instead of his Halloween party was awkward, she thought it was still clever and cute.

She wasn't able to make it to the halloween party due her parents wanting to get to know him first before she can go over to his house, but he and his mother found this response understandable because his mother was looking forward to meeting her but as a mother she felt that before all of that happened it would be best to the girl's parents to earn his trust first.

A couple of days later it would be 5 in the morning as Habakkuk would get a text to his phone… She would send him a huge paragraph and go on to say "I'M SO SORRY I BUT I THINK WE SHOULD JUST BE FRIENDS AND GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER MORE BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE THINGS WERE RUSHED AND WE CONNECTED BETTER AS FRIENDS"

His pride would shatter as he felt lifeless without a soul and his spirit was crushed he couldn't even go to school that day. All he wanted was his mother's comfort and to sleep. And trust me, he didn't get that wish but he had some time to heal. He was more than happy to still be friends with her.

Habakkuk:That was my life before everything got a whole lot better!l