The Strange Encounter

They would appear in the city where a man was shooting purple blasts out of his hands.

Kayla:Hey! Stop doing that to these poor people!

Man:And you are?

Kayla:The name is Kayla and I'm gonna stop you from evil!

Man:Well my name is Joe Danger and I don't give a shit!

Habakkuk:Ummm… What's going on here? I just wanna go back to school… But I might miss out on this good opportunity to see this great fight! Besides, school is kinda far from us anyway.

Kayla:Well then pick on me you psychopath weirdo!

Joe would go charging at her, swinging punches and kicks. But she'll dodge easily and punch him in the face, sending him flying into the ground.

He gets up with a bloody lip and would jump into the air about 30 feet high and he goes for a powerful punch and he goes flying down towards her and she would dodge and his fist would get stuck into the ground and she would kick him in the back, sending him flying into the air and then she would appear right by him and sledgehammer him to the ground.

Then she repeatedly punched him in the chest then she charged up a final stront punch and then she would throw it but just as she was about to land it his eyes would glow yellow and he would catch her punch then knock her 20 feet into the air with a punch of his own and then he would get up having yellow aura around him as his body went from 6 feet to a buff 8.5 feet and his skin would turn purple and his hair would be from short black hair to a short spiky red.

Joe:It's time for you to die!

Kayla:What the…


Joe would go running at her with insane speeds, so fast that he was already punching her rapidly sending her flying back but still running after her punching her through walls and buildings.

Habakkuk:Uhhh I wanna go back to school now!

Kayla:He's huge!!

Habakkuk:And insanely fast, incredible…

Kayla would try to dodge him under ground but every time she tries to escape, he grabs her by the leg and slams her only to keep punching her into the ground brutally and painful then he would punch her so hard she would go flying above ground and then fly an additional 60 feet then sends her back to the ground with an explosive punch and as he looked like he was about to finish her by strangling her Habakkuk would run over there and punch Joe in the face and would get smacked away super effortlessly and then Kayla would take that Chance to conjure a gigantic magical sword and stab joe in the stomach as her eyes turned purple.

Joe:aaagh!!! My stomach!!!

Kayla would then kick him in the chin knocking him back 20 feet but he would still be standing as he took the sword from out of his stomach and crushed it.

Joe:aagh!! The pain... how dare you! How I was able to be defeated by someone like…

Kayla:A girl? Isn't it too early to criticise me for being a girl and beating you? I know you can heal…

Joe:You do?

Kayla:You're from the demonic race! They can heal from bad wounds and you're just toying around thinking that you have me right where you want me but i know your games demon! I fight against your kind on the daily!

Joe:Clever little witch aren't you?

Kayla:Blame my mother i get it from her

Kayla smiled

Habakkuk:Wtf is going on here…

Joe:I'll put an end to her too after I'm done with you witch!

Kayla:Yeah not gonna happen. So hurry up and heal up so I can carry on with my day!

Joe:Why you little…

Joe would cover the big hole in his stomach with recovered skin and all his blood and gore would disappear.

Joe would make his aura grow big as he gets stronger.


Joe would go charging at her and they both would clash as they are going back and forth punching and kicking each other's fists and legs and then Kayla would jump back and conjure up a magical bow and started to shoot him as he blocked but one would hit his chest as it explodes and he goes flying from the sky to the ground and she would shoot him some more and then conjure a magical lasso and tied him up and then she started punching him in the gut rapidly and then she would kick him in the gut sending him flying into the air and she would appear behind him shooting him in the back with her bow rapidly and then conjured two swords and shot through his stomach and the other in his chest and he would hit the ground very hard and blood would cover the whole ground he laid on.

Habakkuk:This can't be real! This is just a dream… it has to be! I just watched Kayla battle a demon then kill him… This is crazy! I think I need to take a nap.

Kayla:So you're not done yet huh?

Joe would get up fully healed and he would turn extremely buff with a height of 12 feet


Joe would charge her full force at amazing speeds landing all his blows and then he would knock her into a building then started to punch her rapidly

Habakkuk:This is a nightmare!

Joe would go for a gigantic heavy punch and then Kayla would have already stabbed him in the gut with two swords and then she would put her hands on his chest and fire a huge purple magical energy blast sending him flying into the air and then she would fly into the air 10x the speed of sound and she would slice him up and then kick him to the ground. His body still remained but he was just defeated.

Kayla:Should've never called me that

She would then touch his chest and then his body would disappear as she would put his soul in a jar.


Habakkuk would be completely speechless

Kayla:Lets go

Habakkuk:Ummm okay…

Kayla would drop Habakkuk back off at his house and asked to stay for a little while

Habakkuk:I can't have company at the moment i'm grounded

She would then pretend to leave and she would be invisible watching him

Habakkuk would slam the door fast saying "That was a good excuse to get away from her!"

Habakkuk:Mom can I go to Dana's house today?

Kayla:Grounded my ass…

She would then leave

And Habakkuk would be hanging out with his boy Dana.

Habakkuk:Bro you won't believe what I got to tell you!!!

Dana:What is it?

Habakkuk:Powers, witches, and demons!!!

Dana:What Bakkuk??? You okay?

Habakkuk:Nooo!!! I think I've gone insane!! I need to rest. Witches, Powers, Demons, what's next flying cats and dogs?!

Dana:Wtf bro?

Habakkuk would fall onto the bed and wakes up 30 minutes later

Habakkuk:Bro remember that girl i was talking too?

Dana:Yeah why?

Habakkuk:She's a witch?

Dana:What are you talking about bro?

Habakkuk told Dana about everything but Dana only half way believed him

Dana:So this witch or the girl you were talking to fights demon brutes on the daily?

Habakkuk:Well that's what she told the demon before she killed him

Dana:You said she put his soul in a jar?

Habakkuk:Yes! She just touched him and he magically disappeared!


Dana's Thoughts:Yeah this guy is nuts! He's definitely been in that weird school for way too long.

Dana:Are you on drugs Bakkuk?

Habakkuk:Really Dana… Really

Dana would start to laugh

Later that night

They would order a pizza and would be playing the game

Dana:So bro this all happened earlier

Habakkuk:Yes! It's all real I'm not pranking you bro on everything!

Dana:Alright bro i believe you. Besides there's a bunch of suicidal, emo, and gothic kids out there someone has to be a witch

Habakkuk would laugh really hard

Dana:Bro you're trash! Put Dragon Ball Z in I bet I can beat you in that

Habakkuk:You're making a deathwish buddy

They would play the game with Habakkuk winning each time

Habakkuk:Bro you're trash

Dana would laugh

Dana:Shut up!

Kayla would be watching them as she is on her magic broom stick in the air invisible in Dana's room. Dana would go upstairs to the bathroom and Habakkuk would be picking out a good movie to watch.

Kayla:So telling secrets are you?

Habakkuk:What the hell?! How did you get here?

Kayla would shake her head

Habakkuk:You followed me?!!!

Kayla:I see why I did…

Habakkuk:Alright i'm sorry but he's my best friend he has to know what's going on with me

Kayla:You could've asked

Habakkuk:And what would be your answer



Dana:What the hell?! Habakkuk when did she get here?! Wait better question is why did you bring a girl over to my house?!!! You know how my mom is!

Habakkuk:I didn't call her over here, she stalked me!

Kayla:Not stalking

Habakkuk:Technically it is!

Kayla:Technically it's not!

Dana:Ok what the heck is happening?!

Habakkuk:She's the witch bro

Kayla facepalms

Dana:Wait this is her?!


Kayla:Okay guys please don't tell nobody else okay

Habakkuk whistles…



Habakkuk:Fine! I won't

Kayla:Okay good

Habakkuk:Kayla this is Dan… Dana this is Kayla.

Both:Hey nice to meet you

Habakkuk:Now if you can excuse me I'll be going to the bathroom so mingle alittle

Habakkuk would be running down the street trying to escape

Habakkuk:I gotta get out of here! I'm sorry Dana!

Kayla:I'll be right back

Kayla disappeared

Dana:But what about my mom?...

Kayla flies on her broom stick

Kayla:Are you serious? He's unbelievable

Habakkuk:Oh shit!

Habakkuk would run faster

Kayla:You're unbelievable you know that!!

Habakkuk:I'm unbelievable?!!! You're a witch!!!

Kayla:Wow i did not know that… seriously come on

Kayla would grab him by his hood

Habakkuk:Oh no! No no no no!

Dana:They've been gone for a few minutes now

Kayla would appear in Dana's room holding Habakkuk by his hoodie and dropped him on the floor


Kayla:That's what you get

Dana:Really Habakkuk

Dana would start to laugh

Kayla:You can't escape me. You do know that right?

Habakkuk:Dana, if I die it's her fault okay!

Dana:Ummm okay…

Kayla would sigh

Kayla:I'm leaving be good kids

She disappeared

Habakkuk mumbled:Be good kids…

Dana:Your life is crazy bro

Habakkuk:Yeah i know

Later on

Dana:When your mom said this school is gonna have a lot of opportunities for you, you weren't expecting this did you?

Habakkuk:Not at all bro not at all…

And they both would fall asleep

3 Days later

Habakkuk would be in school walking to class


Habakuk:No! No no no no

Habakkuk walks faster but then Kayla would pull him over to her with her magic

Habakkuk:What now?

Kayla:Come with me I need your help


They would arrive at the HQ or Kayla's secret witch lab which is what Habakkuk likes to call it.

Habakkuk:What do you need?

Kayla:I need you to me my testing partner!

Habakkuk:Oooh no! No no no no!


Habakkuk:I know where this leads to! I'm will not be your testing dummy!

Habakkuk tries to run out of her door and he then finds out there isn't an outside. Beyond that door lies a huge void of alternate realities,worlds,realms,and timelines.

Kayla:Yeah you're stuck here

Habakkuk sighs in a crybaby way

Moments later…

Habakkuk is screaming in agony and in shame

Kayla would shoot magical positions onto Habakkuk as he either turned into animals,his body changed or he had some type of physical power temporarily

Habakkuk breathes out fire


Habakkuk would change in many ways until he's way too tired to continue

Habakkuk:Please stop..

Kayla:One more please

Habakkuk heavily sighs

Habakkuk:Fine go ahead

Kayla:Yesss! Thank you

Kayla would charge a big magical energy ball from her wand

Habakkuk:I should've said no. Wait wait wait! Can we talk this out?!

Kayla:Canis lupus transformatio de surface!!!

Habakkuk gets hit with the spell and screams in agony

Kayla:Oh crap i read the wrong spell!!

Habakkuk:You did what?!!!

Kayla:I don't know what I did but whatever it is isn't temporary… It's permanent!!!

Habakkuk:Aaaaaaaaaaagh!!! Make it stop!!! Take the pain away!!! Do something Kayla!!!

Kayla:I'm trying!!

Then suddenly the blast would stop and Habakkuk would fall to the ground covered in hair

Kayla:Oh a hair spell phew

Habakkuk screams

Habakkuk:Aaah!! Shave it off!!!

Kayla did a spell to shave off all of that hair and she would then drop Habakkuk off at school

Habakkuk would carry on throughout his day and then goes home extremely exhausted.

Habakkuk would carry out his regular day life, going to school, coming home, eating, showering, doing homework, watching tv, playing his game, and sleeping.

The cycle would repeat over and over and over, he was perfectly fine

This all went on for about two weeks and a half until…

Habakkuk wakes up from a dream of being chased over and over again every 2 hours of his sleep and this went on for another week.

Habakkuk dreams of a black and white checkers board with him standing on it then it turns into a whirlpool with him being sucked into the middle and each time he tries to escape, chess board knights and horses keeps pushing him into the black and white checker whirlpool while the king and queen laughs at him as a bunch of hands of the dead started to pull him down. Then he falls into a black void where he sees old pale short, fat, and or tall women with dark black eyes pointing at him with their mouths wide open like not normal, like Supernatural! And they had dark blackish red blood oozing from their mouth also screaming like maniacs but not human.